The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 403: The reason for giving up and the result of the struggle

Send to the periphery of the mountain.

After leading many members of Team Rocket to withdraw from the rock tunnel, Lance, who was slightly relieved, looked at the planks standing on the mountainside, calmly looking at the gray-white forest.

He hurriedly told everyone to let them go down the mountain, and he quickly ran forward, came behind Banmu and the cat boss, bent over and asked respectfully:

"Lord Itaki, are we really going to evacuate the Shenshan area? Is it a pity to give up those two orbs at this time?"

He calmly glanced at the planks of the forest below, and after hearing Lance's question, for some reason, there was a slight smile on his face, and he replied in a low voice without rushing:

"The orb is indeed related to Groudon and Kyogre, but the tyrannical aura contained in it has their own consciousness."

"Do you think that in this situation, it's better for us to wake up the two divine beasts, or let them wake up the divine beast."

When Lance heard Banmu's explanation, the look in his eyes suddenly became serious, as if he had never thought that there would be a problem with the two orbs.

After a short silence for a few seconds, Lance's heart gradually calmed down. He took out the contact device and informed Lambda to evacuate the battlefield. At the same time, he asked Banmu again in a gentle tone:

"Then where are our people placed, let them return to the bases of each branch immediately, or go into the forest to rest temporarily and wait for the opportunity."

After hearing Lance's question again, Banmu, whose face was extremely calm and confident, suddenly turned around and looked directly into his eyes, but the look in his eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

"Let our people evacuate, they won't be needed for the rest of the battle."

After all, Banmu watched Lance lead the order, and quickly walked towards the Rockets, then silently took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, and said succinctly and clearly:

"The battle team, come to see me in the mountain."


The situation of the Rockets has come to an end for the time being.

The screen returns to the frontal battlefield.

Under the impact of the stinky mud, Nobunaga, who came to the central intersection of the rock tunnel, saw that all the forces were fighting, especially Dawu, Chiyansong, and Shuiwutong who were entangled in the battle around the two orbs. The figures of the team members did not appear for a long time.

After carefully observing for a while, several corpses that had been scorched by the jet flames and the remaining uniform fragments around attracted Nobunaga's attention.

The battle uniform made of black cloth and the letter R with only half of it left are very obvious clues, which are enough to prove that the Rockets once fought here.

Just for some unknown reason, the elite Rocket Force led by Lance quickly evacuated the battlefield before he arrived.

Then Nobunaga, who was squatting in the shadow of the unmanned tunnel, looked at Dawu, Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong, who commanded the elves to **** them frantically, but didn't come forward to fight.

As if he understood what they were worried about, he couldn't help but secretly think:

"As soon as the elves of Dawu rush towards the orb, the elves of Chi Yansong and Shuiwutong will join forces to attack."

"But both of them have their own selfish interests, so the situation is deadlocked here."

"Also, although I don't know why Team Rocket evacuated, and why Banmu is not in this battlefield, the fate of the two divine beasts Groudon and Kyogre, which are about to be born, is unstoppable."

"Can I make a move now? It's too dangerous to take chestnuts from the fire, and I feel unwilling to leave quietly. Is it possible that I have to continue to wait until a few of them wake up the divine beast..."

Looking at the two orbs illuminating the rock hall, Nobunaga, who judged his own strength very accurately, looked down at the soil under his feet, and whispered:

"Geng Gui, when the outcome is decided between them, you can keep an eye on Chi Yansong and Shui Wutong. I have a hunch that it will be the two of them who will eventually get the orb."

Nobunaga's voice fell, and before Gengar had time to respond, a decisive scene occurred in the elven battlefield in the center of the tunnel hall.

I saw Chi Yansong raised his hand, pushed his black-rimmed glasses, and fully resisted the fire-breathing camel that was attacked by Dawu's elf skills. He gave up the defense and used the power of the earth, and rushed towards the giant golden monster and Dawu floating in the air.

At the same time, the fierce-eyed Heruga also took advantage of all the elves to turn their attention to the flame-breathing camel, which started desperately.

Seeing that Heiluga succeeded, Dawu's ancient armor and psychic earth puppet had also completely killed the fire-breathing camel, and the dignified water phoenix hurriedly sprayed the giant tooth shark that used water jets and hovered in the air to fight with the fossilized pterosaur. shouted loudly:

"Get me back the blue pearl!!!"

When Heluga, who bit the red pearl, fell to the ground, he heard the mega-tooth shark shouting loudly from Shuiwutong, and there was a desperate look in his eyes.

Immediately, he no longer concealed the effect of his acceleration characteristics, and in the direction of the blue orb, he used a combination technique of jetting water jets and attacking the vital point, instantly appearing above the orb.

Dawu, who was standing on top of the giant golden monster, saw this, but he still had that serious expression on his face, as if he had long thought that the orb would be snatched by the two of just silently used his right hand in his pants pocket, Pressing the other signal transmitter, at the same time looking at the red flame pine and the water parasol, who took the orb from the mouth of the elves, and threatened with a loud voice:

"The support from the alliance will come soon. It's too late for the two of you to give up now. This is the last time I persuade you to surrender."

Dawu's words obviously had deep meanings, but the two people who had been swept away by desire and greed in their hearts, did not think about the meaning of his words at all. They snatched the orb from their own elf's mouth, and quickly turned around and fled. to a different tunnel.

Nobunaga, who was hiding in the tunnel leading to the alliance base camp and quietly observing the situation on the field, passed by the water parasol who escaped on the megatooth shark.

But in such a fleeting glance, Nobunaga, who saw Shuiwutong become extremely cold, immediately understood in his heart.

The consciousness of the leader of the ocean team may have been invaded by Kyogre in the blue pearl.

After confirming that the outcome of this orb battle was basically not much different from the picture in his memory, Nobunaga, who was squatting in the corner of the tunnel, quickly patted the mud covering his body, and ordered in a low voice:

"Geng Gui, you don't need to chase the water parasol anymore."

"Smelly Mud, take me back to the underground tunnel of the lava team. From there, let's go back the same way and exit the Sending God Mountain area."

After hearing Nobunaga's order, Gengar, who was still hesitating whether he should catch up or not, instantly reintegrated into the ground.

And the stinky mud that wrapped Nobunaga's body was also the first time he heard the order, stretched the mud that was in contact with the ground, and ejected into the depths of this rock tunnel.

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