The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 371: Rocket Secret Library and True Bird Arrive

Time passed bit by bit, the short-haired middle-aged elves in the poisoned state, in the double-bomb gas, the Abo monster, the cross-shaped bat, the Nido king, the poisonous algae dragon, the dragon king scorpion, the Alidos, the wonderful frog flower eight Under the siege of the elves, it did not last long.

After the Super Armored Rhinoceros, Long Longyan, Big Steel Snake, Scorpion King, Psychic Puppet, and Desert Dragonfly all died, Nobunaga took out the Variety Monster in his collar and whispered to it:

"This is a medical kit. Didn't you learn from Joyline and take care of everyone's wounds."

After saying that, Nobunaga's eyes swept over his elf one by one, then raised his head to look at the double-bounce gas, and said in a calm tone:

"Release the poisonous mist with all your strength and wait for me to come back."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Double Bomb Gas had a serious look on his face, nodded his head, floated into the air, and began to release the poisonous mist again.

Nobunaga, who received a response from the double-bomb gas, also showed a reassuring smile on his face, turned around and punched the keyhole of the iron door, and walked into the secret vault of Team Rocket.

As soon as he entered the door, Nobunaga was dazzled by the dazzling array of origin powers of various attributes on the shelves.

Going into the depths, master cheats, high-tech products, dark balls, meteorites from the vast universe, and all kinds of things that can be called priceless treasures in the outside world are also neatly placed on the shelves, allowing people to watch them at will.

Nobunaga, whose mouth couldn't help rising to the root of his ear, could no longer control his greed, and hurriedly lowered his head and said to the shadow on the ground:

"Geng Gui, take me all the things here, not a single one!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Gengar slowly emerged from the ground, and in his big scarlet eyes, there were more greedy eyes than Nobunaga.

When he floated to the first shelf at the door, he unscrupulously picked up the power of the source and officially started his emptying plan.

Nobunaga, who was standing in the depths of the secret vault, after seeing Gengar's phantom-like speed, he went to the shelf where various master cheats were placed with confidence.

The knowledge that is monopolized by the upper echelons of the elf world and the most difficult to obtain, is stored with extreme care, and a backpack that stores precious items close to him.

Then look to the side, specially installed in a transparent glass box, there are two groups of twelve dark balls.

"Why are there only so many? Could it be that the materials for making dark **** are very rare..."

After discovering that there were only twelve dark **** placed on this shelf in the entire Rocket Team secret library, Nobunaga was suddenly disappointed.

After all, something like the dark ball has a certain restraining effect on the champion elves. You must know that in high-level battles, even a few seconds is enough for one of the parties to reverse the situation.


The screen returns to three minutes ago.

Rainbow Base, the fifth floor of the Logistics Department.

Sitting on the leather swivel chair, Zhen Bird, who was in the process of contacting Team Rocket's subordinate branch base, was suddenly shocked by the explosive momentum of the Psychic Earth Puppet and broke out in a cold sweat.

"No! The aura of this heavenly king elf came from the ground!"

After realizing that there was a problem with the underground secret vault, the real bird sitting in the chair hurriedly stood up, took out the contact device and asked the middle-aged man with short hair about the situation, and at the same time picked up the phone on the table and dialed the team directly under the headquarters. Number, Shen Sheng commanded to:

"Everyone gathers at the door of the warehouse of the logistics department!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhenniao's face gradually became solemn, and he walked out of the office quickly and rushed to the warehouse of the underground logistics department, thinking calmly in his heart:

"Although it is a full-scale war with the alliance this time, compared with the accumulation of the headquarters over the years..."

"We can only give up the subordinate branch bases in various places first."

"After all, it is the light red battlefield that controls the situation of the war. I hope Lord Itaki can clear everything up."

When he came to the underground of the logistics department building, Zhen Bird looked at the team directly under the headquarters that had been assembled, but his face was still covered with frost.

Then he stepped forward to open the door of the warehouse and led everyone to the iron door of the secret room that was intact.

Seeing that there was no sign of battle in the vicinity, Mayu seemed to guess that the intruder was his own, so he looked behind him with a solemn expression, and everyone from the team directly under the headquarters said in a deep voice:

"Release the elves!"

"The first team is waiting for my order, the second team retreats to the periphery, and the third team returns to the building to transfer the intelligence information."

Hearing the order of the real bird, the members of the team directly under the headquarters quickly divided into three teams and released their respective elves, and executed according to the order.

The real bird standing in front of the iron door of the secret room took out a key from his waist, threw it to the captain of the team directly under the headquarters, and said softly to him:

"Open the door."

Hearing the two words that popped out of the real bird's mouth, the captain who was shocked that such a secret room existed in the warehouse of the logistics department.

Then he hurriedly threw the hot key in his hand to a more obedient subordinate, with a threatening look in his eyes, and asked him to open the iron door of the secret room.


Under the threat of his own captain, the Rocket Elite opened the iron door tremblingly.

But when he saw the nine elves entrenched in the secret room, his legs instantly fell to the ground, and he crawled and rolled back to the crowd, shouting in panic:

"Heaven! Heavenly King Spirit!!!"

The real bird standing in front of the iron door of the secret room, after hearing the elite's words, saw that everyone's emotions were about to be confused by him, so he directly raised his legs and walked to the secret room, and said in a cold tone:

"The second team remains vigilant, and the first team follows me."

True Bird's ruthless words and the threat of Team Rocket's defected list made everyone in the team directly under the headquarters temporarily lose their fear of the Heavenly King Spirit.

After all, as the secretary of Banmu, the real bird, the logistics director of the Rockets, has already taken the lead to the secret room.

If their subordinates still can't summon up the courage to keep up with the real birds, they are really courting death.

Walking into the secret room, I saw the double-bombing gas, the Abo monster, the cross-shaped bat, the king of Nido, the poisonous algae dragon, the Alidos, the dragon king scorpion, the wonderful frog flower, and the strange force, these nine very familiar elves.

The real bird, who had a cold face, couldn't help but show a strong resentment in his eyes. He couldn't help clenching his white palms into fists. He stared at the door of the secret library that was opened on the other side, and said in a low voice:

"Nobunaga, you bastard!"

After scolding, the real bird quickly stabilized his inner emotions, turned to the members of the team directly under the headquarters, and said coldly:

"Return to the logistics department building, pack up classified intelligence and materials, and retreat according to the predetermined route."

Hearing the order of the real The members of the team directly under the headquarters who stood beside her, although they couldn't figure out what happened here, they still resisted the joy in their hearts and quickly turned and left. This is the secret room where the eight heavenly king elves are entrenched.

After everyone left, the real bird standing at the door of the secret room walked over to Abo Monster with a calm expression, pulled the chair belonging to the middle-aged man with short hair and sat down slowly, thinking calmly:

"Compared to Mikuli's stuff, the high-end elf industries like Silver Corporation, as well as those doctors from the research institute, are the real foundation of Team Rocket."

"Now Nobunaga's betrayal has become a fact. If you fight him at the base, the power of the double-bomb gas poisonous fog is enough to leave everyone behind."

"All the information and information stored in the headquarters will fall into the hands of him or the alliance."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Since the subordinate branch bases have been abandoned, it is not unacceptable to abandon the headquarters."

"It seems that I can only hold him down first and transfer intelligence information to the team directly under the headquarters to buy time..."

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