The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 215: Fish Skin Book and Returning Island

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The poisonous sun shone on the sea, and at Nobunaga's urging, Chenglong, who had transformed into a monster, quickly swam to the shore of the deserted island and returned to his body.

Nobunaga, who suddenly fell into the sea, quickly grabbed the Variety Monster and landed on the island. After a busy night, now he just wants to lie in bed and get a good night's sleep.

After setting up a tent in the center of the island, Nobunaga released two elves to warn him, while he walked quickly to the tent, fell on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

Feeling the peculiar climate of the Orange Islands, Miaohuahua showed a pleasant smile, stretched out the vine whip and took root in the ground, and began to enjoy the warm sunbathing.

But the dragon king scorpion standing at the door of the tent was not as comfortable as the wonderful frog flower. I saw him quickly get into the sand and buried his body in the ground, not wanting to have any contact with the sun at all.

Like Nobunaga, who was also tired all night, he fell asleep on the bed after getting into the tent. He was just an ordinary elf, and he couldn't stand it like this.


The gentle sea breeze blows constantly, and the floating clouds in the sky never stop.

When the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, Nobunaga in the tent slowly opened his eyes and looked at the strong sunlight coming in from the window. He immediately woke up and quickly got up and walked outside.

Seeing Nobunaga walking out of the tent, Miao Frog Flower and Dragon King Scorpion hurriedly gathered around him, showing a concerned look.

After seeing the expressions of the two elves, Nobunaga smiled and stroked the carapace of the Dragon King Scorpion and said softly, "You guys are hungry, I'll go prepare dinner for you now."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Miaowahua showed a naive smile, while the corners of Dragon King Scorpion's mouth were slightly open, and a few drops of saliva flowed out.

After taking the portable stove from his backpack, Nobunaga raised the fire and started cooking the kentaero thigh meat and the poisonous fruit he had picked on the island.

When the aroma of the food was stimulated, the ever-changing monsters who were still sleeping in the tent woke up instantly, quickly got up and turned into a monster, and walked out of the tent quickly.

Nobunaga, who was stirring the beef in the pot, quickly waved at him when he saw the Variety Monster walking towards him, and said softly:

"You worked hard for you last night. Take a good rest today. I will take care of the dinner. You can wait for dinner with the wonderful frog, flower, dragon and king scorpion."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster showed a stubborn expression on his face, walked quickly to the stove, grabbed the spoon, and quickly stirred.

Nobunaga looked at the spoon that had disappeared in his hand inexplicably, and the Variety Monster with a stubborn face stirring the broth, and couldn't help but froze in place.

After regaining his senses, Nobunaga showed a smile on his face, patted the shoulder of the strange force that transformed into a monster, and said softly:

"Okay, since our Variety Chef is fine, then my little helper will go to rest."

After speaking, Nobunaga saw that the corners of Variety's mouth rose slightly but did not reply. He immediately understood that it was arrogant, so he turned and walked to the open space beside the tent, took out a chair and sat on it.

Seeing that the Variety Monster was busy beside the stove, the Frog Flower took root and absorbed water, and the Dragon King Scorpion buried itself in the sand.

Nobunaga took out the fish-skin book he obtained in Moon Shadow Island from his backpack with peace of mind, and flipped through the poison formula recorded on it.

"Snake flower venom" and "Seven-step down", these toxins for newbies were directly skipped by Nobunaga.

Turn to the last page and look at the "Five Zang Poison" and "Bibi Poison" recorded above. Nobunaga clenched his fists involuntarily.

"The poison of the five internal organs is actually prepared from the ripe poisonous fruit on the island. Isn't this just using the power of the source to release the poison, it's too extravagant."

"There is also this so-called babe poison, which is directly said to be the venom spit out by the poisonous babe, and then the secondary processing is good, what kind of mystery is playing here."

"Besides, where do I go to catch Poison Babe! I can't go to the ultimate hole, these two formulas are simply insulting IQ!"

After reading all the poison recipes recorded in the fish skin book, Nobunaga's clenched fists gradually loosened, and he said in a low voice:

"Sure enough, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. It seems that I have to go to that sea area again tonight."

