With the sun shining on the bed, Nobunaga slowly opened his eyes and saw that the clock had already pointed to eight o'clock.

After getting up, Nobunaga packed up his belongings and put all the equipment and materials that should be taken away into the space backpack.

Today is the day when Nobunaga and Shitomonyan go to join the Rockets.

Yes, that's right! It's been a week.

After having breakfast downstairs, the three got up and prepared to leave.

Came to the grocery store in the south of the city, stepped forward and made a special gesture for the Rockets, and then met the code again.

Boss Beard let the three people into the back room, and after entering, he asked them what was the matter.

Nobunaga told the boss that the three of them were originally members of the Nibi City branch, but they were broken up after the capture of Nibi City, so they came to Hualan City to find an organization.

After listening to the Boss Beard, he asked the three of them again, "Then why did you come to look for an organization after half a year?"

Nobunaga replied: "Because we were seriously injured in the battle in Nibi City, we had to hide and recuperate first, so it took so long."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the mustache boss looked at Menyan's empty short sleeves, wrote them down an address, and asked them to go there to find a man named Futian.

After the three of Nobunaga found the address, they found that this place was actually a dance hall. After entering, a waiter walked up to them.

The waiter politely said to the three: "Hello! Do you need any help?"

Nobunaga asked him, "Do you have a Mr. Fukuda here?"

The waiter was a little surprised when he heard the name Futian.

Afterwards, he asked Nobunaga and the three of them, "Excuse me, sir, do you have anything to do with our general manager?"

"It was Mr. Fukuda's friend who asked us to come to him." Nobunaga replied to the waiter.

After the waiter listened, he asked the three of them to wait for a while, then walked to the landline and made a call. They led the three to the door of an office on the sixth floor, and then went downstairs.

Upon seeing this, Nobunaga knocked on the door, and there was a sound of "come in", and the three walked in.

After entering the door, I saw a man in a purple suit sitting on the boss chair, breathing clouds.

"The three of you are the boys who participated in the mission in Nibi City?" Fukuda asked while looking at the three.

Nobunaga replied, "Yes, we have participated in the mission of Nibi City."

Futian asked the three of them to name their names, then turned on the computer to check the files, and found the photos of the three of them.

"Well, yes, you are indeed members of the Nibi City branch."

"I'll have someone take you to the Hualan City branch to report later. You won't know the exact distribution until you get there." After speaking, Futian waved his hand and let the three go out.

After Nobunaga and the others came out, they felt a little strange. Fukuda looked like a big man, why would he still care about their small soldiers in the Rockets.

But they couldn't guess anything just by guessing, so they went back to the lobby on the first floor.

The three of them waited in the hall for a while, and then a man who looked like a black-skinned monkey came over, walked to Nobunaga and waved to him, then walked out of the dance hall.

When Nobunaga saw this, he called the two of them to follow him.

The man stopped at a street corner, and when the three of them walked in front of Nobunaga, he said loudly:

"My name is Ichiro, and it's the person that Lord Fukuda told you to take you to the base."

After speaking, without waiting for the three Nobunaga's responses, he turned around and led the way.

After walking to Jellyfish Road, after the entrance of a large factory, Ichiro took out a pass and said a few words to the guard before taking the three of them into the factory.

There was no one in the factory, but Ichiro walked quickly to a workshop. After entering, he pressed a few switches, and the rows of machines were separated from left to right, revealing an underground passage.

Then he led the three of them to the underground passage.

After going down, the three of Nobunaga felt a sense of familiarity. Everyone below was wearing black Rocket uniforms, and some people were sitting with supersonic bats on their shoulders.

Ichiro brought a few people to the logistics department, and after handing over the three to the director of the logistics department, he was ready to go back to Futian.

The head of the logistics department checked their files and asked the three of them to check the elves after they were released.

Then he said to the three: "Stone go to the first squadron to form the ninth squad. As for Menyan, let's go to the second squadron to form the seventh squad."

After finishing speaking, he instructed a Rocket soldier to bring the two of them to get the elite uniforms and assign the dormitory.

Shitou and Menyan looked at Nobunaga and followed the Rocket soldier.

After the two left, the head of the logistics department said to Nobunaga, "You have two choices now, one is to join the elite team as a player, and the other is to go to the Rocket Academy for three months of study."

Nobunaga was a little surprised by the words of the logistics director. Why did the other two go to be team captains, but he would choose to study at the Rocket Academy.

Then he asked the Minister of Logistics: "Can I know why I was given the opportunity to go to the college for further study?"

Seeing that Nobunaga was a little confused, he told him: "The candidate cadre Yingcai recommended you to the headquarters, but it was put on hold because you disappeared. Now that you are back, the recommendation is still valid."

After understanding the whole story, Nobunaga chose to enter the Rocket Academy for three months of study.

After seeing Nobunaga's choice, the logistics director was not surprised. After giving Nobunaga the location of the Rocket Academy in Joban City and the required approval letter, he let him go out.

As soon as Nobunaga came out of the logistics department lobby, he saw the stone gate rock two people waiting for him at the door.

Following the two to Shishi's dormitory, Nobunaga told them about going to the Rocket Academy for further studies.

The two were also a little surprised. Originally, they thought that Nobunaga was stronger and would assign him to the elite team, but they did not expect that he would go to the Rocket Academy for further studies.

After learning that it was the genius of the Nibi City branch who recommended Nobunaga to the headquarters, the two also understood what happened.

Only the fact that Yingcai became an alternate cadre still surprised a few people.

Team Rocket's boss is Banmu, champion strength, all the cadres like the four generals are the strength of the king, and the quasi-cadre, also called the alternate cadre, needs the strength of the quasi-king.

Yingcai can become an alternate cadre. I really don't know how much his spirit has grown in the past six months.

After a few people had dinner in the afternoon, Nobunaga came to a training ground and released the elves. When the elves were active, they prepared their dinner.

After a few elves had eaten and drank enough, let them run two more laps before taking the elves back into the poke ball.

Because Nobunaga only stayed one night, the logistics department did not arrange a room for him, so he had to rest in Shishi's dormitory.

At night, it was time for Nobunaga to think wildly.

I don't know what Vibana City is like, and what is the Rocket Academy like?

However, in the cartoon, Musashi graduated from the Rocket Academy. I wonder if he will meet him there?

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