The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 324: Daigo got serious

Kanaz City, Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., in a very luxuriously decorated office.

Daigo, sitting on the ergonomic chair, watched Genji, Kazuki, Bonnie, Furong, the four Hoenn Kings appearing on the big screen, with both hands on the table, and said calmly:

"There are two reasons why I suddenly called you for a meeting today."

"The first one is about the wanted criminal Nobunaga, who threatened me with poison gas in the city of Kanaz, everyone must have known it."

"The second thing is that the underground organizations that have not been cleaned up by the alliance, they dared to send people to incite the people to fight against the police during the aftermath work in Kanaz City. This is enough to show that our cleanup is still done. not in place.”

"Dear kings, I hope we can discuss these two matters thoroughly in today's meeting."

After listening to Dawu's words, the four people on the big screen also understood in their hearts that the Hoenn champion was really serious this time.

After waiting for a while, I saw that everyone else was still thinking about the pros and cons, and he was still on the sea chasing Genji of the marine team. His expression gradually became serious, and he said to everyone directly:

"The Shuiwutong of the Ocean Team is really cunning. I designed their submarines several times to block them at sea, but they were able to escape the siege in the end."

"I don't say this to shirk responsibility, but to explain that the four heavenly kings should be responsible for one thing, or directly work together to destroy an evil organization, and then deal with others in turn."

"Otherwise, things in the alliance will accumulate, and we may not be able to resolve them all by the end of the year."

Kayue, Bonnie, and Furong, after listening to Genji's words, the three of them couldn't help nodding their heads in agreement.

On the other hand, Dawu had a solemn expression on his face, crossed his fingers on the table, and said in a calm tone:

"Since Genji-senpai's opinion, all the heavenly kings agree, then let me arrange everyone's tasks for the next six months."

"The invasion of Team Rocket is the top priority for our Hoenn League to solve, but their personnel haven't appeared yet, so I'll ignore it for now."

"The Lava Team and the Ocean Team's encirclement and suppression should still be handed over to the Genji Heavenly King and the Kayue Heavenly King. As for the other things on your body, let's hand it over to the Boni Heavenly King to handle."

"Furong, those underground organizations that have not been thoroughly suppressed by the Alliance will be handed over to you."

"Besides these few things, the remaining alliance debris that needs to be dealt with will be taken over by King Bonnie."

After speaking, Dawu revealed a firm look in his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, and said in a deep voice:

"I will deal with the aftermath of Kanaz City within three days, and then I will deal with Nobunaga."

"Do you still have any doubts about my arrangement?"

After listening to Dawu's words, Genji and Kazuki both looked as usual, as if they had already thought that Dawu would arrange for them like this.

Bonnie and Furong both looked serious, and quickly responded to Da Wu on the screen:

"Yes, when the meeting is over, I'll take over the sundries that other heavenly kings need to deal with."

"Don't worry, I can kill those mice hiding in the ground in two months at most."

Seeing that the four heavenly kings responded with their own attitudes, the expression on Dawu's face finally relaxed, he picked up his hands on the table, smiled politely, and said softly to the big screen:

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go."


As Dawu's voice fell, the heavenly kings on the computer screen disappeared one by one.

After only Dago and Kayue were left in the picture, Kayue, who had a serious face astride the chair, raised her head and said to Dawu in a deep voice:

"Sorry, if I hadn't caught the **** Nobunaga when I was in Shui Jing City, the incident in Kanaz City wouldn't have happened this time."

Hearing Huayue's words of remorse, Dawu's face immediately showed a calm smile, he twiddled his light blue hair, and said in a relaxed tone:

"This matter of Kanaz has nothing to do with you. It's because I am too relaxed with a **** like Nobunaga."

"By the way, before I hang up the video, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"I'm going to call Nobunaga this afternoon to see if he is willing to reach a settlement with the alliance and not continue to commit drug crimes in Hoenn."

"After all, if a walking poison gas depot like Nobunaga really becomes mad and releases poison gas in major cities, the price the alliance needs to pay is too high."

After listening to Daigo's words, Huayue couldn't help showing a chill in her eyes, she quickly put her legs back on the ground, and said calmly:

"I just read the documents that Kanaz City reported to the Alliance. Nobunaga's double-bomb gas can really cover the entire city?"

"When the Guandu Alliance was re-divided before, I saw the city's Tianwang Aju in the Tianwang Tournament. Even his elves couldn't release the poisonous fog with such a huge range. Is A Ju from an aristocratic family still strong?"

When Dawu heard Huayue's question, his face gradually became serious, he sat upright with his back straight, looked at Huayue on the big screen, and slowly explained:

"The fighting style passed down by Aju's family, the king of the city, is still that of ancient ninjas.

"Nobunaga is completely different from him. Judging from the information shared by the Kanto Alliance, this Nobunaga has already started using poisonous fog to conduct large-scale battles since he was weak."

"His ace double-bomb gas, although it looks unremarkable, almost all of Nobunaga's victory depends on this elf who is paddling in battle."

"Especially the one that Yulongdu specially marked in the intelligence. The wanted criminal Nobunaga is from a commoner, and the toxins of his elf are also prepared by himself."

"You should be able to understand what will happen to such a wanted criminal who has no worries and behaves badly when he is forced by the alliance."

When Huayue heard Dawu's explanation, the look in her eyes suddenly dimmed, she stood up and walked to the computer, and said calmly:

"I understand, leave the lava team that sent the mountain to I won't let the **** Chi Yansong escape this time."

After all, Huayue's figure also disappeared from the computer screen.

Looking at the completely blacked-out screen, Daigo, who was sitting in the ergonomic chair, could not help but let out a sigh of relief. He got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at the police station that was already surrounded by people in the distance, and muttered to himself meaningfully. road:

"Inciting the people to surround the police station? Do you really think the alliance can't do anything about you?"

After taking his eyes back, Dawu turned around and picked up his mobile phone, walked out of the office, and came to the room where the giant golden monster rested next door.

Standing in front of the piles of rare ores of different colors, Dawu raised his head and looked at the giant gold monster lying in the ore. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he said softly to the guy who pretended to be sleeping:

"Let's go, take me to the police station downstairs. It's time for this ridiculous farce to end."

After hearing Dawu's words, the giant golden monster opened his eyes made of steel, floated to the stall beside the ore pile, connected to the sound in the cabinet, and said in a flat mechanical voice:

"Eighteen instigators have all confirmed that they all contacted xxxxxx, this phone number two hours ago, and the final location for signal tracking is Zijin City."

When Dawu heard the report of the giant gold monster, there was a smile in his eyes, and then he jumped on the top of the giant gold monster and said with a light smile:

"Transmit the data to Furong, we don't have to deal with this anymore, let's go."

After hearing Dawu's words, the giant gold monster didn't bother about the intention of his words, turned around and quickly flew out of this luxurious bedroom full of ores with very precise control.

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