The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 308: Psychotoxic trump card

He rode the bat to the Chenghua Forest in the southwest of the Hoenn Continent. Nobunaga stood on the back of the bat, looking down at the twisted mountain range, and said in a low voice:

"Constrain your breath and land on the arc-shaped platform in front of you."

The cross-hatched bat flying in the night heard Nobunaga's order, and its streamlined wings facing the air were slightly lowered, like a gust of breeze slowly falling on the curved platform at the foot of the mountain, and then prostrate on the ground.

Walking down from the back of the bat and stepping on the hard soil, Nobunaga looked around at the dark woods, and a cold look flashed in his eyes, but he did not let the bat release the breath of the king, hiding the group in the The spying spirits are driven away.

Instead, he retracted the crosshaired bat back into the pokeball, turned around and took out the tent from his backpack, calmly set up a camp on the curved platform.

The dense eyes in the woods saw that Nobunaga had no inclination to invade, and the group of elves hiding in the dark night left the woods on the mountainside where the arc-shaped platform was located.

After Yu Guang saw the wild elves leaving, Nobunaga walked into the simple tent and took out the red and white poke ball, released the thousand needlefish inside and began to extract venom.

As for why he didn't clean up the wild outside, of course, it was because the Chenghua Forest was Qianli's territory. No matter what happened here, Qianli from the Chenghua Taoist Hall would come to investigate in person.

In the Hoenn area, Nobunaga, who has already fought against Kazuki, the four kings of the alliance, and two unknown kings of the black market, really doesn't want to fight another monster from a commoner, Qianli.

Inside the tent, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a bright smile after extracting the venom from the unconscious Thousand Needlefish's poison sac.

Carefully took the Thousand Needle Fish back into the Poké Ball, poured the venom into the prepared beaker, and Nobunaga took out the venom of the Tenno-rank tank skunk from his backpack, thinking to himself:

"There was only a black market of purple violets, and they collected all the two venoms I needed, especially the water king, and even gave me a live king-level thousand-needle fish directly."

"However, the thousand-needle fish bred by the water king is probably not poisonous enough. It seems that it must be stimulated with those poisonous weeds."

After figuring out how to prepare the psychotoxin, Nobunaga paid close attention, took out the poisonous weeds, and put them in the beaker containing the venom of the Thousand Needlefish.

Gently stir it twice with a small glass rod, and after a while, seeing the venom of the thousand needlefish gradually changing into blue-purple, emitting a seductive halo, Nobunaga put his head on the top of the beaker and smelled the venom lightly. Satisfied nodded.

Then Nobunaga divided the tank skunk venom into three times, added a small amount to the beaker and mixed it with the prepared thousand needlefish venom, and lit the alcohol lamp below to allow them to fully fuse by burning.

As time passed, Nobunaga, who was standing by the wooden table, carefully observed the fusion progress of the venom in the beaker with a magnifying glass, and his hands almost perfectly controlled the burning flame of the alcohol lamp.


Hearing the sound of the boiling venom, Nobunaga, who had been concentrating on controlling the flame, had a light smile on his face, took out a glass clip and carefully placed the beaker on the mat.

After the venom cooled down, Nobunaga put his head on the top of the beaker again, inciting the venom pattern to smell the venom twice, raised his head and whispered to himself:

"The mental toxin is basically formed. Next, it must be completely vaporized into a colorless poisonous mist, and then half of it is implanted in the body of the double-bomb gas to enhance its toxicity, and the other side is put into a glass container to make a drama that can explode instantly. Poison grenades."

"From the current point of view, this mental toxin should be enough for the creatures of the Heavenly King Rank, but the specific data will have to be tested again when the double-bomb gas poison sac is implanted."

After hearing Nobunaga's self-talk, the stinky mud hiding in his collar had a picture of himself tasting mental toxins in his mind, and he couldn't help drooling down the corner of his mouth and dripping onto Nobunaga's neck.

