The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 390: Protection Arrangements and Denials

Back at the Elf Center not far from the coast, walk quickly through the hall and enter the training ground from the back door.

Nobunaga, who did not dare to stop along the way, did not gradually relax until he saw the elves lying on the training ground, absorbing the power of the source with their eyes closed.

Nobunaga, whose emotions in the bottom of his heart recovered and his face calmed down, first walked slowly to the edge of the field to observe the absorption state of the elves in a circle.

"Well, the double-bomb gas is in deep sleep."

"Above, Stinky Mud, Alidos, and Gengar's poison cores are also very fast."

"It's the Dragon King Scorpion and the Wonderful Frog Flower. These two late-stage Heavenly Kings are a bit surprising. The progress of integrating the core into the power of the source is faster than Abo blames the old fritters."

After confirming that all the elves were absorbing them efficiently, Nobunaga, who was very satisfied with them, quietly sat back on the wooden seat that the Variety Monster had repacked.

He began to think quietly about how to arrange the time so that Gengar and Stinky Mud could alternately protect themselves without delaying their training.

The time for hesitation did not take too long, and soon Nobunaga thought of the perfect solution in his heart, looking at the cross-shaped bat, stinky mud, and Gengar who had closed his eyes to absorb the power of the source, he opened his mouth and said loudly to them:

"Forked bat, Gengar, and Smelly Mud, the three of you stop absorbing the power of the source first."

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

After all, seeing that the elves of their own households all opened their eyes after hearing these words, Gengar, the bat, and the stinky mud, even got up very quickly and ran towards him.

Nobunaga, who had a look of helplessness on his face, had no choice but to turn his head towards the three evil dragons lying at the gate of the training ground, and softly ordered:

"When everyone absorbs the power of the source, they will involuntarily immerse themselves in the core of the poison system, and lose their vigilance against external things."

"So the safety of the training ground is left to you. Be sure to pay attention to the approach of unfamiliar atmosphere. When encountering an enemy, don't rush to fight, and wake up everyone first."

After Nobunaga finished speaking to the three evil dragons, the three elves, the bat, the stinky mud, and the gengar, also stood beside him.

Looking at the double-bomb gas that was sleeping in the corner, the other elves in the arena focused their attention on themselves, as if they were waiting to announce something important.

When Nobunaga saw this situation, the helpless look on his face could not help but intensified a little bit again. Thinking back on the protection plan he had made before, he said to the elves in a calm tone:

"In view of the enemies we can now call our opponents, almost all of them are above the power of the king, and even champion-level enemies may strike at any time."

"And my personal combat power is not particularly strong, so I still need to choose one or two elves among you all for personal protection."

After finishing this sentence, Nobunaga's eyes suddenly became firm for some reason. He looked at the three elves standing in front of him, and said solemnly:

"Starting today, Gengar will absorb the power of the source in my shadow."

"Smelly mud is the same, shrink down and stay on my shoulders to absorb, and be alert to the unfamiliar atmosphere around you."

"As for the cross-shaped bat, the island should be scanned with ultrasound every 15 minutes, and especially the vicinity of the coastline should be carefully inspected to see if there are any humanoid creatures."

After listening to Nobunaga's explanation and orders, the two elves, Stinky Mud and Gengar, immediately returned to him according to the instructions.

The bat that was crawling on the ground flapped its wings and flew to the top of the three-story building in the center of the elf. Layers of ultrasonic waves were released from its forehead, silently monitoring the entire island.

Nobunaga saw the three elves and started to execute meticulously according to the order. The other elves also closed their eyes and resumed their absorption state, and a satisfied smile appeared on their faces.

Then he took out the collection of books harvested by Team Rocket's secret library, sat on a chair and read silently, and began to study it.


Time passed quickly, and it came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

The originally blue sky was now dyed into a transparent fiery red by the setting sun. Feeling that the night was coming, the night walkers sleeping on the seabed also quietly woke up in their barracks, ready to start a new day of predation.

