The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 356: Return to Guandu and Traps

At eight o'clock in the evening, Nobunaga, who was riding a fork-shaped bat all the way north from Little Orange Island, saw the brightly lit pale red city in the distance.

He hurriedly commanded the forked bat under him, using the perfect cover of the night, and quietly landed on the hill near the light red forest.

Stepping off the back of the bat, Nobunaga held the Variety Monster lying on top of his head tightly in his arms, and cautiously looked into the depths of the woods, after looking around to make sure that there was no danger.

Only then did he take out a bag of blood from his backpack, stretched out his hand and handed it to the slightly dehydrated bat who was crawling on the ground, gasping for breath, and said softly to him:

"Drink this bag of dragon blood first to replenish your strength, and then go back to the Poké Ball to rest."

Holding the blood bag firmly with both claws, the bat who was drinking the red-faced dragon blood recklessly, nodded after hearing Nobunaga's words, completely disregarding the high-cold setting accumulated in the weekdays, like a melted stench Mud-like, slowly collapsed to the ground.

Seeing the cross-shaped bat enjoying the dragon's blood, Nobunaga's cautious face could not help showing a hint of indifference, and then he put the Variety Monster in his left hand into his clothes from the neckline, and whispered to it. road:

"You don't need to disguise to see Apollo. You lie down in my clothes and have a good sleep. I'll wake you up when we go to the alliance camp to investigate at night."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster lay in his clothes with peace of mind, wriggled twice in the direction of his belly, adjusted to a comfortable position, closed his eyes quietly and fell asleep.

As time passed, bit by bit, the cross-hatched bat with a relaxed expression on the ground slumped to the ground, drained the half-human-high blood bag, regained his energy and returned to Nobunaga's side with his wings.

Nobunaga, who was squatting on the top of the mountain and contemplating the war situation, immediately dispelled the confused thoughts in his mind, slowly stood up and took him back the Poké Ball.

The bright crescent moon hangs high on the dome. Under the light of the moonlight, Nobunaga's face gradually becomes serious. He strolls from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain with a clear target. Then he takes out the plank and gives it to his mobile phone, and silently opens the address book and dials. Apollo's number.

"Beep, beep, beep."

"Hey, is it Nobunaga, where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up now."

After the phone was connected, he heard Apollo's words, which seemed to be filled with welcome for his arrival. Nobunaga's face could not help but become solemn, and he thought to himself:

"Didn't the intelligence collected by the Holy Mountain say that Team Rocket is at risk under the Alliance's offensive?"

"Why is Apollo's voice not heavy or angry on the phone now, but rather confident."

"Could it be that this guy Apollo wants me to be a target thrown by the Rockets and attract the firepower of the Alliance in major cities!"

After thinking of this, Nobunaga's eyes immediately showed a chilling look, he held back his anger and put the phone to his ear, and replied bluntly:

"I'm at the foot of a mountain south of Light Red City. Send someone to pick me up."

When Apollo heard Nobunaga's stern answer, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes, and he said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll send someone over here."

As soon as the voice fell, Apollo found that Nobunaga had hung up the phone, the fake smile on his face disappeared immediately, stood up and shook his head as if he could not help sighing.

Then Apollo walked out of the office quickly and said to the two elites who were guarding the door:

"Go to the bottom of the hills south of Qianhong City, find cadre Nobunaga for me, and bring them back."

"You must have a correct attitude, understand?"

When the two elites heard the mission given by Apollo, they hurriedly half-bent over and softly answered, then turned around and walked quickly to the exit of the temporary base.

Wait until the figures of the two elite subordinates disappeared into the dim corridor.

Apollo, whose face was calm, then walked into the next room, looked at Athena, who was lying on the sofa reading a book, closed the door, and said to her with a very relaxed expression:

"I just got on the phone with Nobunaga, and I've already sent a man to pick him up."

After Athena heard Apollo's words, she didn't seem to be interested in this matter at all. She looked at the Cultivation Weekly in her hand blankly, and replied perfunctorily to Apollo, who was sitting beside her:

"Come here. Anyway, the headquarters doesn't let us take the initiative to attack. There is no difference between more and less."

After hearing Athena's words and knowing that she didn't care about Nobunaga's attitude, Apollo also knew in his heart that it was time to tell his plan.

So Apollo stretched out his hand and grabbed the Cultivation Weekly that Athena was reading, pointed his serious eyes directly into her eyes, and said frankly:

"I want Nobunaga to go to the Red City Alliance camp and release a wide range of toxins there, completely destroying all the backbone of the alliance."

Suddenly hearing Apollo's thoughts, Athena, who was about to **** back the Cultivation Weekly, suddenly became shocked. She hurriedly sat up on the sofa, clenched her fists and yelled at him:

"Are you crazy! I don't know if Nobunaga will agree to go to the alliance camp to die. Doing so rashly will set off a decisive battle between the two sides!!"

"It doesn't matter if Nobunaga dies, and I don't care about the decisive battle with the Alliance, but if it destroys Mr. Itaki's plan, how are we both responsible!"

Seeing that Athena was so excited, Apollo quickly put the book aside, put his hand on Athena's shoulder, and explained to her calmly:

"If the stalemate continues like this, all the Rockets' bases will fall. I believe this will definitely not be what Mr. Banmu expected."

"As long as we pass Nobunaga this time, we can solve all the backbone of the alliance at one time, and our people can retreat back to the Viking Forest Base that night. Those high-level members of the UU Kanshu alliance just want to take revenge afterwards. Can't find us either."

"Since Mr. Banmu handed me the position of commander-in-chief of the Kanto region, at this critical juncture of life and death, I must return it to Mr. Banmu with a satisfactory answer."

After listening to Apollo's words, Athena understood that he had made up his mind and had to do something.

So the shocked look on Athena's face gradually became stable, looking directly into Apollo's eyes with a very solemn look, and said in a cold tone:

"Ignoring the situation on Mr. Itaki's side, your plan is indeed perfect, but how are you going to let Nobunaga obediently go to the alliance camp to commit suicide."

Hearing Athena's question, Apollo couldn't help showing a faint killing intent in his eyes. He picked up the rose in his pocket and sniffed it twice, and said gracefully and unhurriedly:

"To make a person willing to perform an almost mortal task is nothing more than two choices: coercion and inducement."

"It's just that for Nobunaga, a greedy hyena, we have to use both methods."

"You can call me now and call Garm and Carter over. The four of us will discuss and discuss how to receive this after Nobunaga arrives. The Warriors who are willing to die calmly for the Rockets."

Speaking of the end, a small smile appeared on Apollo's face. Looking at Athena who stood up and walked to the desk, he thought deeply in his heart:

"Maybe coercion by force alone is not enough..."

"The Holy Mountain Organization of the Orange Islands also seems to be a bargaining chip that can be used to threaten Nobunaga."

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