The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 298: The first battle with the 4 Heavenly Kings (2)

The trainer and the trainer are fighting hard, and the elves on the other side of the battlefield are not idle.

I saw Nobunaga's elves attacking step by step, while Huayue's elves had no way of attacking at all, Zoroark disappeared directly in place, Vulture Na flew into the air with brave birds, divine birds, and forked bats. tangled together.

The cunning tengu also got into the woods, used the classic evil skills to make trouble unreasonably, and fought Alidos who set up the spider web trap.

The hooded scoundrel, the Dreamsong Cactus, the Iron Claw Lobster, Absol, and the four elves acted as sharp knives for frontal combat, sending out waves of evil towards the Abbot and King Nido.

The megalodon shark, which was floating in mid-air with a jet of water, attacked the poisonous algae dragon, each with its sharp teeth with black rays of light, and smashed it to chase the poisonous algae dragon that kept retreating and counterattacking.

Seeing that King Nido couldn't resist the joint attack of the hooded gangster and Absol, the double-bomb gas floated back to the ground and started close-to-hand combat.

Although he doesn't like the job of being beaten at close range, with his excellent racial value and perfect resistance, he is more suitable for being a frontal MT wizard than Abo.

On the trainer's battlefield, with the poison marks running at full strength, the poison marks on Nobunaga's body that should have been transparent gradually began to turn purple.

Seeing this, Kazuki threw a fist towards Nobunaga's right face, and his legs kept swept across the lower plate. In his eyes, he was only attacking, and he didn't care about his poisoned arm.

Nobunaga saw that Kazuki's attack became more and more crazy, and even his eyes showed bloodthirsty color, so he quickly clamped his right fist with both hands, and said softly:

"Don't you want to know what's behind it?"

When Kazuki heard Nobunaga's words, she secretly cried out in her heart, and hurriedly lowered her body to avoid the attack behind her.

But as soon as he stopped attacking, Nobunaga quickly retreated to the rear, and while leaving the battlefield, he said hard in the direction of the woods:

"Genggui, don't hide and look for opportunities, this guy's attack methods are not right, he rarely attacks with his left hand, as if he has been guarding something, it seems that Guan Du has already uploaded my information to Feng Yuan, otherwise this Guys don't know you exist the first time they meet."

After Gengar heard Nobunaga's words, he followed the shadow on the ground and came behind the hooded gangster, and the shadow ball aimed at the back of his head and bombarded it.

And Kazuki, who straightened her waist, heard Nobunaga's judgment, but a faint look of admiration rose on her face, and she clapped her hands and said with a smile:

"Poison-type kings are indeed intimidating, but I've never seen poison-type kings as good as you."

"If you are willing to surrender now, I can accept you on behalf of the Hoenn Alliance, and promise not to let the Kanto Alliance take you away."

After Nobunaga heard Kayuki's persuasion to surrender, a faint smile appeared on his face, he raised his right hand and pointed to the north, and said in a gentle tone:

"You're probably forgetting how Hoenn was annexed by the Guandu Alliance. If I stop just because of your empty mouth, then I'm worthless."

After all, Nobunaga ignored Kazuki's increasingly vicious eyes, and just turned his head and briefly glanced at the surrounding elf battlefield, with a solemn expression on his face.

And Huayue, after watching the elf battlefield, raised her right leg and stepped on the broken thick branch, and said while moving her wrist:

"Since you don't eat or punish you for toasting, then I'll take it seriously."

The voice fell, and the stinky mud wrapped around Nobunaga reacted instantly, and quickly controlled the mud to form sixteen tentacles to resist.

Huayue appeared in front of Nobunaga in a blink of an eye, and a strong whip leg slammed towards Nobunaga, and even the hair on the upper leg became hard due to the force of the muscles.

Seeing that Smelly Mud blocked Kayuki's strong whipping legs with its silt tentacles, Nobunaga didn't care to watch the scene where Alidos was being beaten by the cunning tengu, and instead focused on defusing the attack from before him.

On the elf battlefield, although the Arbo monster has transformed into a defensive snake pattern, the big pincers of the iron-clawed lobster don't care whether he is defensive or not, and keeps using the crab pincer hammer to attack one place.

The chasing battle between the poisonous algae dragon and the giant tooth shark is about to come to an end.

As Huayue's evil faction army fought more and more fiercely, the evil faction was the slogan to keep attacking, and it was really implemented by them to the end.

Seeing that the situation gradually tilted towards the enemy, the double-bomb gas exploded, controlling the toxins that penetrated into the bodies of the Flower Moon Elves.

Alidos, who was climbing on the top of the tree, saw the sly tengu attacking him stiffen, and immediately understood that the time had come, and the cobweb connected to its tail was thrown directly downward.

This large wire net seemed to have been soaked in venom. Zoroark, cunning tengu, hooded gangster, dream song cactus, iron claw lobster, and five elves couldn't dodge and were directly covered.

But this stiffness only lasted for a few seconds. When the toxins in their bodies were wiped out by the evil energy, the eight elves of Huayue endured the pain and attacked Nobunaga's elves again.

Almost the same scene as these elves also appeared on Kazuki. After sensing the double-bomb gas to detonate the poison through the poison pattern, Nobunaga originally thought that the Four Heavenly Kings of Hoenn would fall to the ground happily.

What he didn't expect at all was that Huayue not only resisted the poison, but even quickly launched a counterattack, throwing a heavy punch at herself.

After dodging Kayuki's attack, Nobunaga took several big steps back and pulled out a safe Seeing that the fighting situation on the field was gradually becoming clear, he also knew in his heart that he might have to retreat today. The double-bomb gas floating in the sky shouted:

"Enhanced version of smoke screen, induction combat!"

Hearing Nobunaga's order, the air holes and two big mouths of the double-bombing gas spit out a highly toxic smoke screen without hesitation, and the thick black smoke enveloped the entire forest under the control of his chemically changing gas characteristics.

And the six elves, Abo, the bat, King Nido, Alidos, the poisonous algae dragon, the Gengar, and the six elves gathered at the first moment of night, and Nobunaga also returned to the stinky mud. Next to the elves.

On the other side, Huayue, who was suddenly surrounded by black mist, did not show any nervousness and panic on his face. I saw him take out a filter and cover the whole head, and calmly commanded towards the elves who were also shrouded in black mist:

"The attribute senses the position of the companion, be careful that the enemy escapes in the chaos, and the waves of evil are continuously fired."

After hearing the order, the elves of Huayue released their own breaths, then avoided their companions and moved towards the surrounding open space, releasing a burst of evil waves.

After Absol, Zoroark, Vulturena, Cunning Tengu, Turban gangster, Megatooth shark, Dreamsong cactus, Ironclaw lobster, and eight elves aimlessly destroyed, the thick smoke screen in the forest quickly dissipated , but Nobunaga and his elves disappeared from the field.

Pulling off the filter that Daigo gave him, Kazuki looked at the forest in front of her that was almost razed to the ground, the expression on her face gradually became ugly, she stomped her feet to the ground, and scolded in a low voice:

"Bastard! Don't let me catch you!"

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