The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 236: First meeting with Kona

Seeing the stinky mud devouring the dead elf's corpse, Nobunaga, who jumped from the back of the cross-shaped bat and fell to the ground, held his head with his right hand and said helplessly:

"Don't be greedy, kill all the enemies in the cave for me."

After Stinky Mud heard Nobunaga's words, the wriggling body stopped immediately, the sticky characteristic activated, pulled the ground and ejected into the cave.

After the stinky mud left, the cross-hatched bat sat at the entrance of the cave, aimed at a mosquito coil swimmer's neck and began to inhale wildly.

But at the same time as the meal, the bat did not forget to release the ultrasonic wave to explore the situation in the depths of the cave.

Nobunaga saw that the cross-shaped bat stuck its fangs into the mosquito coil swimmer's neck, and his skilled blood-sucking movements, inexplicable black lines appeared on the top of his head, and he couldn't help but complain:

"Is it because they have never eaten enough to save me money for food?"

At this time, in the depths of the cave, Smelly Mud saw many archipelago trainers with a disgusted expression on his face, and aimed at them and shot with garbage, launching a large amount of silt.

As these archipelago trainers and their elves fell one by one, a trainer hiding behind the machine took out the contact device at the last moment of his life and sent the edited message.

When the depths of the cave were quiet, the stinky mud that blocked the exit slowly stepped forward and began to clean up the traces left by the archipelago trainers.

After feeling the disappearance of the ultrasonic waves in the cave, the blood-sucking bat waved its wings towards Nobunaga, but the throat swallowing movement did not stop at all.

Nobunaga saw that the cross-shaped bat indicated that all the enemies in the cave were dead, so he inspired Poison Weave to use a highly poisonous frenzy, and walked quickly into the depths of the cave.


Small Orange Island Center Building.

When Yuji was discussing with Kona how much effort and resources the Alliance should use to encircle the Rockets this time, the sound of a liaison device suddenly sounded in his backpack.

"Beep, beep, beep."

Hearing the sound of the contact device, Yongji hurriedly put his hand into his backpack to turn off the power, looked at Kona with a puzzled look in front of him, and said without changing his face:

"It should be a message from my cousin. It's not like you don't know that person. He has to ask him again no matter what."

When Kona heard Yuji's explanation, although he still had some doubts about his words in his heart, he didn't intend to investigate further.

After a moment of silence, Kona took out the control card of the central building from his pocket, looked at Yuji and said with a serious face:

"I'll set off for Island No. 1 now, and I'll leave it to you on Little Orange Island."

"Also, don't take someone to Island No. 1 on your own initiative before I come back, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

After speaking, Kona handed the control card to Yuji, turned around and walked out of the office.

After Kona left, Yuji, who had been silent, put the control card in his trouser pocket, quickly took out the contact device from his backpack, and looked at the message he just received.

Knowing that his ambush had all been killed by Nobunaga, Yuji's face suddenly showed anger, he clenched his right fist and slammed it on the desk, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice:

"Bastard! I have already explained to them that they should install shielding equipment first when they land on the island, how could they be discovered by Nobunaga! Bastard!"

Feeling the severe pain of his fist hitting the table, Yuji took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. He walked to the main console and pressed the yellow button on it.

On the east coast of Little Orange Island, Kona jumped on Chenglong, looked at the calm sea ahead and said softly, "Go to Island No. 1."

Chenglong heard Kona's order, his limbs swiped slightly in the sea water, and instantly moved away from the Little Orange Island behind him.

At this moment, a gust of breeze blew, and Kona stretched out his arm, feeling the wind passing through his fingertips, his heart gradually relaxed, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes.


At the same time, Nobunaga walked into the depths of the cave and saw the somewhat too clean scene cleaned by the stinky mud in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

Originally, Nobunaga wanted to speculate on what Kona and the others thought about this conversation based on the traces left at the scene.

But in the current cave, I am afraid that even if the wind speed dog comes, it will not be able to see anything.

Nobunaga looked at the stinky mud that was wriggling in front of him after burping, and could only say helplessly, "Come back."

After Stinky Mud heard Nobunaga's words, with a satisfied expression, he quickly shrank and climbed onto his shoulders.

After scanning the inside of the cave again, he made sure that there was nothing missing. Nobunaga walked out of the cave, sprayed some deodorant on himself and the two elves, and sat on the ground quietly waiting for Kona to arrive.

Little Orange Island is not far from Island No. 1, and there is no need to say much about the speed at which the champion Chenglong travels on the sea.

After landing on Island No. 1, the expression on Kona's face gradually became serious, he took out the Poke Ball and took back Chenglong, and walked slowly towards the center of the island.

At this time, the cross-hatched bat sitting at the entrance of the cave seemed to sense something, and hurriedly sent a warning signal to Nobunaga, pointing both wings to the empty coast below the mountain.

Nobunaga, who was sitting on the ground eating potato chips, saw the warning issued by the bat, and he got up quickly, his face slowly showing a dignified expression.

Knowing that Kona had already arrived on the island ahead of schedule, Nobunaga no longer hesitated, jumped on the back of the cross bat and said softly, "Let's go, take me down and get to know the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the cross-haired bat's expression instantly became serious, flapping its wings and slowly rising to the sky, it dived towards Kona.

Kona, who was standing on the open plain, had actually discovered Nobunaga's position long ago, but she had no intention of going up the mountain.

When the cross-hatched bat swooped down to only twenty meters away from Kona, Nobunaga inspired Poison Weave with a highly poisonous frenzy and jumped off his back.

Looking at Kona with his arms folded in front of him and a cold face, Nobunaga expressionlessly took out the Poké Ball and retrieved the cross-shaped and said softly:

"The first time we met, the real King of Kings is indeed more beautiful than the league's promotional photos."

When Kona heard Nobunaga's unhealthy compliment, a cold look flashed in his eyes, then he straightened up and put his right hand on his glasses, and said with a serious face:

"What do you want to say when you ask me to meet, let's get to the point."

Nobunaga saw that Kona didn't release the elf to threaten or arrest him, and he knew in his heart that Kona might have guessed his arrangement.

Although according to Nobunaga's previous thoughts, strict conditions should be released first, and then gradually reduce them.

But after seeing the cold look on Kona's face, Nobunaga changed his mind immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

"Since King Kona is so refreshing, then I won't go around in circles."

"Our Holy Mountain can give up all illegal activities in the Orange Islands, but the need for organizational expansion will not stop."

"After all, there are still so many children in the archipelago who want to be trainers but don't have the resources. I hope King Kona will seriously consider my proposal."

After hearing the conditions proposed by Nobunaga, Kona's frown instantly relaxed, but he still asked coldly, "Are there any other conditions."

Seeing that Kona's tone had relaxed a little, Nobunaga took out the pen and paper he had prepared in advance, and said with a smile:

"There are no other conditions. After all, I am from a commoner background. I just want to give a chance to those children who want to become trainers but don't have the resources."

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