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When Nobunaga led the first squadron in the passage, Gengar quietly returned to him.

When he came to the logistics office, Daze had already brought someone to pack up the materials in the warehouse.

Seeing that Nobunaga brought someone over, Osawa hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter? Does Lady Athena have any other orders?"

Hearing Osawa's question, Nobunaga shook his head and said softly, "The two adults have something to talk about, so I'll bring someone here first."

After the two talked for a while, Athena and Lance walked quickly from the passage.

Walking to the two of them, Athena said loudly: "Let everyone change into their normal clothes, we are going through Rainbow City."

After hearing Athena's instructions, Osawa and Nobunaga quickly asked their subordinates to change their clothes, and they also put on the clothes of ordinary trainers.

After everyone finished dressing up, Athena and Lance took the lead to walk into the elevator, and Nobunaga and Osawa quickly followed.

The four people took the elevator to the ground and looked at the empty rainbow game hall. Athena turned to Lance and said, "According to the plan, you can go first."

After hearing Athena's words, Lance nodded, and then left the Rainbow Game Hall directly.

As the elevator went up and down, the Rockets quickly all came to the ground.

It was dark outside, and seeing that everyone had arrived, Athena gave an order, and everyone quickly walked out of the Rainbow Game Hall.

Under the leadership of Athena, everyone walked aimlessly on the street, walking from south to north, and walked straight out of Rainbow City.

Looking at the wall in front of him, Daze hurriedly asked Athena, "Sir, isn't this the garden of the Rainbow Gym? Our base will not be here!"

Seeing the surprised expressions of Osawa and Nobunaga, Athena smiled, and then said softly, "Yes, it's here."

After all, Athena pressed the mechanism on the wall, and a passage appeared in front of everyone.

After entering the underground base, the two of them realized that the new base was not under the back garden of Rainbow Gym, but beside their back garden.

As soon as everyone walked to the square, Zhen Bird hurried up with the team directly under the headquarters.

After the real bird came to the front of several people, he quickly said: "The three squadrons will be brought to the new base by the elites of the headquarters."

"As for your room, Lord Athena, let me take you there."

After listening to the real bird, Athena and Osawa had no opinion.

However, Nobunaga took out the Poké Ball of Aberdeen and handed it to the city guard, and said, "If the elites in the headquarters dare to ask for trouble, just let Aberdeer out and educate them."

Nobunaga did not lower the volume, everyone heard what he said to the city guard, and the elites in the headquarters turned to look at the real bird.

But the real bird was still smiling, and said softly to Nobunaga, "Have you explained it to Nobunaga? It's time for us to go."

After hearing Ma Bird's words, Nobunaga nodded at her with a smile, and then said, "I'm sorry, Miss Ma Bird."

Under the leadership of the real bird, the four passed through the passage and came to a single-family villa.

Looking at the group of villas in front of him, Daze asked Zhenniao, "Why do you build so many villas in the base?"

Zhen Bird heard Daze's question, took out three keys, and said softly, "This is the rest area for the cadres, and next to it is the training ground."

"This is what Mr. Banmu explained. All the cadres will come back to participate in the annual meeting at the end of the year, so there are more constructions."

After speaking, Ma Bird handed over the keys in his hand to the three of them.

After Nobunaga and the others had seen the house, Mato brought the three to the logistics department again.

"Lord Athena, your office is on the fourth floor, and the offices of the quasi-cadres Osawa and Nobunaga are on the third floor."

After the introduction, the real bird left the base map for the three, and then turned around to leave the logistics department.

But as soon as he reached the stairs, he seemed to think of something again, and he quickly turned around and said to the three of them, "My office is on the fifth floor. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

After Mato left, Nobunaga and Osawa looked at each other and followed Athena into her office.

Seeing the two come in, Athena greeted them to sit down, and then asked, "Do you two have any questions."

Hearing Athena's question, Nobunaga said softly: "Sir, is there really no problem with the new base next to the Rainbow Gym? We just took over the black market."

After Athena heard Nobunaga's words, she said with a relaxed expression: "I thought you were worried about something, but it turned out to be this."

"We have reached a cooperation with Rainbow Gym. The black market here gives them 30% of the net profit. They don't disturb the Rockets in Rainbow City."

After listening to Athena's words, the two understood why the base was built next to the Rainbow Gym.

Then Daze got up and walked to the table, and asked Athena softly, "Sir, which departments will we be in charge of next?"

After hearing Osawa's question, Nobunaga also quickly looked at Athena, and at the same time thought about what kind of arrangement Athena would make to him.

After being silent for a while, Athena glanced at the two of them and said, "You take a break for a while and adjust your state."

After the two heard Athena's words, they were stunned, as if they couldn't believe it.

After reacting, Daze's face showed anxiety, but just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Athena.

"You guys have also been tired for a day, especially Nobunaga is still injured, go back and rest."

Hearing Athena's words, the two understood what she meant, and Nobunaga got up and said, "This subordinate retire."

After the two walked out of the office, Osawa immediately said to Nobunaga, "What does Mrs. Athena mean, let us both go back to rest!"

Looking at the aggrieved expression on Ozawa's face, Nobunaga said softly: "Don't think about it so much, since the adults let us rest, let's go back and have a good rest."

After hearing Nobunaga's answer, Osawa stopped talking, and the two returned to the cadre rest area.

After returning to his house, Nobunaga lay on the sofa and studied the map of the base.

As time passed, Nobunaga read the map in his hand several times, and remembered the structure of the entire base in his mind.

Just when Nobunaga got up to eat something, the contact device suddenly rang.

"Beep beep, beep beep."

Hearing the sound, Nobunaga quickly took out the contact device and looked at the message above.

"My lord, this subordinate's side has been arranged. What is your room number? I'll go and send you the Poké Ball of Aberdeen. —————— City guard~www.readwn.com~ look When the news came from the city guard, Nobunaga sent him the room number.

Ten minutes after the message was sent, Nobunaga, who was lying on the sofa, heard a knock on the door.

After Nobunaga got up and opened the door, the city guard outside the door hurriedly used both hands to hand Nobunaga's Poké Ball.

As soon as Nobunaga took the Poké Ball, the city guard said, "My lord, Mitsuhide has something to do with me, so my subordinates will not disturb your rest."

After hearing the city guard's words, Nobunaga didn't leave him, but said softly, "Just contact me if you have anything."

When the city guard heard Nobunaga's words, he responded and turned around and left the cadre rest area.

After he left, Nobunaga closed the door and lay back on the sofa.

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