At this time, the Variety Monster had already cooked the broth and put it into the two rice bowls and two small bowls next to it.

Seeing that the Variety Monster had finished the food, Miao Frog Hua hurriedly used the rattan whip to hold the cooking pot in front of her, and ate it in a big mouth.

The Dragon King Scorpion didn't wait for Nobunaga's order, ran to the stove, aimed at his rice bowl and started to gobble.

The Variety Monster looked at the eating patterns of the two elves, picked up the bowls of himself and Nobunaga and walked to the tent.

Sitting in front of the small round table, Nobunaga was not polite to Variety. He picked up the small white bowl and drank.

Seeing this, Smelly Mud hurriedly slid from Nobunaga's shoulders to the ground, quickly squirmed to the stove, and ate his own dinner.


After the dinner was over, Nobunaga looked at Frog Flower and Dragon King Scorpion lying on the ground to rest, and said softly, "You two get ready, we'll set off in a while and go back to Moon Shadow Island."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the two elves lying on the ground did not reply, and the Variety Monster who was cleaning up the stove quickly put down the things in his hands, showing a puzzled expression, as if saying

"Isn't Moon Shadow Island already sinking? Why are you still going there?"

Seeing the strangely puzzled expression, Nobunaga explained to the elves:

"Although I'm not sure if there is anything else in it, it's not a bad thing for us to go and see, in case we find a poisonous shellfish."

When the three elves heard Nobunaga's words, their eyes showed contempt.

"You really have to go back to that island for Poison Bebe."

Nobunaga saw the gazes of several elves, without any expression on his face, silently got up and walked towards the tent, and said softly, "Okay, we will set off when it gets dark."

After speaking, Nobunaga walked into the tent and packed his bedding.

Outside the tent, the three elves sighed in unison, and Frog Flower and Dragon King Scorpion immediately stood up and started to digest food around the deserted island.

The Variety Monster also tidied up everything near the stove twice, and hurriedly lay down on the chair to rest while there was still time.

When the sky darkened, Nobunaga walked out of the tent and put the things in the camp back into his backpack.

Hearing the gust of wind in his ears, Nobunaga, who was standing in front of the three elves, directly put the Wonderful Frog Flower Dragon King Scorpion into the Poké Ball, and then said softly to the Variety Monster, "Jump into the sea and transform into a dragon."

After hearing Nobunaga's order, the Variety Monster jumped directly into the sea with a strange body, and only made a cry after transforming into a dragon.

Nobunaga heard the voice of the ever-changing monster, and immediately aroused the poisonous pattern to use the poisonous frenzy, jumped on Chenglong's back through the night vision ability, and said in response:

"Let's go, target the waters of Moon Shadow Island."

Nobunaga gave an order, and Chenglong immediately rowed his limbs and swam to the west of the deserted island.

On the vast sea, only darkness can be seen. Nobunaga holds a compass and directs Chenglong to move forward through night vision.


Twenty minutes later, Nobunaga, who saw the ruins of Moon Shadow Island from a distance, couldn't help but get excited, and hurriedly said to Chenglong, "Keep your balance, transform into a statue, let's fly over!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster showed a dignified expression, and while controlling the center of gravity of his body, he quickly transformed into a quickly flapped his wings and flew into the air.

As Pidiao flew to the periphery of the island, Nobunaga looked at Moon Shadow Island within reach, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

After landing on the east coast of the island, Bi Diao could no longer control his trembling body the moment he landed, and instantly changed back to his own body.

Nobunaga looked at the Variety Monster who collapsed to the ground, and suddenly became nervous, he hurriedly took it into his arms, and asked softly:

"Variety, what's wrong with your body? Are you tired? Or is there a problem with the magnetic field here?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, the Variety Monster gently swayed his soft body, and then quickly got into the Poké Ball.

Seeing that Variety said that he was fine, he went back to the Poké Ball to rest. Although Nobunaga still had some concerns in his heart, he walked quickly to the village in the center of the island.

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