The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 28: new identity

The door opened quickly, and it was a short old man who was less than 1.5 meters tall.

After Nobunaga explained his intention to the old man, the old man said, "200,000 yuan for ordinary ID cards, 500,000 yuan for advanced points, and really 1 million elf coins."

After hearing the old man's words, Nobunaga was a little shocked, there is actually a real identity certificate here.

Then he said to the old man, "I want a real identity certificate, but how do you prove that he is real?"

The old man replied: "We have our own means. As long as you pay for it, you can get the identity certificate the day after tomorrow, and then you will naturally be able to see whether it is true or not."

After hearing this, Nobunaga took out one million, and then released the Aberdeen and said to the old man, "If you dare to lie to me, I can guarantee that you will definitely become Aberdeen's feces."

Afterwards, he walked out of the room, and after coming out, Nobunaga asked the stinky mud on his collar to keep up with the old man and stare at him.

He released the crosshaired bat again and asked him to follow the old man with ultrasonic waves in the distance. Nobunaga wanted to see if the old man dared to lie to him.

In the room, the little old man saw that Nobunaga had left, put the money in his bag, and walked out through the small door at the back.

He came to a villa in the center of Hualan and rang the doorbell, and then a middle-aged aunt opened the door for him.

After entering, the little old man went straight to the second floor and handed the money to a middle-aged man. Of course, the money was only 800,000.

After the middle-aged man received the money, he asked the little old man to come over tomorrow to get the proof.

Then the old man walked out of the villa and returned to the house in the slum.

And the middle-aged man just now made a call after the little old man left and said to the person on the other side, "Make me an ID card and send it over tomorrow."

The people over there quickly agreed and promised to deliver it to his house before the afternoon.

Everything was seen by Nobunaga.

On the second day, a small official came to the middle-aged man's villa.

After handing the things over to the man, the middle-aged man praised the little official and sent him away.

At night, the little old man came here, took his ID, and just returned to the slum, he saw Nobunaga waiting for him in his room.

Nobunaga saw that the little old man was stunned, and he said, "Give me the things, we can settle the money and goods."

After hearing Nobunaga's words. The little old man hurriedly handed the identification card to Nobunaga.

Nobunaga looked at the information above. The photo was of his disguised appearance, a young man with a full beard.

His name is Madou, his birthplace and hometown are Hualan City, and he is twenty years old, two years older than his actual age.

After seeing that the identity certificate was correct, Nobunaga asked the stinky mud to return to his collar, and then walked away.

The little old man was so frightened by Nobunaga that a stinky mud had been on the sole of his shoe, and Nobunaga was able to wait for him here, fearing that he had been followed since yesterday.

But the little old man didn't dare to report to the middle-aged man, for fear that he would be taken by the middle-aged man to feed the giant tooth shark, so he concealed it.

Nobunaga didn't go back to the base directly after he got his identity certificate, but went to various incubators and cultivation houses in Hualan City.

At night, Nobunaga, who returned to the base, took out the map he had drawn and spread it on the table.

There are a total of 342 breeding houses in Hualan City, 76 of which have ever-changing monsters, and only 3 of them have no official background.

Draw the location of these three cultivation houses on the map.

One is crossed out next to the Fairy Center in Hualan City.

A family is crossed out just across the street from the Hualan City Police Station.

There is only the last Aoki breeding house in the west of the city.

Nobunaga stepped on the footsteps near this breeding house again during the day, and then decided to act the next day.

At two o'clock in the morning at night, Nobunaga quietly entered the breeding house, and as soon as he climbed in through the window, he was found by the Great Wolf Dog, and the Great Wolf Dog barked.

After hearing the great wolf dog's bark, Nobunaga understood that he had to change from stealing to robbing.

Pulling on the mask, he released the Aberdeen to let him get rid of the big wolf dog that was in the way.

Nobunaga also went straight to the Poké Ball of the ever-changing monster.

The lights on the second floor of the Nurturing House came on, and a middle-aged couple came to the first floor with a Poké Ball in their hands.

Arbo had strangled the wolf dog to death, and Nobunaga also got the Poké Ball.

He took the Arbo monster back to the Poké Ball, and Nobunaga jumped out of the window, rode on the bat and disappeared with the night.

After the middle-aged couple saw the wolf dog's body, the man immediately chased them out, while the woman hugged the wolf dog's body and cried.

After a while, the man came back. It was pitch-dark outside, and the murderer who killed the Great Wolf Dog could not be found at all.

After calling the police, the two settled the body of the great wolf dog, and then checked the missing things in the breeding house.

In the end, it was found that only one Variety Monster was missing.

After the police came, they told the police about the lost Variety Monster and the killed Great Wolfdog.

One of the policemen assured the middle-aged couple that the murderer would be arrested and brought to justice.

As for the murderer?

Nobunaga has returned to the Rockets base, and is preparing to go to the training ground to conquer the Variety Monsters.

What? You said Nobunaga robbed other people's spirits?

As a member of Team Rocket wanted by the alliance, it is not normal to rob other people's spirits.

After arriving at the training ground, Nobunaga released all his elves and made them form a circle.

Then he took out the Pokémon Ball and placed the Pokémon in the circle surrounded by the elves.

As soon as the Variety Monster came out, he found that the familiar face had turned into an unfamiliar boy.

And he was shivering surrounded by a group of ferocious elves.

Seeing this, Nobunaga said to the Variety Monster: "As long as you are willing to be my I will neither beat you nor scold you, and will take good care of you."

"If you don't want to, then you can add food to the Abo monster."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the first person to react was not the Variety Monster, but the Abo Monster.

I saw Abo Monster kept shaking his head, expressing that he did not want to eat this jelly-like object.

On the other hand, the Variety Monster kept nodding after reacting. He didn't want to be swallowed by the big snake next to him.

Seeing that the Variety Monster agreed to become his own elf, Nobunaga stepped forward and picked up the Variety Monster.

He said to him, "You don't have to fight, just be a mask for me."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster, who was a little scared just now, instantly became energetic.

You said earlier that you don't need to fight!


Nobunaga put on make-up, and after putting on the make-up, the Variety Monsters came out one by one.

The Variety Monster slowly changed, and it took half a minute to turn into the appearance of Nobunaga wearing makeup.

Nobunaga asked the Variety Monster to try on his face to see if he could change it directly on his face.

The Variety Monster turned into a liquid from Nobunaga's head, and then turned into the look he had just put on his makeup.

Nobunaga was very happy when he saw it, so he decided to let the Variety Monster turn into an ordinary hat and wear it on his head, and then give him a disguise when he went out on a mission.

But as time went by, Nobunaga discovered that the Variety Monster could only transform for four hours.

When the four hours are up, he will turn back into a Variety Monster because he has no physical strength.

Nobunaga had no choice but to let the Variety Monster recover before transforming, hoping that with this exercise, the transforming time of the Variety Monster would be extended.

But no matter what, the issue of identity is finally resolved, and Nobunaga can sleep peacefully.

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