The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 387: meeting of the joey family

Guandu Continent, where the Joey family resides.

In the bright and spacious conference hall, more than twenty Joey sat quietly in their seats, with a solemn expression as if waiting for someone important.

Joey, who had imprisoned Zuozi in the quaint courtyard before, was also sitting on the left side of the round table, watching calmly at the movements of everyone on the field.

Bit by bit as time passed. The heavy door of the conference room was pushed open.

An old-faced Joey with a cane in his hands, surrounded by two young Joeys, walked slowly into the hall, sat firmly at the head of the round table, and said softly to everyone in the conference room:

"Today's family issue is still the specific countermeasures for the six-star wanted criminal of the Alliance, the leader of the Holy Mountain of the Orange Islands, the defected cadre of the Rockets, and the poisonous king Nobunaga."

"According to the family's past practice, it's up to you to discuss it first. Let's talk freely."

As soon as the voice of the old Joey fell, the short-haired Joey sitting on the right of the round table in the conference room immediately showed a serious face and said in a deep voice:

"In view of the confidential information of the Alliance Investigator Headquarters and the police department, I think the family should give up the hostile option with Nobunaga."

"It has attacked large cities many times, destroyed the Miyata family land, several small towns, and even threatened the champion Daigo in the Hoenn League."

"This kind of person who has no awe, must not rashly provoke him, otherwise it will easily cause him to take revenge against the family."

After listening to what Joey with short hair said, most of the Joeys in the conference room agreed.

There are only a few hard-line Joeys who clearly express their objections, but they can't come up with an effective plan to deal with people like Nobunaga.

Seeing that the situation continues like this, I am afraid that a conclusion will be reached soon. The Joey, who sat on the left side of the round table without speaking for a long time, put his hands on the table and interrupted everyone's discussion with a solemn tone.

"Everyone, although Nobunaga is indeed a six-star wanted criminal identified by the league, he does not have the corresponding championship-level combat power."

"To put it bluntly, the alliance decided that it was only because it couldn't lock his specific location, and was afraid of Nobunaga's revenge in the towns to which the alliance belonged."

"I believe that as long as the family sends three super-power kings, taking advantage of this opportunity, it should be a very simple matter to take him down."

"If the family can arrest Nobunaga, then the alliance and Damalanchi..."

"I don't need to say more about what I'm going to say next."

After Joey on the left finished speaking, the Joeys in the conference room bowed their heads and fell silent again, thinking about the pros and cons of the whole thing in their minds.

But Joey with short hair, who was sitting at the right end of the round table, slammed the table and stood up at this moment, controlling the anger that suddenly rose in his heart, and said hard to her:

"Are you trying to avoid the key points! It's clear that the internal information of the alliance has already described in detail that Nobunaga has the ability to poison an entire city in an instant, and his real combat power is approaching the championship level. It stirs everyone's emotions here!"

"Furthermore, Nobunaga's revenge is extremely heavy. It can be seen from the incident with the Junsha family that this person is definitely not someone who will be frightened."

"If the family doesn't kill the snake, I'm afraid it won't be one or two elf centers that suffer, but Joey, whose family is stationed on various continents!"

After hearing this, many Joey's expressions immediately returned to a firm state. After all, ensuring the interests of the family is their first priority.

They will not take the initiative to take over any matter that may cause damage to personnel, even if it is an order issued by the president of the alliance, Da Ma Lanqi.

Seeing this, Joey, who was sitting at the left of the round table, knew in his heart that he could not speak to these elders who sincerely contributed to the family, so he raised his arms around his arms, changed the subject and said softly:

"Zako wanted to go to the archipelago to protect Xiaolin, but I was temporarily imprisoned by me. I don't know what the opinions of everyone here are."

Hearing this sentence, all the Joeys in the conference room were silent for a moment, as if they were not willing to express their opinions on this matter.

In just a few seconds, the atmosphere in the room quickly became icy cold.

Seeing that no one wanted to respond, Joey, who was sitting at the head of the round table with an old face, leaned on crutches and slowly stood up, and said calmly:

"Since everyone made a choice with words regarding Nobunaga's countermeasures, let's end this matter."

"Notify the local elf centers and Joey of the alliance police department that he will not have any conflicts with Nobunaga in the future, let alone notify other organizations of his stay."

"As for Zuozi, I would trouble the old man in his branch to walk around more and persuade him."

"However, if Xiao Lin's child is really involved with Nobunaga, it will be really troublesome, and it will easily become a scandal for the entire family."

"Let's do this, send someone to call and tell her to pick her up next month."

After the old Joey gave an order like a summary, the Joeys sitting in the conference room stood up neatly and responded in unison with a solemn expression:

"Yes, Great Elder."

Hearing that everyone responded, the old-faced Joey had no intention of continuing to speak. He walked slowly out of the conference room, surrounded by the two young Joeys on crutches.

And after the great elder of the Joey family left, he stood on both sides of the round table, with different ages. But all the Joeys, who were in their thirties and above, talked with the Joeys they were friends with.

Only Joey, who was sitting at the left of the round table, silently stood up and walked out of the door.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Joey, who was sitting at the right end of the round table, couldn't help showing anger, and sneered at her coldly:

"Ignoring the interests of the family, you are really a member of the Presbyterian Church."

Joey on the left, who was about to walk to the door, after hearing what Joey on the right said still kept his face very calm, but he said indifferently:

"The Council of Elders allows anyone to express their opinions. If you want to deprive me of the right to speak, then go and impeach me to the Great Elder."

"By the way, it seems that impeachment of me requires the consent of 60% of the family. You are only one person, and you don't seem to have this right."

After saying this, Joey on the left opened the door and walked out of the conference room. At the same time, a look of disdain appeared on his face, but he thought deeply in his heart:

"The anti-war sentiment at the top of the family is getting higher and higher, and there is even a tendency to spread to the younger generation. Is this really good..."

On the other side, Joey on the right, who was ridiculed, watched the Joey on the left leave the conference room, his expression softened suddenly, he bent down and sat back in his seat, turned his head and smiled at everyone and said:

"Nobunaga's matter has finally come to a conclusion, and there is one less matter that urgently needs to be resolved by the Presbyterian Church."

"By the way, has the research laboratory that the family cooperated with the Nurturing Association has achieved now?"

Hearing Joey's question on the right, a middle-aged Joey wearing red glasses diagonally opposite, his leisurely face instantly turned serious, and he hurriedly replied:

"The research laboratory has not yet achieved results, and the day before yesterday afternoon, the nurturing family association and the family's contact person called, hoping that we can increase the budget."

When Joey on the right heard this answer, his eyes couldn't help showing a little indifference, and his fingers slowly tapped twice on the table, and said in a flat tone:

"Give them an additional 500 million Elf Coins. By the way, tell those researchers that I must see results within three months."

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