The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 393: Team Lava and Team Ocean Collaboration

Fengyuan Continent, Send God Volcano.

Under the cover of the early morning night, they have been competing with each other for many years, painstakingly looking for Groudon and Kyogre, the two evil organizations of the two divine beasts, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team.

At this time, for some unknown reason, the fighters from both sides gathered at the foot of Sending God Mountain, released water-type fire-type elves, and formed a formation to confront each other.

On the other hand, Shuiwutong, who was full of beards and stood in the middle of the two trainers, looked at Chi Yansong with a grim expression on the opposite side.

He waved his hands, as if he had released the spirits, and the members of the lava team who were in a tense confrontation with the members of the ocean team behind him were completely unprepared, and he said very boldly and loudly:

"Chi Yansong, you took the initiative to look for me. Could it be that you were forced to hunt down by the alliance, afraid of the younger generations like Dawu and Huayue, and wanted to unite with me to launch a counterattack."

After hearing the words of Shui Wutong, which were obviously ridiculed, he stood in front of the three leaders of the Lava Team, Huoyan, Yanyan, and Hokage.

Chi Yansong, who was silent, did not change his face at all. He still maintained a calm demeanor. He just held up his black-rimmed glasses and responded in a solemn voice:

"Shui Wutong, I don't want to waste time with you here. Fire geese have found two orbs and their exact location."

"But now the rock tunnel is occupied by the Alliance. If we continue to entangle, I'm afraid that in the end, no one will get anything."

"So, let's join forces."

Shui Wutong, who was originally puzzled by Chi Yansong, the leader of the lava team, took the initiative to invite him to meet. After listening to what he said, the playfulness in his eyes subsided instantly, and he turned to ask with a serious expression:

"The location of the orb has been determined? You should only be talking about the red orb that awakens Groudon."

"This kind of thing doesn't do any good, why should our ocean team join forces with you?"

After Chi Yansong heard Shui Wutong's words, he seemed to have guessed how things were going, and immediately took out a red and blue radar device from his space backpack, raised his head and looked at the top of Sending God Mountain, his tone Calmly introduced:

"This is a radar device made by Fire Goose. Just put something contaminated with the breath of Groudon or Kyogre into the storage box in the device, and it can accurately point out the current position of the two orbs. "

"I believe your marine team must have collected a lot of antiquities that are contaminated with Kyogre's breath over the years."

"Anyway, here's what I said. It's up to you whether you agree to cooperate or not."

After Shui Wutong listened to Chi Yansong's words, she couldn't help holding her chin with her right hand, stroking her beard, and silently pondering in her mind the advantages and disadvantages of the cooperation between Ocean Team and Lava Team.

After thinking for a few seconds, Shuiwutong, who was rough on the surface but thoughtful in reality, suddenly burst into laughter. He stared at Chi Yansong, who was holding the radar device, and said in a condensed voice:

"Since the Lava Team is so sincere, then if our Ocean Team refuses to agree, I'm afraid they will be called greedy and greedy."

Seeing Shui Wutong agreeing to his conditions, he has been standing steadily in the same place without moving, with a smile on his face like Chi Yansong, who seems to be in control of everything.

Then he threw the blue radar device in his right hand at the calm water parasol, and at the same time spoke to him in a slow and slow manner:

"Joint cooperation means joint cooperation, but the specific attack route should be divided into two groups."

"After all, neither of us will really trust each other."

"So, at half past five this morning, I hope I can hear the sound of your attack on the battlefield."

Having said that, Chi Yansong turned around at will, and led the lava team to the distance.

And Shuiwutong, who reached out to take over the radar device and listened to Chi Yansong's words, watched the lava team leave.

He also turned around with a serious face, and ordered to his three cadres, Chao, Quan and Di, in a deep voice:

"The three of you will bring people back to the camp to prepare. I will go to the cave occupied by the Alliance and try the effect of this search radar."

After hearing Shui Wutong's order, the three Marine Corps leaders, although they had different expressions, all nodded in response to the order, leading the large army to disappear into the dark night.

Shuiwutong, who was standing silently in the same place, only lowered his head and carefully observed the radar device in his hand after everyone in the marine team quickly withdrew. His eyes couldn't help showing a strong greed, and he thought to himself:

"The flamingoes of the lava team are indeed Hoenn's top scientists. They can even create a radar to find orbs."

"And the **** Chi Yansong, who suddenly called me to join forces this time, probably because the red orb that awakened Groudon was stationed at the base camp of the Alliance to send the mountain to the gods."

"Otherwise, this greedy guy will never use Orb Radar in exchange for cooperation."

After Shui Wutong wanted to understand Chi Yansong's motive for finding him to cooperate with him, he took out a statue fragment that was contaminated with Kyogre's breath from his space backpack and carefully stuffed it into the radar device.

Looking at the small dots on the screen map, Shuiwutong, who thought he knew Chi Yansong very well, suddenly felt an inexplicable vigilance in his heart.

Although greed has occupied his heart, he has been pursued by Genji at sea for many years, and he has cultivated to have doubts and reflections in the face of any temptation. The water phoenix of this good habit has become enlightened at this moment.

Since Chi Yansong dared to hand over the radar device to him, it means that there must be other backhands in this thing, otherwise, when he threw it just now, how could his attitude be so relaxed and freehand.


at the same time.

In the underground base of the Lava Team, which was sent to the mountain, there was only a few oil lamps lit in a slightly dim room.

Chi Yansong, whose face was extremely calm, sat on the seat on the left side of the wooden table, looking at the three subordinates standing neatly in front of him, and commanded in a calm tone:

"Whether the Ocean Team will attack the Alliance at five o'clock this morning, you must lead the people below to dig the tunnel on time."

After hearing Chi Yansong's words, the three officials of the Lava Team immediately turned solemn and respectfully responded to the order.

But before leaving the room, the flame known as the head of the three cadres, still couldn't bear the cat-scratching doubts in his heart, raised his head to look at Chi Yansong, and asked softly:

"Leader, the Ocean Team has always been the enemy of our Lava Team. Why did you give the real radar device to Shuiwutong?"

Chi Yansong couldn't help showing a smile on his calm face after hearing the flame's question. He stretched out his hand to support his black-rimmed glasses, and explained calmly:

"You guys underestimate Shui Wutong. He's not a brainless idiot."

"Besides, the price of using fakes to deceive him and then being discovered by him is not something I am willing to bear."

"Furthermore, compared to the top priority of releasing Groudon, the **** of the earth, giving him a radar device in the Shuiwutong area is nothing."

"As long as our operation is successful, the entire world will be included in the hands of the Lava Team in the future."

Although Chi Yansong did not continue to say the following words, the three of them, Huoyan, Huoyan, and Hokage, understood what he meant.

So the three of them bowed to Chi Yansong, raised their hands, and saluted respectfully, and then silently exited the room.

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