The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 197: Smoke bombs and getting out of the chase

At this time, Nobunaga, who had left the Rainbow Base, did not waste time. After releasing the bat in the jungle, he hurried to Deadleaf City to the east.

Standing on the crosshaired bat, Nobunaga looked down at the forest below and shook his head slightly.

"I don't have time to play with you scumbags. See you next time."

After the police officers in the bushes saw the cross-hatched bats in the sky, the police officers who thought they were powerful quickly released elves to chase after them.

The other police officers who remained in the woods picked up the walkie-talkie on their chests and reported the situation to the Rainbow Police Station.

Nobunaga looked at the group of police officers who were chasing after them with flying spirits, without showing any expression on his face, he just said in a deep voice, "Fly with all your strength, get rid of them."

Hearing Nobunaga's order, the cross-haired bat's expression froze, and then he quickly flapped his wings, and instantly distanced himself from the large number of elves behind him.

Although the police officers directed the elves to pursue them desperately, the difference in strength was not so easy to smooth out, and soon the figure of the cross bat disappeared in a white cloud.

At this moment, Jun Sha of Rainbow Police Station has received the news, but there is no nervous look on her face, and she doesn't even move to get up.

A police officer behind Jun Sha saw the scene in front of him and couldn't help but lowered his head silently, and thought to himself, "The news that the director and the headquarters are not compatible doesn't seem to be groundless."

The police station, which was supposed to be busy after receiving the news of the wanted criminal, suddenly became quiet for some reason, and the only thing left in the huge office was the ticking of the clock.

This situation continued until the phone on Junsha's desk rang again.

After learning that the police officer in the forest had lost Nobunaga, Junsha still had no expression on her face, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

On the other side, under the extremely fast flight of the fork bat, he could have reached Deadleaf City within two hours, but Nobunaga seemed to have planned it, and leaned down and said loudly:

"Forked bat, divert to Red Lotus Island, you must arrive within two hours."

When the bat flying at high speed heard Nobunaga's order, the left wing immediately stopped flapping, and the right wing shook slightly, and soon changed the flight direction to the south.

After the bat changed direction, Nobunaga looked down at the forest below with a confident smile on his face.

"Rainbow Police Station will definitely report my flight route. I must have received their news. The Alliance will soon seal the water in the entire Deadleaf Harbor."

Thinking of this, Nobunaga patted his cheek, and said softly, "Variety, rest for a while, the rest of the journey is up to you."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster immediately turned back into his body and slipped into his collar.

Seeing the action of the ever-changing monster, Nobunaga smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to fasten the button on his collar, and said softly, "The wind is gone now, so take a good rest."

Hearing Nobunaga's gentle voice, the Variety Monster in the collar showed a reassuring smile, then closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

And the Alliance Headquarters at the moment is just as Nobunaga thought.

After receiving the report from the Rainbow Police Station, Jun Shasui immediately sent people to surround the entire Deadleaf Port, and also notified Interpol to let them act together.

After the deployment, Jun Shasui, who was sitting on the chair, was still a little uneasy for some reason, so he contacted the gym trainer Ma Zhishi in Deadleaf City, hoping that he could bring his apprentices to ambush at Deadleaf Port. .

After receiving the news from the alliance headquarters, Ma Zhishi couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"The alliance finally used me again, Nobunaga? Whether you can survive depends on your own life...!"

After making the decision, Ma Zhishi immediately walked to the training ground and shouted to the gym apprentices, "Assemble!"

Hearing Ma Zhishi's order, the apprentices in the gym did not panic at all. After they retrieved the elves in an orderly manner, they quickly gathered in the open space next to the training ground.

Looking at the neat queue in front of him, Ma Zhishi looked as usual, and said loudly: "The target alliance five-star wanted postmaster, ambushing in the dead leaf port waiting for the arrest signal, go now!"

After hearing the start order, many gymnast apprentices still looked the same and walked out of the training ground in an orderly manner.

With the police station, the Dry Leaf Gym was all ready, but there was a problem with Interpol and the investigator.


In the Alliance Police Building, Jun Shasui, who was sitting at the desk, listened to the reason on the other end of the phone without any expression on her face.

"The Red Lotus Island is indeed the key point, so you should arrange your manpower there, and we will take care of the Dry Leaf Port."

After finishing speaking, Jun Shasui hung up the phone, got up and walked to the blackboard, calmly wrote down the words Red Lotus Island in front of the words of Interpol.

Then Jun Shasui paused for a moment while looking at the words of the investigator on the blackboard, and finally picked up the chalk silently, connecting the investigator and Interpol together.


At the same time as the alliance's deployment was completed, the first squadron that had left the Rainbow Base had also entered the depths of the Viking Forest, and had settled down in a canyon.

After everyone had set up the tent, the city guard standing at the exit of the canyon gave Guangxiu a secret wink.

Seeing the City Guard's wink, Mitsuhide immediately understood what he meant, and immediately gathered everyone from the First Squadron to his side, and calmly told them the truth about leaving Team Rocket.

When everyone in the first squadron heard what Guangxiu said, most of them didn't have any special reaction. After all, they were not brainwashed by the Rockets, thinking that they would dedicate their lives to the organization.

The reason for joining the Rockets was to make a living. If they hadn't been bullied by the elites from the headquarters, maybe they would have reacted somewhat.

But compared to the real benefits that Nobunaga brought to them, they are all characters who lick blood, who are they not.

What's more, most of them were originally Nobunaga's subordinates, but now they are just returning to the organization.

And they haven't really left the Rockets yet. They just received an order from the quasi-cadre Nobunaga to come out to find the stone that can evolve the double-bomb gas.

After being attacked by a group of wild elves, he had to hide in a canyon with no signal.

The city guard standing at the exit observed the expressions on everyone's faces, and silently remembered those who changed their faces and blinked in their hearts.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Guangxiu said with a smile, "Let's continue camping. Let's have dinner on the spot in the evening and relax."

As Guangxiu's voice As soon as everyone in the first squadron was about to return to their tents, the city guard stood up, called the few people he had written down beside him, and said softly, "How many of you? Get ready, and follow me to find a nearby water source."

Hearing the city guard's order, several people didn't have the slightest doubt and responded quickly: "Vice-captain, we have all our Poké Balls with us, there's nothing special to prepare."

After hearing the words of several people, the city guard turned around and said, "Since you are all right and it's getting late, let's go."

Having said that, he quickly walked towards the forest outside the canyon.

After several people heard the city guard's words, they looked at each other, as if they had noticed something wrong in his words.


The screen returned to Nobunaga's side.

Under the extremely fast flight of the cross-shaped bat, they arrived at Red Lotus Island in just an hour.

Nobunaga looked at the cross-shaped bat that was sucking the blood bag, stretched out his hand to unbutton it, and released the Variety Monster.

"When the cross-shaped bats finish drinking this bag, you will transform into a dragon, and we will go directly across the sea to Tucheng Island."

After speaking, Nobunaga took out the chart from his backpack, pointed to the northernmost island in the Orange Islands, and said softly:

"This is Concave Orange Island, a crescent-shaped island. Remember, don't swim to other places."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster immediately showed a trace of anger on his face, (????ˇ??ˇ????)

It's like saying, "I'm so unreliable! Asshole!"


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