The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 334: Returning to the Islands with the next step plan

The crescent moon hangs high in the sky, and the night shrouds the sea. Over the waters near the south of the Orange Islands, the bats, perfectly hidden in the dark, fly north at high speed.

On the back of the bat, Nobunaga with a relaxed expression was leisurely admiring the dark deep sea below. The warm smile on his face seemed to warm the cold wind blowing on his body.

Seeing the small orange island where the lights still flickered in the dark, Nobunaga hurriedly stretched out his hand to stroke the tiny fluff on the back of the bat, and said softly to him:

"Speed ​​down to forty yards, hovering over the submarine base."

Hearing Nobunaga's order to prepare to land, the bat's heart couldn't help but get excited. After all, in this world, the only place where they can sleep peacefully is perhaps the headquarters of the Holy Mountain, the seabed of the Little Orange Island. base.

As the bat flew to the target position, Nobunaga also used the communication device to send a signal to the door rock, waiting for the base entrance to appear on the sea surface.

In just five seconds after the signal was sent, a transparent channel formed by the air wall of the magic wall puppet stretched out from the dark sea.

Standing on the back of the bat, Nobunaga saw that the entrance had been opened, so he no longer concealed the joy in his heart, and softly instructed the bat under him to fly into the entrance of the passage on the sea.

After Nobunaga and the bat disappeared into the pitch-black sea water, the passage formed by the air wall also disappeared silently, and the east coast of the small orange island was just like this, and it fell silent again.

Submarine base, entrance and exit hall.

Nobunaga, who flew out of the passage on a cross bat, jumped back to the ground in the center of the hall.

After the bat that had been flying for a day slowly descended, Nobunaga stretched out his hand and stroked his head twice with a smile, and said softly:

"Go back and rest for a while, and then we'll go to the training ground for a big meal."

Having said that, Nobunaga picked up the third Poké Ball around his waist and put the bat back, turned to look at Menyan who had been standing beside him, and said in a gentle tone:

"Long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

Hearing Nobunaga's greeting, Men Yan also showed a faint smile on his face, then raised his left robotic arm and said with a smile:

"I've already informed Shito and Hideyoshi, we should have a good drink later."

Nobunaga looked at Menyan's relaxed appearance, and knew in his heart that the recent development of Sacred Mountain should be good, so he stepped forward and patted Menyan on the shoulder, and said to him with a smile:

"I'll go back to the training ground first, you can continue to wait here for Shito and Hideyoshi."

"By the way, you told the restaurant to bring me some fine food. Today, my elves haven't eaten for a long time because of the rush."

After speaking, Nobunaga didn't wait for Kadana's response, and walked straight to the road on the right of the entrance hall.

After hearing what he said, Menyan's face gradually calmed down. He took out the contact device and sent a urging text message to Shibuya and Hideyoshi.

Back at the submarine base, in his exclusive training ground, Nobunaga directly removed the battle belt and released all the elves.

Double Bomb Gas, Abo Monster, Fork Bat, Nido King, Stinky Mud, Gengar, Poisonous Algae Dragon, Alidos, Dragon King Scorpion, Wonderful Frog Flower, Variety Monster, and Three Evil Dragons.

Twelve elves appeared on the field, except for the three evil dragons who had not visited the submarine base, the other elves found suitable places to rest on their own, lie on the ground, and wait for dinner time.

Seeing the laziness of his own elves, Nobunaga showed a helpless smile on his face. Sitting on a chair on the edge of the field, he took out the intelligence brochure and silently searched for an elves center suitable for medical examinations.


As time passed, the sumptuous dinner sent by the logistics department also entered the bottomless mouths of the elves.

Nobunaga, who probably had a clear target, took back the intelligence manual and looked at the elves who were slumped on the ground.

Then he stood up and walked beside the elves, and said softly to the two elves, Geng Gui and Stinky Mud:

"Just let you two little gluttons accompany me to the restaurant for the banquet."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Stinky Mud hurriedly used shrinkage, then tightened his strong body, and ejected it back into his collar, while Gengar burrowed directly into the shadow of the ground.

Double Bomb Gas and Abo Monster looked at the two younger brothers' quick movements and smiled at each other, as if their tense spirit during this time had also relaxed.

The forked bat crawling on the ground in the distance did not respond to what was happening around him. At this moment, he was biting a man-high blood bag with his sharp teeth, enjoying a hard-won and peaceful time.

Nobunaga saw that all the elves were in good condition. After briefly explaining to them, he turned around and walked out of the training ground, walking slowly towards the base restaurant.

At the same time, at the entrance of the passage, Shishi and Hideyoshi, who came from the port black market and the nearby islands, also joined the Gate Rock.

After the three of them came to the restaurant from the entrance of the base, Nobunaga, who was sitting in the main seat in the private room, immediately stood up, looked at the three people who had changed greatly, and said with a smile:

"Everyone has arrived, then sit down quickly."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the three of them had bald heads with hideous scars on their stones, and couldn't help showing a naive smile on their faces. They pulled out their chairs and sat on the right side of the dining table.

The whole person was very unbalanced. Menyan, wearing a half-meter-wide and one-meter-long robotic arm in his left hand, quickly walked to the top left of the dining table, picked up the wine bottle, and started pouring wine into the arranged glasses.

Still standing in the same place, Hideyoshi, who looked unremarkable but exuded a cunning and capable aura, waited until the three of Nobunaga were all seated, and then slowly sat down at the end of the table.

Seeing the different reactions of Shito, Kamonyan, and Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, who was leaning on the back of the chair, immediately showed satisfaction in his eyes, and said in a low voice:

"You've all been promoted to the quasi-celestial Daping is also waiting for the last elf to break through."

"I think the current strength of the Holy Mountain is enough to carry out bright sports in the Orange Islands. We should also open a few regular companies like the Rockets."

The three who had just sat firmly heard Nobunaga's words, and immediately revealed a solemn look in their eyes.

After being silent for a few seconds, Menyan saw that Shitou and Hideyoshi both sent a signal to him with the look of "you said". While a hint of helplessness appeared in his heart, he could only turn his head to look at Nobunaga and reply in a calm tone:

"Apart from Daping from Hualan City, there is also the Rockets' city guard, Mitsuhide."

"In the Holy Mountain, including the three of us, there are seven quasi-king trainers, and the other four are trusted masons."

"If we want to carry out open-face activities in the Orange Islands, we must get Kona and Yonji to agree, otherwise we won't be able to get involved in most of the regular business in the Islands."

Hearing this, Nobunaga also understood what Menyan and the three were worried about. A faint smile appeared in his eyes. He sat up straight and said confidently toward the three of them:

"Don't worry about Kona Yongci's side. When I finish the physical examination of the elves, I will talk to them in person."

Having said that, Nobunaga raised his wine glass, his eyes swept over the three of them in turn, the domineering in his body gradually revealed, and he said softly:


Seeing that Nobunaga had come to a conclusion, Menyan, Shito, and Hideyoshi no longer hesitated. They hurriedly stood up and picked up the wine glasses on the table, facing the host and said in unison:

"Congratulations to the return of the boss, cheers!"

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