The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 346: Gengar's Discovery

After returning to the central hall of the elf with all the elves, there was no sign of Joelin in the counter. Nobunaga just thought that it was too late, and she might have returned to the room to rest.

So Nobunaga, whose mind was all on the double-bomb gas, closed the door of the center of the elf, led his elves through the hall, and entered the treatment room silently.

Looking at the precise inspection equipment in front of him, Nobunaga, who was standing behind the elves, turned his head to look at the double-bombing gas floating in the air, and said to him in a gentle tone:

"What are you waiting for, go in quickly."

After Double Bomb Gas heard Nobunaga's words, although he was still a little resistant to having to check his body again, he still controlled his body and floated into the cylindrical transparent glass cabin.

As the inspection equipment was turned on by Nobunaga, green and blue rays of light swept across the double-bomb gas, and his body report immediately appeared on the small screen.

Nobunaga saw that the instrument displayed the inspection report so quickly, he quickly put his urgent gaze on it, and read it carefully.

It was not until he thoroughly read the entire report and determined that all the data were at normal values, the big stone in Nobunaga's heart fell.

Turning on the button of the glass cabin and releasing the double-bomb gas inside, Nobunaga turned around and looked at the elves who were staring at him, then walked slowly to them, and said with a smile:

"The body of the double-bomb gas is normal. This time the experiment to upgrade the toxin was successful."

"Let's go to the research room next door now, and let me prepare and upgrade toxins for you."

When all the elves heard Nobunaga's words, they all showed hurried smiles on their faces, especially Abo, who had always called himself the second child of the team, and even his breathing rate increased.

After bringing the elves to the research room and taking samples from their poison sacs one by one, Nobunaga stood in front of the purification instrument and started busy.

At this time, the calmed elves were also in the research room, each finding a place to lie down and rest.

Only the stinky mud, which remained in a reduced state, quietly touched the ground like a thief, and whispered to the Gengar who was hiding in the shadows.

“Smelly∽Smelly Mud∽Smelly Mud∽Smelly Mud∽”

Geng Ghost, who was about to burrow out of the shadow, heard Smelly Mud's request, his wide-mouthed smile instantly paled, and his face turned serious.

After slowly nodding to Stinky Mud, Gengar shuttled through the shadows and quickly left the research room.

Upon seeing the smelly mud, the original simple and honest expression in the middle of the mud immediately became solemn, and he pulled the ground and ejected it back into Nobunaga's collar.

As time passed by, Gengar, who had been seriously investigating the situation in the vicinity, did not find any clues about the strange elves in the interior of the elf center.

The elf center, which was still brightly lit in the dark, was easy to search, and after a thorough search, Gengar confirmed that there was no elf mentioned by Stinky Mud, and his face could not help but become more and more ugly.

My partner definitely won't lie, but I haven't been able to find the elf in the center of the elf. In this situation, it can only mean that the strange elf has left the center of the elf, but why did it spy on Nobunaga?

After the shadow hiding in the wall hesitated for a long time, Gengar seemed to suddenly think of something, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he walked along the wall to Joelin's room on the second floor, and scanned the whole room with his big scarlet eyes. once again.

There is no clue, and Joyline's breathing can also prove that she is really asleep.

Is it going to end here?

Geng Gui looked at Qiao Yilin's sleeping posture, and the happy egg who was also sleeping next to him, a chilling look appeared in his eyes, and he thought to himself:

"The unknown elf appeared in the center of the elf. It is impossible for the two of them to know nothing. They can avoid detection when the stinky mud stretches out its tentacles. This is an extremely dangerous signal..."

"Why don't you just kill them here!"

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Gengar's big scarlet eyes became stronger and stronger, and he raised his hands to gather a charged shadow ball.

But at this moment, Alidos suddenly appeared in the room next to Joylin, hurriedly poked at the wall where Gengar was with his right paw, and at the same time made a rapid cry.


When Gengar heard Alidos' cry, he was stunned for a moment, walked through the wall and came to him, and asked calmly:

"Ghost ∽ Ghost Stone ∽"

Hearing Gengar's nonsense speculation, Alidos couldn't help but look at him with a question, "Are you mentally retarded?"



When Gengar heard Alidos' explanation, he drilled back into the shadow on the ground and quickly drifted toward the hill to the east of the center of the elf.


Lying on the ground anxiously, Alidos didn't bother with Gengar after hearing Gengar's words. He turned around and climbed to the research room calmly.

After all, this guy Gengar is a first-class life-saving guy. No matter how powerful this unknown enemy is, he can persist until rescue comes.

Compared with Gengar, Nobunaga needs him to protect him more.

Gengar, who left the center of the elf, quietly came to the hill to the east according to the guidance of Alidos, and looked at Pikexi, who was holding a phone in the moonlight, and the look in UU reading suddenly became serious Get up, because this is an elf whose strength is at the peak of the king.

Pikexi, who was standing on the top of the mountain absorbing the moonlight, did not find Gengar, and it seemed to be very sensitive to time. After the time displayed on the mobile phone came to 12:30, it opened the address book and dialed the first time. one of the numbers marked in red.

"Beep, beep, beep."

"Hey, is that Pikexi, how is Joylin doing recently? Are you still blaming me?"

Seeing that after the call was connected, the owner of the house was still the same. He opened his mouth to ask Qiao Yilin's situation first. While showing helplessness, Pikexi put his finger on the handset of the mobile phone and made a sound with a clear rhythm.

When Pikexi's finger stopped, the person on the other end of the phone immediately sighed and said to it:

"Is that so, I know."

"As long as the wanted man doesn't hurt Joylin, don't come forward to stop them from dating. I'll personally go and take you back to the family in a few months."

After Pikexi heard these words, his charming eyes narrowed into a slit, the corners of his mouth raised and continued on the phone receiver, tapping a rhythmic sound.

Gengar, who had been hiding in the shadows of the rock crevices, could understand what the human on the phone said, but he didn't understand the sound of Pikexi's knocks at all.

Before Fat Keding was discovered, and he had almost understood the purpose of his stay on the unnamed island.

Gengar, who was hiding in the crevice of the rock, quietly followed the shadow under the night and quickly floated to the center of the elf at the foot of the mountain.

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