The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 251: Feeding methods of insect elves

When the time came to one o'clock in the morning, the battle in the black market of the port had quietly ended.

After Nobunaga collected the source power of the seven elves, he quickly took a few steps back and released his other elves, making room for the elves to eat.

Looking at the Abo monster who was bound by the tyrannical carp dragon and constantly biting, and the Alidos who used his two claws to eat inside the thorn shell, Nobunaga couldn't help shaking his head, and thought to himself:

"Sure enough, meat-eating elves are not easy to raise. They all eat heavenly king-level meat, and they even showed me a look of disdain."

After the elves had eaten the fresh meat on the ground, Nobunaga took them back to the poke ball one by one, turned around and walked towards Hato Jiangqing, who was still in a coma on the ground.

At this time, the masons outside the gate also returned to the black market one after another, and began to treat the wounds for their elves.

The internal staff who were hiding in the underground passage also walked out of the wooden house and silently cleaned up the ruins in the black market.

Nobunaga stood on the open space in front of the wooden house and looked at the unconscious Hauto Jiangqing in front of him, then grabbed his neck and dragged him slowly to the underground passage in the wooden house.

After arriving at the underground temple, Nobunaga showed a cruel smile on his face, took out the Poké Ball and released the Abo Monster, and asked him to bind Hado Jiangqing.

When Geng Gui saw this, he knew that Nobunaga was preparing to interrogate Hato Jiangqing, so he quickly moved into the shadow of Abo, slowly emerging from the ground, aimed at Hato Jiangqing's eyes, and released his hypnotism.

Although Gengar's hypnotism has been lifted, Bo Duo Jiangqing's body has reached its limit, and the brain automatically enters deep sleep mode in order to prevent the body from collapsing.

Seeing that Gengar was back in the shadows, Nobunaga, standing in front of Abo, silently took out a stinger jellyfish tentacle from his backpack.

Looking at Bodo Jiangqing who was bound by Abo's monster snake body, Nobunaga's face showed no hesitation, and he slapped his bare body fiercely.

After being beaten by the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish, Bo Duo Jiangqing, who was bound by the Abo, instantly woke up and let out a painful scream.

When Nobunaga saw Hatae sober up, the cruel smile on his face couldn't help but smile brighter, and he slapped his face again.

Bo Duo Jiangqing watched the tentacles of the stinger jellyfish fall on him, but instead of wailing like before, he looked at Nobunaga with extremely cold eyes, and spit out a **** spit toward the ground.

Nobunaga, who held the stinger jellyfish tentacles, saw that Bo Duo Jiangqing was so tough, and the cruel smile on his face was instantly withdrawn.

Immediately, he took out the Poké Ball with a flat face, and released Alidos. At the same time, he looked at Boduo Jiangqing and said softly:

"Do you know how insect elves usually eat?"

"They will use their sharp claws to hook out the meat of the prey little by little, and slowly put it into their mouths to taste."

"Especially the brains of the prey. This is the favorite of all insect elves. Would you like to try it?"

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Hato Jiangqing showed no expression on his face, turned his head to look at Alidos, and said in a calm tone:

"Come on, kill me, I can't wait to return to Lord Sea God's embrace."

Nobunaga had a contemptuous smile on his face when he heard Hato Jiangqing's words, walked slowly to Alidos' side, patted his head, and said softly:

"Alidos, since people are so eager to die, then we must not be able to satisfy his wishes. Let's teach him a lesson."

When Alidos heard Nobunaga's words, his eyes showed a bloodthirsty color, he raised his claws and slowly crawled in front of Hato Jiangqing, and pierced the flesh and blood aimed at his abdomen.

As Alidos's claws hooked blood and flesh little by little, although Bodo Jiangqing, who was bound by the Abo monster, clenched his teeth and didn't let out a scream, his body couldn't help shaking violently.

Nobunaga saw that Hato Jiangqing was still holding on, so he took out a chair from his backpack and sat down, quietly watching Alidos' execution art.


Twenty minutes later, Bo Duo Jiangqing, who was bound by the Abo monster in the center of the snake's body, turned into white bones from the neck down, but the internal organs in the abdominal cavity were not damaged in the slightest.

Looking at Boto Jiangqing, who was already venting more and less, Nobunaga had a bright smile on his face, stood up slowly and walked in front of him, and said in a very calm tone:

"If there are only bones left in your body, I'm afraid Sea God Lugia won't hug you anymore. After all, the souls of those who are separated from flesh and blood will belong to Giratina, who reverses the world."

"Now I'll give you one last chance. As long as you answer my questions honestly, I'll bury you in the sea and return to Lugia's arms."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Hato Jiangqing raised his head with all his remaining strength, like a dead man, and said in a low voice:

"I will always be a believer of Lord Sea God, don't think about what you can get from me."

"If you have any other tricks, hurry up and use them. I can't wait to return to Lord Sea God's embrace."

Nobunaga looked at Bo Duo Jiangqing's unwavering eyes, and his face couldn't help showing a look of helplessness. He also knew in his heart that no matter how much he tortured, it would have no effect on such a brainwashed person, so he whispered to Abowei. Speaking of:

"This man is useless, kill him."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Aboguai immediately opened his **** mouth, swallowed Bodo Jiangqing whole, and tasted it carefully. He had been waiting for this order for a long time.

The torture was over, and the man was completely swallowed by the Abo Monster. Although he didn't get any news from Bodo Jiangqing, there was no disappointment on Nobunaga's face.

This time, the backbone of the Sea God Church was all wiped out, and even the leader of the Heavenly King was killed by Nobunaga. The small goal of becoming famous in the Orange Islands has been achieved. As for whether the Sea God Church will send someone to take revenge.

Nobunaga thought about it, if after losing nearly 400 elites, the Sea God Church still came to seek revenge on him, then the head of this organization would really go into the sea.


The battle on the wooden boat on the east coast of Little Orange was over now. Menyan looked at the list of victims that Hideyoshi handed over to him. His face suddenly became ugly, and his right hand slowly clenched into a fist. said:

"To deal with fifty-four old, weak, sick and disabled, I lost twenty-eight masons, bastard! How can I explain this to Nobunaga..."

Hideyoshi heard Menyan's low voice, he took the sacrifice list from him, and said calmly:

"The fighting strength of this group of people is very unusual. It's not bad to be able to kill them with two to one. I don't think the elders will blame us."

"Also, I found a lot of cultivation materials in the cabin just now, and now the masons are counting the specific numbers."

"Based on the altar on the deck and the resources in the cabin, my preliminary judgment is that this ship should be the headquarters of the Church of the Sea God."

After listening to Hideyoshi's words, Menyan showed surprise in his eyes, and then quickly walked to the cabin, and said in a strong voice:

"Send the news here to Nobunaga, and I'll go to the cabin to see those cultivation resources."

Seeing Menyan rushing into the cabin, Hideyoshi couldn't help but sighed slightly, but didn't say anything.

He just silently took out the communication device and sent the news that the battle was over to Nobunaga.

After the message was sent, Hideyoshi retracted the contact device and walked slowly to the end of the deck.

Looking at the masons lying on the ground with bloodless faces, Hideyoshi squatted down with a calm face, silently collecting the broken bodies for them.

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