The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 327: Sudden phone calls and confusion

Shady town, snow-covered forest on the outskirts.

Nobunaga, wearing a gray training suit and a navy blue trench coat, was standing in the camp that was forced to abandon because he was discovered by Daigo.

Gentle eyes swept across the dilapidated camp. Nobunaga saw that the facilities were almost intact, and he knew that the people of Luyin Town might not have discovered this camp that was not far from them.

Although I had already promised Daigo that nothing would happen in the Hoenn area, the plan to sack Kanaz City was almost halfway through, and it would be a pity to give up just like that.

The Master Ball manufactured by Devon Company, and the research results of their company for so many years, to Nobunaga, a person with insufficient base, the attraction is comparable to the three evil dragons completely controlled by him.

If Dawu's words were enough to let Nobunaga reluctantly give up, this plan made by himself, then as a five-star wanted criminal issued by the Guandu Alliance, he would be too timid.

Walking into the open space covered with white snow, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a smile, and hugged the Variety Monster lying on top of his head into his arms, thinking to himself:

"The Green Shade Town is only fifteen minutes away from the city of Kanaz. If the bat is allowed to sprint at full speed, it can be reached in ten minutes."

"Banmu, who received the news now, should have also arrived at Meteor Falls."

"Regardless of whether he started with the Meteor Citizens or not, as long as the Hoenn League finds his trace, the four champions like Dawu and the others will definitely pursue him, and my chance to sack the city of Kanaz is coming!"

"Jingle bell, jingle bell."

Just as Nobunaga was adding a contingency plan to his plan, the ringing of the mobile phone from his backpack suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

After regaining his senses, Nobunaga took out his mobile phone and saw the internal number displayed on it. His eyes suddenly became solemn, and he quickly answered the phone and said in a low voice:

"Hey, this is Nobunaga, what can you do to me?"

The person on the other side of the phone saw that the call was connected, and Nobunaga's voice was very calm, so he said calmly:

"Come to Meteor Falls tomorrow morning."

The voice fell, and the phone was unilaterally hung up.

The first time Nobunaga heard this sentence, he immediately realized that the person opposite was Banmu, but when he opened his mouth to respond, he found that the phone had been hung up unilaterally.

Standing in the snow, Nobunaga listened to the busy tone from the mobile phone, and the expression on his face gradually became serious, his left arm unconsciously hugged the Variety Monster, looking at the white snow below him, his eyes were cold and low. Said to himself:

"Banmu actually asked me to go to Meteor Falls. Could it be that the Hoenn Alliance hasn't found him yet?"

"Or... Due to the pressure of the Hoenn Alliance, Banmu wants me to follow up on the Kizakuza?"

Standing in the thick snow, Nobunaga's mind kept turning, pondering the intention of Banmu taking the initiative to call himself.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that when he reported to the headquarters that he had discovered the traces of the cracked empty seat, it seemed that he had dug a big hole for himself unknowingly.

If everything develops in a positive direction, then After Itaki reaches Meteor Falls, it will definitely be discovered by the Hoenn Alliance, and will be pursued by Daigo and the Four Heavenly Kings.

But now Banmu has not been found, or the Hoenn Alliance has found it, but it does not encircle and suppress him.

Nobunaga, as the first person to discover the traces of the cracking seat, Banmu ordered him to cooperate with the action and follow up the task of arresting the cracking seat, which is as it should be.

After roughly figuring out the ins and outs of the whole thing, Nobunaga, whose whole body was covered by heavy snow, became depressed in an instant. He leaned back and collapsed into the snow, thinking deeply in his heart:

"Banmu, Dawu, and the Four Heavenly Kings did not go to Meteor Falls to start a big melee. Then my plan to sack Kanaz City was a complete failure this time."

"Well... If Banmu asks me to follow up on the task of organizing the capture of Rikongza, then the matter of coming to Hoenn as a target can come to an end."

"It seems good to take the elves to travel around Fengyuan, and take a good rest for a few months. Even if there is no trace of the cracking seat, they will not be able to say anything when they report it to the headquarters."

After hesitating for a moment, Nobunaga still made a decision in his heart, and then he stood up and tucked the Variety Monster in his arms into the collar, picked up the Poké Ball and released the cross bat, walked up to his back and said softly:

"While there is still some time, let's go to the black market in Luyin Town to replenish supplies. That guy with the three evil dragons has too much food."

When the bat heard Nobunaga's words, he immediately obeyed and flapped his wings and flew to the west.

The Variety Monster that was stuffed into the collar showed an ugly expression, and thought bitterly in his heart:

"Three Evil Dragons! Why does that **** like to eat raw meat! It's targeting me, the Variety Chef!"


Send the mountain.

The alliance hunted down the temporary base of the Lava Team and sent it to the middle of the volcano.

The champion Daigo, who was wearing a blue-bottomed gold silk shirt, and Kayue, who wore a black hat to protect the tuft of red hair on top, sat opposite each other in a tent in the center of the temporary camp.

Seeing each other's emergency information from Bonnie, Huayue, who was sitting in the folding chair, quickly looked up at the serious-looking Dawu, and said in a solemn tone:

"Team Rocket leader Banmu appeared near Meteor Falls. Our people reported it to the headquarters with an encrypted communication device as soon as they discovered it..."

"But the correspondent died in the forest. After the autopsy, it can be determined that the deadly injury was not left by the wood elves. You should understand what this means."

After listening to Huayue's words, Dawu, who was sitting on Coco Dora's body, did not change his expression at all, still his serious face, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

"If the body of the correspondent goes missing, the alliance can still pretend that nothing happened."

"But it's too much for them to make things so obvious."

After Huayue heard Dawu's words, she took out her positioning device and placed it on the small wooden table, suppressing the anger in her heart, and said in a cold tone:

"Leave the work on the Lava team to me. You go to Meteor Falls and ask them about it. If they don't want to follow the alliance anymore, let the people of Meteor disappear If you can't figure it out, give it to me. Send a message, and I can use the super power elves from the headquarters to rush over."

When Dawu heard Huayue's extremely cold words, the anger in his eyes disappeared instantly, and while reaching out to take the positioning device, he quickly persuaded:

"Don't be too angry with the Meteor People. After all, when they faced Da Zijin's attack, the Alliance did not intervene in mediation and help, so it is understandable that they are wary of the Alliance."

"Besides, I helped the people of Meteor in the war that year. This time, I will personally go over and ask about this matter. I believe they will give me this face."

Hearing the first half of Dawu's words, Huayue didn't respond yet, but when he heard the second half of the words, he immediately understood what Dawu meant.

In the war between the Meteor Citizens and Da Zijin Co., Ltd., Dawu was not the only one who helped the Meteor Citizens.

The current Shenao champion Shirona also came to support the Meteor People.

After understanding Dawu's potential words, the look on Huayue's face gradually calmed down, she stood up and walked out of the tent quickly, while whispering behind her:

"In short, according to your previous arrangement, I will be in charge of sending the lava team to the mountain, and you will handle other emergencies."

Looking at Huayue who hurried out of the tent, Dawu's face was very calm, after thinking about how to deal with this matter in his mind.

Daigo, who was sitting on Coco Dora's back, slowly stood up, facing the tent's exit with a light smile and whispered:

"I hope that through this incident, the Meteor People and the Alliance can reconcile and return to the past..."

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