The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 384: handover-like conversation

Guandu Continent, Quartz Plateau.

In the headquarters of the Alliance, in an office in the police building, President Damalanchi is sitting on a wooden seat.

Looking at Yu Longdu with his head down and depressed in front of him, he immediately hugged the teacup with his two fleshy palms and said in a calm tone:

"I remember our league champion Yu Longdu, he doesn't seem to be a downcast person."

"Raise your head for me."

Hearing President Damalanqi's words, Yu Longdu slowly raised his head, and the tension on his face suddenly showed, he couldn't help clenching his fists and said in a low voice:

"Lord President, it was my fault to let Banmu and Aju go on the light red battlefield. Please order to remove me from the position of league champion."

When Damalan heard Du's request, his face remained calm, but with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, he knocked on the table and said to him in a deep voice:

"You and Sheba's elves are poisoned, and it's not your fault that you choose to let Banmu's Aju go."

"But you take responsibility for those people. The position of the league champion is really no longer suitable for you."

When Yulongdu heard Damalanqi say this, the nervousness in his eyes was instantly replaced by anxiety after misunderstanding, he hurriedly walked up to the table, gritted his teeth and explained:

"I have never forgotten your teachings, but this time I let Banmu and the others go, and I must stand up and take responsibility, not because of the family or the alliance, but because I, as a champion, acquiesced to this choice at the time."

"The war is over, and the aftermath has basically been arranged properly. Tomorrow I will go to the Orange Islands to find Kona and stay with her for a while."

After all, the look on Du's face gradually became lonely, as if giving up and continuing to explain, he turned around and walked towards the office door.

Seeing Du turned to leave, Damalan's feigned disappointment immediately disappeared from his eyes, as if he had realized that he was pressing too hard, then he stood up and slapped the table with his hands fiercely, roaring in a strong tone:

"Are you going to be a deserter! How dare you be a champion of the league!"

"When you encounter a problem, you don't think about how to solve it first. Instead, you shy away from it. Do you still want to rely on me, an old man!"

Hearing the roar of President Damalanqi, who hated iron for being steel, Yu Longdu stopped his steps, and his emotions were temporarily restored in the scolding voice, and he silently turned back to the desk, his voice low. The Calm said:


"My mind is in a mess right now. I really never thought that the family that is the cornerstone of the alliance would be so abhorrent."


Jian Du returned to his desk and began to explain his true thoughts. President Damalanchi, whose expression also returned to calm, interrupted his expression directly, and continued to say to him forcefully:

"Don't explain, the experience of serving as a search officer for so many years has not made you sober."

"The evil of human nature, you must have seen it during the mission."

"In this world, there has never been a trainer from a family who is more noble than others."

"Even these self-proclaimed nobles, because they enjoy the rights and hospitals brought to them by the alliance, are too broad-minded, so they act even more despicable than wanted criminals."

"If you still can't see through this, then I'm really going to be disappointed in you."

After Yu Longdu listened to Dama Lanqi's words, the expression on his face gradually changed from lonely to solemn and serious, his fists clenched and slowly relaxed, and he replied in a gentle tone:

"Yes, President, I understand."

After Damalan heard Du's response, the expression on his face gradually became calmer, and he leaned on the desk and jumped back to the chair.

Looking at Yulongdu, who was standing straight in front of him, he took out the appointment document he had prepared in advance, put it on the table and said to him solemnly:

"From today onwards, you don't have to go out to perform tasks, just stay at the headquarters honestly."

After saying these words, Damalan saw that Du wanted to refuse, so he directly used his majestic eyes to stop his Adam's apple from moving slightly, and ordered in a very serious tone:

"In the future, the general government affairs of the alliance will be handled by the officials of the Department of Internal Affairs."

"The force system, except for the headquarters directly under the team, the headquarters guard team, these elites guarding the quartz plateau."

"The trainers from other departments are all handed over to the Four Heavenly Kings."

"As for you, the league champion, just sit in the center and command them from the Quartz Plateau."

After hearing President Damalanqi say these words in an orderly tone, Yu Longdu couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

He knew in the bottom of his heart that as the champion of the Kanto League, he absolutely could not open his mouth to refuse the command of the president at this time. So he could only raise his hands in salute, and responded with a serious expression:


Hearing Yulongdu's resounding response, President Damalanchi, who was sitting on the seat, immediately showed a relieved smile on his face. With satisfied eyes, he stared at Du's fearless eyes and spoke softly. :

"I'm old, and the future of the league will ultimately belong to you young people."

"The current alliance is a piece of white cloth. I have already cleaned it up for you. It's up to you to decide what pattern to draw on this white cloth."

"But you have to remember that in the future, if someone in the alliance commits mistakes, you must not punish them yourself. Tolerating their guilt is what you should do."

"Jun Shasui and Xiba, both of them are high-level executives who can handle their own roles. You can handle the relationship with them well. If you don't want to say anything in the future, you can ask them to refute them."

"Be tolerant and self-disciplined internally, and tough externally, you must know how to balance the forces of all parties in the alliance."

"Never let your emotions affect your judgment and control your actions."

"But there is one thing you have to keep in mind. For those worms that corrode the foundation of the alliance, they must be thoroughly cleaned up with thunder, without giving them any chance to breathe."

Having said President Damalan's face suddenly relaxed, he took a sip from the teacup with his right hand, and looked at the successor he had chosen in front of him with extremely calm eyes.

After listening to Damalanqi's instructions, Yu Longdu's eyes softened, as if he did not expect that the old man who had been at the helm of the alliance would suddenly hand over the heavy responsibility to himself.

After a short silence for a few seconds, Du took a few steps back and bowed deeply to Damalan. The expression on his face became as calm as a plank, and he said in a serious tone:

"I have written down all your teachings."

President Damalanqi saw Du's statement. Although he was very satisfied in his heart, he also understood that his successor was related to the future of the alliance.

So President Damalangi calmly put down the teacup in his hand, raised his head and looked at Yulongdu, who was in a calm mood but a little excited in his eyes, waved at him, and said in a low voice:

"I'm a little tired, let's talk about it here today."

"Bring your appointment order now, go to the seventh floor to find Jun Shasui for a seal, and start working."

Du heard Damalan's tactful persuasion to quit, and at the same time he knew that he was still in the testing period, so he didn't make any unpleasant actions.

After saying goodbye politely, he picked up the appointment document on the table, turned around and left the office slowly.


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