Feeling the dampness on his neck, Nobunaga, who was about to pick up the beaker to atomize the venom, had a helpless expression on his face, and while taking a deep sigh, he stopped the movements in his hands, lowered his head slightly, and responded to the smell of gluttony. Mud said softly:

"I'll divide the venom into three parts later, so don't spit on my neck again, glutton."

After Nobunaga finished saying this, Smelly Mud controlled his mouth and stopped dripping his sticky saliva outward, but Nobunaga's mind seemed to be thinking of something, and he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth to reveal a smear. With a strange smile, his eyes were on the shadows on the ground, and he thought to himself:

"Greedy ghost, this guy can only occupy the word "eat". Gengar is the most greedy one, and his elf occupies the two words greed and ghost."

"No, I really want to complain∽"

Looking away from the ground, Nobunaga, who resisted the desire to complain, looked at the beaker, quickly divided the venom into three parts with two blank glass tubes, took out the gasification device from the backpack, adjusted the specific data, and installed it in the beaker. The mouth of the bottle activates the device.

When the first mental toxin was vaporized, Nobunaga picked up a glass tube filled with venom, went outside the tent, diluted the venom into the water basin, and took out the rice bowl of his ten elves, it was very fair assigned to them.

After releasing the double-bomb gas, the Abo monster, the cross-shaped bat, the Nido king, the poisonous algae dragon, the Alidos, the dragon king scorpion, the wonderful frog flower, and the eight elves, Nobunaga raised his head again and looked at the crescent moon hanging high in the sky. He laughed and said:

"If you two gluttons don't come out again, I'm going to let the gas double-bounce. Abo blames them for drinking the extra venom."

Although Nobunaga's tone was very relaxed, Genggui and Stinky Mud, who heard these words, hurriedly returned to the ground from his collar and shadow, and drank from the rice bowl they were hugging, for fear of being late. If you know your own venom, others will drink it.

Nobunaga watched the elves taste the venom, and he also had a preliminary judgment on the quality of this psychotoxin.

Compared with the champion-level babe poison in the poison sacs of the elves, the advantage of this psychotoxin lies in its colorless and odorless concealment, as well as the destructiveness that can penetrate into the spirit of superpowers.

However, the disadvantage of this mental toxin is also obvious. The toxicity is not as strong as the championship-level Bebe This means that it can only act on the opponent's trainer in the battle between Nobunaga and the enemy. After all The Heavenly King Spirit with the core of the source, the resistance is not generally strong.

After the elves had finished drinking the venom, Nobunaga briefly explained, and told them to relax in the open space beside the tent, then turned around and walked back to the wooden table, picked up the atomized toxin, twisted the lid and put it in. Backpack.

While the second dose of venom was being atomized, Nobunaga called the double-bomb gas into the tent, took out the glass tube, pointed the end with the injection port at his poison sac, and quickly pressed the red button on the lid to concentrate the gas. The poisonous mist was injected into his poison sac.

The first time the toxin was injected into the body, the double-bomb gas felt its silent assimilation power.

Champion-level babe poison and psychotoxin are blended together. Two toxins from different sources are like lovers in the poison sac of the double-bomb gas. There is no conflict or collision. Just like the combination of milk and coffee, it is almost supple. pole.

After the double-bomb gas that landed on the ground, after the fusion of the toxins, he couldn't help groaning and let out a soothing cry, floated back into the air, and played sticky stickers against Nobunaga's flat stomach.

Seeing that the double-bomb gas was also very satisfied with the psychotoxin, Nobunaga stretched out his right hand with a smile, stroked his rough and granular skin, and said in a gentle tone:

"Okay, hurry up and chat with Abo, Stinky Mud, and the others, or else those guys should eat your jealousy again."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Shuangdan Gas quickly showed the exclusive expression of Big Brother on his face, and quickly floated out of the tent, showing off his special treatment to other elves with a calm attitude.


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