At this black and white alternate node, a Qixi Blue Bird exuding the breath of a heavenly king, but kept a constant speed and slowly drilled out from the burning clouds piled up in the sky above the north of Wuming Island.

On the back of the Qixi Festival youth, Joey, the old, middle and young, who belong to three age groups, looked at the unknown island not far away with a serious expression, as if he was afraid of something.

The screen returns to the training ground.

Nobunaga, who put down the champion's secret book in his hand, saw that his watch indicated that it was almost time for dinner, and was about to stand up to wake the elves to eat.

The forked bat lying on the roof suddenly opened his eyes and made a sharp cry.

Nobunaga, who had just walked to the center of the training ground, heard the warning from the cross-shaped bat, and before he had time to say anything, the elves lying around quickly woke up and gathered to protect him.

Seeing that his elves reacted so quickly, Nobunaga, who was instantly protected by them behind his back, quickly understood in his heart that these guys might have guessed the specific reason after hearing their arrangement at noon.

However, in this emergency situation, dealing with the unknown enemy is the first priority. Compliments and blames must now make way for the enemy.

He picked up the Poke Ball without hesitation, and retracted the double-bomb gas that was still in a dormant state. He stepped onto the back of the cross bat and led the elves to the front hall of the center of the elves.

Facing a powerful enemy of unknown strength, Nobunaga didn't have any fear on his face, or the timidity of being discovered where he was hiding, and the command of his movements was smooth, as if he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

But with Nobunaga standing on the back of the cross-shaped bat, he led his own elves with fierce fighting spirit to see behind the so-called unknown and powerful enemies.

Nobunaga's stern expression suddenly disappeared from his delicate face, and he stepped off the back of the cross-hatched bat without hesitation, and asked softly to Joelin, whose excitement was evident in his words:

"Lin, are these people from your clan?"

After receiving the call, Joelin, who ran out to greet the clan immediately, heard Nobunaga's calm question, and quickly suppressed her excitement, turned around and pointed at the three Joeys, and introduced with a smile :

"I'm sorry, I just got the call, so I didn't have time to inform you."

"This is my ninth grandma."

"This is my thirteenth aunt."

"This is my cousin,"

After listening to Joelin's introduction, Nobunaga's face was still calm, and he didn't even want to get to know them at all. He just turned his calm gaze to the elderly Joey, and asked her in a slow voice:

"The three seniors came all the way from Guandu. What's the specific reason?"

The middle-aged and young Joey with serious expressions heard Nobunaga's question, and then he silently took a half step back and quietly put his hand on the Pokeball around his But the old Joey Without the slightest movement, she looked at Joelin who was standing between them and Nobunaga, and asked her kindly:

"The family sent the three of us to pick you up. That's what your mother meant. Are you willing to leave with us?"

After Joelin heard the old Joey's words, she couldn't help showing hesitation in her eyes, as if she was debating whether to return to the family to accept family affection, or stay and continue to pursue a new belonging.

After struggling for a few seconds, Joelin subconsciously looked back at Nobunaga, her eyes full of help, as if asking him to make the final decision.

Seeing Joelyn looking back at her, she originally regarded her as the Nobunaga of a private elf doctor who was a free nanny.

I don't know why I had already decided that my heart that was cold to the end suddenly became softer at this time.

"You'd better go with them. After all, you have stayed on this uninhabited island for so many years and have never returned to the family residence. Your mother should miss you very much."

"I'll post the phone number to your family in a few days, and call me when I want to see me in the future."

"Well, I visit you every year."

Before Nobunaga's words were finished, Joylin's eyes showed a more determined look, and then she walked quickly to his side and stood side by side, looking at the elderly Joey with a serious expression, bent over and said:

"Ninth grandma, I decided to stay."

"If I leave here, there will definitely be new sisters sent by the family to guard the unknown island."

"I can't let them go through again, the loneliness I've experienced."

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