The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 217: Storm and madness

"Even Rocket Team Opening Novel( Find the latest chapter!

At six o'clock in the morning, the sun slowly rose from the east, and the Moon Shadow Island on the sea disappeared.

Feeling the sunlight falling on his body, Nobunaga, who was sitting on the smelly mud carpet, took out the Poke Ball from his waist and released the Variety Monster.

Looking at the Variety Monster who was sober and had recovered his stamina, Nobunaga quickly took out the energy cube and moo milk from his backpack, and said softly to it:

"Let's make do with some energy cubes, we should prepare to go to Penggan Island."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Variety's face suddenly became solemn. Although its physical strength was recovering well, it was still a little tired mentally.

However, there should be no big problem with the smelly mud as a rest stop.

Just as the Variety Monster was finishing his breakfast, Nobunaga took out two contact devices, red and black, from his backpack. The red one belonged to Team Rocket, and the black one was given by Menyan during dinner at the submarine base.

First look at Team Rocket's liaison device. There is a message from Athena urging him to return to the base, and two messages from the real bird asking if it is safe.

After reading the three text messages, Nobunaga's eyes could not help showing a hint of coldness, and he couldn't help thinking:

"Athena asked to return to the base quickly, I'm afraid she wants to kill herself, or she won't even say what she needs to do."

"But why did the real bird send a message to ask if I was safe? Obviously I don't belong to her management. Maybe she already knew that Athena was going to do something to me..."

The matter of Team Rocket did not make Nobunaga ponder for too long, and soon he turned off the red contact device and stuffed it back into his backpack.

Looking at the black contact device, there were two messages from Menyan above. The first message was that the submarine base was temporarily safe.

The second is to inform him that the Alliance pursuit team has arrived at Little Orange Island, and let him pay attention to his own safety.

At the same time, the message was accompanied by the spirit information of the four members of the pursuit team.

After reading the message on the black contact device, Nobunaga's face became serious, his right hand slowly clenched his fist, and said in a low voice:

"I didn't ask you about it, and you sent it to the door yourself."

"But it's just four quasi-celestial kings, can you eat me with such confidence..."

At this time, the Variety Monster had eaten all the energy cubes in the rice bowl, walked to Nobunaga's side and silently put his rice bowl back into the backpack.

Seeing that the Variety Monster was full, Nobunaga immediately made a decision, stood up immediately, and said loudly to the two elves:

"The goal of Penggan Island remains unchanged, let's go!"

After hearing Nobunaga's order, the Variety Monster turned into a dragon and stopped in place.

The stinky mud waited for Nobunaga to stand firm on Chenglong's back, and then quickly retracted the mud to shrink his body and returned to Nobunaga's shoulders.

The moment he touched the sea water, Chenglong quickly slid his limbs and swam to the eastern sea at an extremely fast speed.

Sitting on Chenglong's back, Nobunaga planned his next itinerary with a relaxed expression.

"Penggan Island is a tourist and leisure island. You can stay there for a while, and after your seven elves wake up, go to Citrus Island to relieve Menyan and the others."

"When the danger of Little Orange Island is lifted, we can free up our hands to deal with the pursuit team sent by the alliance."

"I hope Kona Yongci and the others haven't found out that the Holy Mountain is my organization."


On the other side, the submarine base of Little Orange Island.

Hideyoshi looked at the information that Shinya had just sent in his hand, with a serious look on his face, and walked quickly towards the road leading to the control room.

At this time, Menyan is cultivating feelings with the five newly hatched flying elves at the training ground.

I saw Bobo, Natural Sparrow, Dark Crow, Green Cotton Bird, Fluttering Ball, five elves surrounding Menyan, constantly playing and playing.

The two elves, the cross-shaped bat and the king of the mountain, have broken through the quasi-celestial king through dual characteristics, and are absorbing the power of the source in the corner of the training ground, making up for the source of their own excitation characteristics consumption.

Feeling the improvement in his elf strength, Menyan finally understood what Nobunaga had been saying.

"Your own strength is everything."

Just when Menyan was preparing to have breakfast with the elves, the sound of stones suddenly came from the loudspeaker of the training ground.

"Come to the main control room, the situation has changed!"

Hearing that the situation had changed, Men Yan's expression instantly became solemn, and he hurriedly retrieved the Poké Balls from the elves on the field, and walked out of the training ground quickly.

In the main control room, Shitou threw the document in his hand on the table after turning off the speaker, turned to look at Hideyoshi and said seriously:

"Are you sure now that Kona and the others are going to attack other islands?"

When Hideyoshi heard Shito's question, he replied with a serious expression: "This news has just come over, and the island's recent blockade has indeed been loosened, so the information should be correct."

Just after the two fell silent, Men Yan pushed open the door and walked in quickly, asking anxiously, "What happened?"

When the two heard Menyan's question, Hideyoshi quickly spoke about the current situation, and Shitou picked up the information on the table and handed it to him.

"There was really information just now, because we haven't emerged during this period of time, and Kena Yongci had no choice but to change the target and prepare to clear the Holy Mountain's bases on other islands."

"At the same time, the Alliance pursuit team also approached Yongji to give their opinions, because the archipelago has not provided them with strong information. Jun Sally even went to Kona directly and said that she would complain to the Alliance headquarters."

"So now the official trainers of the archipelago have all been assigned to each island to carry out the two tasks of clearing our branch and finding Elder Xin."

After listening to Hideyoshi's story, Menyan immediately closed the document in his hand and looked at the two of them calmly and said:

"Since Kona Yong is going to take action against our branch, then you're welcome, let the members of each island act."

After hearing Men Yan's words, Shi Shi's face suddenly became serious, and he walked up to him and said in a deep voice:

"Have you really made up your mind? If we make everyone move, I'm afraid Kona Yongji and the others will go crazy!"

Looking at the serious stone in front of him, Men Yan, who was standing beside the desk, showed a fearless face, and said seriously:

"It was Kona Yongci and the others who started it first. Since it's an endless situation, let's go crazy together!"

Seeing that Menyan had made a decision, Hideyoshi immediately took out the black leather notebook from his backpack, lowered his head and said in a deep voice:

"This is the location of twenty-four important warehouses in the archipelago, as well as some information about the official trainer elves."

"The masons of the Holy Mountain are basically lurking in the Guandu Continent, and the newly developed members can only provide so much information."

After listening to Hideyoshi's words, Menyan took the black leather notebook in his hand, turned his head to look at Shishi, and said hard:

"You are responsible for contacting the members of other islands and letting them attack the official trainers of the archipelago at will. With the archipelago badge, you can exchange the power of the source with the After that, Menyan turned to look at Hideyoshi, He said solemnly:

"All the masons in the base are dispatched by you. Be sure to destroy all the twenty-four warehouses."

When Hideyoshi heard Menyan's order, a solemn expression appeared on his face, and he said quickly:

"It should be sooner rather than later. I will personally lead the team to attack these warehouses tonight, but I hope the attacks on other islands can start the day after tomorrow."

After hearing Hideyoshi's words, Menyan hadn't responded, and Shitou said softly:

"It takes two days for my side to contact and deploy. During this time, you can play to your fullest."

After getting a satisfactory answer from Shitoukou, Hideyoshi turned around, walked out of the main control room quickly, and rushed to the dormitory area of ​​the base.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 218 The Storm is Coming and Crazy), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time!

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