The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 380: Cheats to the Champions

The radiance of the sun shines on the calm sea.

Nobunaga, who instructed the cross-shaped bat to land in front of the door of the center of the elf, looked at Joelyn who quickly ran out to meet him after hearing the sound.

Immediately, a warm smile appeared on his face, he stepped off the back of the cross bat, opened his arms and greeted him with a smile.

Holding her heavy arms, Joelin's curvaceous and graceful body, looking at the beautiful and moving expression on her face, Nobunaga felt a warmth in his heart, he wrapped his arms around his slender waist and said softly:

"I won't be leaving when I come back this time. It is estimated that I will stay for a long time."

After Joelin heard Nobunaga's words, there was a hint of joy in her big watery eyes, and she hurriedly asked:

"Didn't I say before that I would leave for two months, why did I come back in just one day?"

"Have all your affairs been dealt with?"

Hearing Joelin's question, Nobunaga still kept a smile on his face, and regardless of the bat that was panting behind him, he took her hand and walked slowly towards the central door of the elf, and explained in a gentle tone:

"The war between the Rockets and the Alliance was started in advance by the Guandu champion Yulongdu last night, but the war ended very quickly."

"At present, it is basically certain that the Rockets will be defeated, but the league's victory is not easy."

"So after I solved the trouble, I rushed back immediately."

After listening to Nobunaga's explanation, Joelin with a blushing face turned her head shyly, looked at the happy egg following her, and said softly:

"You haven't eaten dinner yet. I'll go and make it for you. Wait for me in the restaurant for a while."

After seeing these words, Nobunaga wanted to let go and rush to Joelin in the kitchen. He hurriedly put her in his arms and said to her in a serious tone:

"Don't be in a hurry to eat, because Aboguai has been digging continuously for about 50 kilometers underground, there seems to be damage to the inside of his brain, so let's check him first."

When Joelin heard Nobunaga's words, her face suddenly became serious, and her eyes showed a dignified look. While pulling Nobunaga to the treatment room, the attitude of a professional elf doctor also instantly appeared on her body.

"Is Aboguai's injury serious? What specific reaction did he have after the injury?"

Seeing Joelin quickly returning to work, Nobunaga, who trusts in the ability to fight Aberdeen, and the Joey family's treatment level,

Then he took off the Pokémon's Poké Ball from the battle belt, and responded with a stern face:

"Around 3:30 in the morning, after burrowing out of the ground, Abo was rolling around in pain. The inspection found that there was no trace of trauma, so I was probably certain that it was an intracranial injury."

"Right now, the Arbo monster should still be asleep under the influence of Gengar's hypnotism."

After listening to Nobunaga's explanation, Joelin's expression relaxed a little, then she reached out to take Abo's Poké Ball, and calmly said:

"I almost understand the situation. I'll bring Abo Monster in for inspection and treatment. You don't have to worry too much, just feed the other elves in the backyard first."

When the voice fell, Joylyn took Abo's Poke Ball and walked into the treatment room with the automatic door.

But Nobunaga, who has always been cautious and vigilant, did not go to the backyard to feed the other elves as she thought.

He just put the Variety Monster above his head, supported it with both hands and put it back on the ground, took off his battle belt full of Poke Balls, looked at him and said in a solemn voice:

"You take everyone to the entrance of the Elf Center, and have some breakfast in the open space. It's enough to be full."

The Variety Monster heard Nobunaga's instructions, and quickly transformed into the four-armed monster it was most familiar with. He picked up the battle belt and the ingredients backpack, called the bat, and walked quickly to the exit directly opposite the hall.

Sitting on the bench outside the door of the treatment room, Nobunaga saw the stinky mud in his collar and the Gengar hiding in the shadows, but he didn't react. think:

"Although I suddenly returned to the Unnamed Island, Joylin couldn't have time to prepare the trap, but I don't know the situation in the light red battlefield."

"In case I guess wrong, Banmu didn't pass..."

"Yulongdu will directly report my news to the alliance, then the Joey family will definitely be prepared, and even use this nameless island for encirclement and suppression."

"It seems that I have to test Joelin a few more times, check all the communication facilities in the Elf Center, and let the Dragon King Scorpion dig out an escape route."

"As for the Pikexi at the peak of the king, do you want to kill it..."

After thinking for a moment in his heart, Nobunaga gave up the idea of ​​killing Pikexi. He stood up and walked to the door of the treatment room. He looked inside through the glass. Wei Zhang said in a low voice:

"Unless the alliance sends Oki and Kikuko, two veteran trainers at the top of the championship, to encircle and suppress me, even Yulongdu and Shiba won't be able to get any benefit from the upgrade toxin of the double-bomb gas."

Sitting back on the bench again, from the backpack that stored precious items, he dug out the champion cheats harvested in the Rockets secret vault.

Nobunaga, whose expression had calmed down, looked at the pale yellow notebook that could guide him on the road to the championship, raised his hand and read it carefully.


"Heart, body, skills, the three elements of a champion."

"As long as you choose one of them and polish to perfection, you can become an advanced champion."

"Heart, refers to the heart of the self, the courage to not be afraid of all things, and it can also point to the accumulation of elf source gems."

"The body, simple and easy to understand, is to stimulate the instinct of the elf and break through the limits of the body in the endless battle."

"Skills, round as jade, skills that move with one's heart, belong to the use of elf energy."

"One level challenge one level, the elves who break through the three shackles can gain the combat power to compete with the beasts."

After roughly extracting the essence recorded in this champion cheat book, Nobunaga put the cheat book back into his valuables backpack, looked at the flower pots placed on both sides of the door of the treatment room, and whispered to himself:

"The so-called mind, body, and skills, the limits that the three elves break through, are indeed easy to understand."

"But to be able to compete with divine beasts, I'm afraid the author of this book has overblown it."

"Not to mention Arceus, the **** of or Ho-oh, a legendary beast like Lugia, even the toilet king is not something that ordinary champion trainers can compete with."

"If it's a lightning bird, a flame bird, or a frozen bird, elves that don't have the power of divine beasts and have given birth to a lot of offspring, they can be considered divine beasts..."

"That's not a fight, but a defeat..."

Nobunaga with deep eyes whispered here, as if he had already thought about the first step-up method of his own elf.

"Heart? It's really hard not to be afraid of everything, but I have a lot of things like source power in my backpack."

"Breaking through the limits of my body, with Joylin, an elf doctor who is proficient in medical treatment, if I don't know how to use it, it will be a waste."

"As for skills and energy application... the patron saint of the Orange Islands, the four kings of the ice system, Kona, seems to be a good choice."

Just at this time, Joelin, whose face was a little tired, walked out of the treatment room with empty hands, came to Nobunaga, forced a smile and said softly:

"There's nothing wrong with Abo's body, it's just that the bones on his head have a hole in it, and I've repaired it for him."

"Wait until he wakes up, and then transfer to the elf ward to rest for a while."

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