The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 269: The Champion and the King of Hoenn

The goal of coming to Hoenn Continent this time was perfectly achieved, and even Nobuo Kishi, the craftsman who made the robotic arm, was taken down together, which made Nobunaga completely relaxed.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after sending off Kadeniwa and Nobuo Kishi, Nobunaga, who returned to the store, did not set off directly to Kanaz City, but walked into the backyard of the store and stayed for the time being.

At the same time, in the food court of Zijin City, a blond woman in a long purple dress was sitting on a seat and eating Zijin assorted noodles.

Ignoring the beads of sweat on her neck, just looking at her appearance, this is clearly the Ice King Boni of the Fengyuan Alliance.

Not far from this Bonnie, a girl wearing only two pieces of blue silk was holding a cantaloupe-flavored cone, quietly waiting for her little magnet to burn.

That's right, this girl is also the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fengyuan Alliance, the ghost-type Heavenly King Furong.

The trainers in the food court seem to have taken it all in. The two heavenly kings just sat in their respective seats and ate snacks, but there wasn't even a single person around to take a photo with them.

As time passed bit by bit, Bonnie took the last bite of the assorted Viola Noodles, picked up the tissue on the table and wiped her mouth, stood up and walked to the place where Furong was, smiled and said softly:

"I'm full, let's go to Dawu."

After hearing Bonnie's words, Furong devoured the little magnet in her hands, swept her slender legs to the right, and the silk wrapped around her waist also fluttered. She stood up and said with a contented face:

"I can't eat anymore, I can't eat anymore, let's have a big meal tomorrow, shall we?"

Seeing Furong's greedy appearance, Bonnie couldn't help but smile, and said fondly:

"Okay, okay, but the time we agreed with Dawu is about to come, let's hurry over there."

Having said that, Bonnie directly grabbed Furong's arm and walked quickly towards the center of Zijin City.

Just when the two of them left the food court, in a luxurious villa, Dawu, wearing a black suit and full of blue hair, was sitting on the carpet carefully studying the blue meteorite.

After carefully observing for a while, Dawu showed a helpless expression on his face, and said in a low tone:

"Sure enough, it's a fake again, it seems that I have to go to the Cave of Stones again."

The giant golden monster floating above the computer heard Dawu's whisper, and quickly controlled the sound next to the computer, making a burst of electronic sounds.

"The meeting of the heavenly kings is scheduled to be held at eleven o'clock. In addition to the heavenly king Yuanzhi, the heavenly king of Huayue will negotiate through the computer. Bonnie, Furong, the two heavenly kings will arrive at the villa in half an hour."

After hearing the electronic sound of the giant golden monster, Dawu stretched out his right hand and scratched his hair, and said softly:

"I know they will come, but this time the meeting of the kings is held, so there is no need for me, the champion, to participate."

After the giant golden monster heard Dawu's words, it controlled the speaker again to emit a burst of electronic sound.

"According to the scheduled itinerary, I will visit Mr. Kishi Nobuo early tomorrow morning. Please rest early tonight."

Dawu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, heard the warning from the giant golden monster, his back hunched down instantly, and he said with apathy:

"I don't want to be the champion anymore. I'm so tired. I'll give it to Michael next year, otherwise I won't even have time to dig stones."


In the shop in Zijin City Industrial Park, Nobunaga leaned on the head of the bed with a leisurely face, waiting for the Variety Monster to bring him coffee, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart:

"Why did I become lazy after I was promoted to Heavenly King?"

"But compared to those guys, I shouldn't be that much."

"Dawu, who spends all day digging rocks in a cave and is not doing his job as a champion, plays with electric circuits all day long to black out the whole city, and Ya Xuan who spends all day playing with his dog on a steel island."

Thinking of the above three people, Nobunaga couldn't help the corners of his mouth rise, showing a slight smile.

The strange force that turned into a monster came to the bed with coffee, saw Nobunaga leaning against the head of the bed and kept giggling, quickly put down the coffee in his hand, and put a gray palm on Nobunaga's forehead, as if he was checking There is no fever like.

Suddenly interrupted by the Variety Monster, Nobunaga's smile suddenly solidified on his face, he stretched out his right hand to grab its arm, and said without a hint of tone:

"Do you want to learn the mad dog flow, and still feel the temperature here?"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster flashed a look of horror in his eyes, then quickly broke free from his restrained arms, quickly turned around and ran outside the house.

Seeing the actions of the ever-changing and eccentric actor, Nobunaga showed a smile on his face again, took a sip of coffee, and shook his head helplessly.


Half an hour later, the scene returned to Zijin's villa in the downtown area.

Bonnie and Furong walked into the living room, and when they saw Dawu sitting on the long sofa with a serious face, they also casually sat on the single sofa next to them.

After the two sat down, Dawu clapped his hands, and the strong and strong Genji and the bad boy Kazuki appeared on the big screen directly opposite the sofa.

Seeing that the champion of the Hoenn League and the four heavenly kings all gathered together, Daigo said solemnly:

"The theme of this meeting is how to deal with the invasion of the Rockets, an underground organization of the Kanto Alliance."

"Although you have always shouldered the heavy responsibility of attacking Team Ocean and Team Lava, King Genji, the President still hopes that you can preside over this meeting in his place. Don't refuse, let's start."

On the big screen, after hearing Dawu's speech, Genji didn't show any surprise on his face. He immediately threw his windbreaker to the back, sat on the wooden round chair, and said loudly:

"There may be some of you who don't know about the Rockets in the Kanto area, so let me introduce them to you first."

"The Rockets, on the bright side, are a cross-regional listed company that operates numerous industries, but behind the scenes, they are also the largest evil organization in the Guandu It is not an exaggeration to say that the scale of their personnel More than Team Ocean plus Team Lava."

"The leader of this organization is Itaki, a former Vibani Gym trainer. You should have seen the video of him at the World Championships. He is a man who cannot be defeated when he stands on the ground."

"Under his banner, the four generals, the three beastmen, and some wanted cadres are all Heavenly King-level trainers. Basically, every town in Guandu has their underground bases."

"The Guandu Alliance is the strongest alliance in the continent. They have fought against Team Rocket for nearly ten years. Instead of destroying Team Rocket, they have made Team Rocket even stronger."

"This time the Rockets are going to invade the Hoenn area. I think this is a major challenge for us champions."

"If Team Rocket is rooted in the Hoenn Continent, I'm afraid Team Ocean and Team Lava will not miss this opportunity. They will also take advantage of the situation to make trouble, and then it will be troublesome."

After listening to Genji's words, Huayue on the other half of the big screen squatted on the bench with a cigarette in her mouth, and said casually:

"Senior Genji, the marine team and the lava team will be handed over to you. From tomorrow, I will lead people to clean up the underground organizations in various cities. Let's kill these two local organizations first."

Although Kazuki was still acting like a bad boy, and his tone was so casual, Dawu, Bonnie, Genji, and Furong all understood that he was serious.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would not have taken on the extremely troublesome task of cleaning all the cities.

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