The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 410: Death and Appetizers

Quiet city, coastline.

Seeing that the alliance gradually began to control the situation of the entire battlefield, his eyes were mainly on the spring on Shui Wutong, his face became inexplicably firm, he jumped off the tree and ran quickly to the side of the flamingo who failed to attack, and said to her in a cold tone. arrive:

"You can't break the ring released by the beast unless you have the power to surpass the champion."

"If you still want to save Chi Yansong, come with me."

After saying these words, Quan, who had already made up his mind, ignored the surprised expression on the wild goose's face, and walked towards the beach and the edge of the forest.

However, being repelled by the rebounding power of the energy shield, even though there was a cross-shaped bat under him, it was still a flamingo who fell on the beach with scratches all over his body.

After seeing Quan's dignified trot walking away, he hurriedly stood up on one hand and looked at the surrounding alliance, the Lava Team, and the Ocean Team's battlefield.

Under the siege of many top trainers in the alliance, the members of the Lava Team and Ocean Team who had occupied the Hoenn Continent for many years, except for the individual captains who voluntarily surrendered, have basically died and injured at this time.

Even the senior cadre of the Ocean Team, the stout Tide, the senior cadre of the Lava Team, the flame with a round belly, the Hokage whose bangs cover his right eye, and the trainers of the three peaks of Heavenly Kings are all in the master elves of Fengyuan Gym. Under siege, lost their lives.

Knowing that the Lava Team and the Ocean Team will completely dissipate after this battle, and the Alliance will soon clear the flamingoes that block this area, a feeling of powerlessness can not help but feel in my heart.

Looking at the Chi Yansong and Shuiwutong standing opposite to each other on the two sides of the battlefield of the gods and beasts, the flamingos who have lost the will to fight in their hearts, there is an inexplicable hint of nostalgia in their eyes, as if they have made a decision. , turned around and quickly chased after Quan.

With the completion of the Alliance's work to clean up the evil organizations in the periphery, Rhododendron from the Karnaz Gym, Tengshu from the Wudou Town Gym, Tie Xuan from the Zijin Gym, Asha from the Buyan Town Gym, and Yinyu Gym from the Gym Na Qi, Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan from Green Ridge Gym.

There are also battles against the factory leader Dara of the pioneering area, the arena leader Cucumber Xiang, the dome superstar Hills, the water pipe queen Xiaoji, the palace guardian Yukang, and the battle tower king Lila.

As well as the inspectors of the police department of the alliance, the senior investigators of the headquarters, and the Interpols converged together.

These trainers representing the Hoenn Alliance, the top power, all silently turned their heavy gazes towards Dago, Shindai, Adam, Mikri, and Chisato who fought against Groudon and Kyogre.

It occupies most of the beach, and the whole body is wrapped in red flaky skin that acts as armor.

At the same time, large spikes grow on the head, torso and tail, with four bulldozer-like teeth raised at the end of its tail, each foot has three claws, and the soles of the feet have a gray mark of Groudon.

Facing the Giant Golden Monster, Boscodora, Primordial Armor, Psychic Puppet, Cradle Lily, Armor Bird, Fossil Pterodactyl, Regilock, Regis Quill, Regais, Fire Bird, Lightning Bird, Urgent Frozen birds, leave kings, these champion sprites attack.

Just lift its thick claws and slap it fiercely, and the elves of Dawu, Jindai, and Qianli will be swept out of the main battlefield of the beast.

With the German company's battle suit, Dawu, who was floating in mid-air, watched Groudon's body temperature gradually rise and began to evaporate into the sea. man, shouting:

"Spread apart, let my giant gold monster attract Groudon's attention, you all pay attention to dodge!"

After the voice fell, Dawu controlled the flight mode of the battle suit, jumped to the top of the giant gold monster, and charged towards Groudon, who was wielding sharp claws.

Seeing this, Jindai and Qianli immediately showed nervousness in their eyes, and their expressions became serious in an instant. They commanded their respective elves to launch a new round of attacks on Groudon's feet.

the other side.

Adam and Mikkori were both masters and apprentices, and they were also struggling to resist Kyogre's fierce counterattack.

The swirling sea constantly pulls the swimming direction of Minas, sea lion, goldfish king, love fish, gem starfish, catfish king, and many elves.

Whenever Kyogre's tail fell again, the beach where the Alliance trainers gathered would be submerged from top to bottom by the huge waves it raised.

Seeing that the sky was covered by clouds, Adam, who was standing on the surface of the sea, couldn't help but look solemn. He picked up the Poke Ball and took the blood-drenched Catfish King back. Then, he said softly to Michaeli beside him:

"The previous counterattacks by Groudon and Kyogre were just appetizers on the banquet table."

"The storm is coming soon."

After hearing Adam's words, Michaeli, who was very elegant, raised his hands and gestures with an inexplicable calm smile on his face. His eyes were extremely calm on the red lines of Gaioka's navy blue body, and he casually replied in a low voice. road:

"The Lava Team and Ocean Team that have occupied the Hoenn Continent for so many years have finally been completely resolved."


"Meteor Falls is in charge of the disputes between the gods and beasts. I am afraid that it will not be long before the cracking seat will come to the surface again."

"We may only have this chance to watch Gaioka, so let's cherish the time in front of us as teacher and apprentice as possible."

Adam, who was about to show his true strength, seemed to have reacted after hearing Mikri's words. Their mission was to stop the battle between the beasts and prevent the change of the Hoenn landform. They didn't need to fight hard to defeat the two. divine beast.

With the heavy rain pouring down the basin, Adam, who was clear about their goals, couldn't help stroking the white hair on his forehead, loosening his frown, and looking at the giant gold monster flying at high speed around the head of Groudon, He said in a calm, solemn voice:

"Although the alliance's plan is very perfect, it will not be so easy for the two divine beasts to be knocked back to sleep by the Sky Splitter."

"But just relying on our really can't quell this beast war. After all, the power brought to them by authority is far beyond the reach of ordinary elves."

"If Rift Seat can't resolve this dispute, the Alliance should use the holy pillar king who lives on the island, Regichkas."

Michael, whose body was thoroughly soaked by the heavy rain, turned his head to look into his eyes inexplicably after listening to Master Adam's words, and asked in a calm and soft voice:

"The old guys dare to use that Regichkas? Aren't you afraid of the questioning from the Shenao Alliance?"

Adam didn't answer Michael's question, because Kyogre, who was in a state of rage, obviously couldn't control the anger in his heart.

Its eyes full of tyranny widened, and despite the blocking attacks of many champion elves, it slammed into Groudon standing on the beach.

Gaioka's sudden action made Dawu, who was instructing the giant gold monster to avoid Groudon's claws, couldn't help but burst out a few foul language, picked up the silver brooch inserted in his breast pocket, and shouted directly:

"Giant golden monster, mega evolution!"

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