The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 329: Daigo's declaration of war on Banmu

In the winter months, the cold north wind blows, and the rushing Meteor Falls also welcomes an uninvited guest again at this time.

At this time, inside the Meteor Falls, sitting cross-legged in the ancient building carved with the Rift Seat, the old woman's turbid eyes were tightly closed, and her life was like a candle that was about to go out, swaying in the wind in the empty room.

As if sensing a visitor outside the Meteor Falls, the old woman sitting cross-legged on the mat stretched her sagging eyelids with effort, picked up the iron wooden crutches beside her and slowly stood up and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave.

Next to the lake downstream of the Meteor Falls, Dawu, standing on top of the giant golden monster, folded his arms and looked straight ahead seriously, the look in his eyes became softer and softer, like a wanderer waiting to return home.

When the old woman walked out of the rushing waterfall, Dawu hurriedly directed the giant golden monster to come forward to meet him, and at the same time let go of his arms, and said softly to the old woman:

"High Priest, I came to see you this time on behalf of the Hoenn Alliance."

Although Dawu's tone was very soft, the toughness in his words that represented the alliance still made the old woman sigh slightly.

Walking to the top of the giant golden monster, the old woman did not immediately answer Dawu's greetings, but tapped the giant golden monster with the crutches in her hand and pointed to the hillside where she was talking with Banmu.

Seeing that the old woman showed a business-like attitude towards him, a helpless look flashed in Dawu's eyes, and he could only open his mouth and command the giant gold monster softly:

"Go down in the direction pointed by the high priest."

Hearing Dawu's order, the giant golden monster floating at the entrance of Meteor Falls methodically controlled his body to fall to the top of the slope, put a steel arm upright on the ground, and built a stable platform for the old woman.

Seeing Dawu and the giant golden monster, still respecting herself as before, the old woman's heart was filled with more sadness. She stepped off the top of the giant golden monster and faced the direction of Meteor Falls, and said in a low voice:

"Did you come to me this time because of the news of the re-launch of the Rift Seat?"

Dawu, who was following behind the old woman, heard what she said, his originally soft eyes instantly sharpened, and he said in a solemn voice:

"High Priest, could it be that Banmu, the leader of Team Rocket, came to Meteor Falls because of the news of the launch of the Sundering Seat? Also, why do you hide these important information and do not report it to the Alliance."

When the old woman heard Dawu's question, her face gradually calmed down, and her heart completely turned this conversation into a communication between the Meteor Citizens and the Alliance. She turned around and looked directly into Dawu's eyes, and said in a flat tone:

"The news of the launch of the Rift Seat is false."

"However, Banmu, the leader of Team Rocket, did come to Meteor Falls. He lives in a villa in the forest in the south."

"Also, the Meteor People were never a subordinate force of the Hoenn Alliance."

When Dawu heard the old woman explain all the problems in three sentences, the originally slightly tough expression suddenly relaxed, walked to the old woman's side, and said in a low voice:

"The main reason is that a correspondent of the Alliance died when you met Banmu. If this matter cannot be handled properly, it will eventually cause hidden dangers to the relationship between the Alliance and the Meteor People."

When the old woman heard Dawu's words, the expression in her eyes became colder and colder, she smashed her crutches into the snow on the ground, and said bluntly:

"The people of Meteor live in seclusion in Meteor Falls, and never go out to make trouble. The Alliance should find the real murderer in this matter, rather than asking you to question me."

Seeing the clear attitude of the old woman, Da Wu also knew in his heart that he could no longer ask questions, so he quickly took out the gift he prepared from his backpack, smiled at the old woman and said:

"Since this matter is a misunderstanding, let's not worry about it any more. High priest, you see that I finally came to Meteor Falls. Do you have to take me in to meet Xijana and the others?"

Seeing that Dawu changed the subject, the old woman also understood the difficulty of him being caught between the alliance and the people of the meteor, and she said softly to him while her face slightly stretched:

"Meteor Falls is temporarily closed, and will not reopen before the birth crisis of Hoenn Continent."

"If you want to solve the root cause of the problem, go to the southern forest and talk to Banmu."

After she finished speaking, the old woman didn't wait for Dawu to respond, she jumped into the snow and walked slowly towards the surging Meteor Falls with a cane.

And after being rejected by the old woman, the expression on Dawu's face didn't change in the slightest. He just placed the gift he prepared on the top of the giant golden monster's head, looked at it and said in a gentle tone:

"Since Meteor Falls has been closed, then you can send them things to the entrance of the cave. It's a part of my heart."

After hearing Dawu's words, the giant golden monster quickly floated to the front of Meteor Falls, and sent the gift into the cave with his mind power.

Seeing the giant golden monster's movements, the old woman turned her head to look at Dawu with a warm smile on her face, but she didn't mean to open her mouth at all. She forced her body and walked into the Meteor Falls.

When the giant golden monster returned to her side, the old woman also returned to the Meteor Falls, the gentle smile on Dawu's face gradually disappeared, and a serious look appeared instead.

Jumping on the top of the giant golden monster, looking in the direction of the forest south of Meteor Falls, Dawu's eyes burst out with a strong fighting intent, and said in a low voice:

"The high priest is right. If you want to solve the root cause of the problem, you can only meet with Banmu."

The giant golden monster heard Dawu's words, and the surging fighting spirit burst out from its steel body. After rising into the air, it floated towards the southern forest at high speed.

At the same time, Banmu in the villa also felt the breath of a strong enemy approaching, and the cat boss who was lying on the street stall stood up directly and jumped to the beam of the house, looking towards the north with a fierce look in his eyes.

Seeing Boss Cat's reaction so fierce, Banmu, who was sitting on the single sofa, seemed to have guessed the identity of the enemy, with a faint smile on his said softly to Boss Cat:

"Since the guests took the initiative to exude their breath and came to visit us, let's go out and greet us."

When Boss Cat heard Banmu's command, the fighting spirit radiating from his body instantly disappeared, and he walked gracefully out of the door with cold eyes.

Above the villa where Banmu is located, Dawu, who is standing on top of the giant golden monster, looks at the cat boss who comes out to greet him, his face can not help showing a dignified color, he slightly turns the iron ring on his finger, and secretly thinks in his heart:

"Sure enough, as described in the information, he is an extremely calm man. In the face of the momentum that erupted against the giant golden monster, he was so calm that he even asked the cat boss to invite me in to talk..."

Looking at the cold-faced Boss Cat standing casually in the snow, Dawu on the head of the giant gold monster retracted his thoughts solemnly, as if he had made a decision, and a strong fighting spirit erupted directly from his body, and he moved towards the villa below him. Say it out loud:

"Itaki, come out and accept the arrest of the Hoenn Alliance."

The words that Dawu said almost vented all the anger that had accumulated in his heart during this period of time.

As for Banmu in the villa, after hearing Dawu's words of declaring war, a light smile appeared on his calm face.

Immediately, he stood up from the single-seat sofa, exuding a calm momentum like the boundless earth, and walked unhurriedly towards the forest outside the house.

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