It has only been half a month since Nobunaga and others attacked Rainbow Department Store.

Nobunaga came to the city again after disguise.

After Nobunaga came over, he found that there was no martial law in Rainbow City, and no cards were set up everywhere to check for identification.

Since the alliance initially identified the murderer as Kuroda Sotaro, an abandoned disciple of the light red gym, it sent a team of investigators to arrest him.

Under such circumstances, Rainbow City has returned to the way it was when Nobunaga first came.

Although people were also talking about the looting of Rainbow Department Store, there was no worry on their faces, as if they were sure that the alliance would catch the murderer.

Nobunaga was walking on the main road, and he was a little surprised when he saw the trees and plants here.

He thought this would be a big event, after all, so many materials were robbed, and there were many strategic-level materials among them.

Unexpectedly, the alliance's search was so simple, and the citizens believed in the alliance so much.

Nobunaga thought so, but Sotaro Kuroda in the Orange Islands felt that he had suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes.

Half a month ago, the Alliance suddenly increased his bounty and posted his wanted notices almost everywhere in the entire Kanto Continent.

According to what was released on the Alliance Wanted List, he organized and planned the Rainbow Department Store incident, and Kuroda Sotaro almost wanted to slap the Alliance in the face.

He, Kuroda Sotaro, retired after earning enough pension money two years ago. How could he go to rob Rainbow Department Store?

Besides, he has the heart, but he doesn't have the guts!

In his opinion, the Alliance decided that he would be easy to bully, so it put this **** pot on his head.

There was no other way, Kuroda Sotaro had to run to the Seven Island first, but he was recognized on the way and reported to the nearby police station.

So he was targeted by the investigators, hiding all the way and being chased by the investigators to the Orange Islands.

Right now, he is hiding in the Orange Islands, on an unknown island, evading the pursuit of the investigator, living like a savage.

Of course Nobunaga didn't know the situation of Sotaro Kuroda, after confirming that this was not a trap set by the alliance.

He followed the address given by Daping to find the cultivator.

He stopped and walked along the way, and finally, in front of a private house, Nobunaga stopped and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong, ding dong"

After the doorbell rang, a young man who appeared to be in his twenties walked out of the room shortly after.

The young man was very handsome. He wore a plaid shirt on the upper body and blue jeans on the lower body. He walked to the gate with a pair of slippers and asked, "Who is it?"

After the young man opened the door, Nobunaga said, "I'm here to introduce you to a big business."

The young man was a little careless, "Big business? How big can it be?"

Nobunaga replied, "It's as big as you can imagine."

Although the young man did not believe it, he still invited Nobunaga into the room.

After entering the door, Nobunaga was not polite, sitting on the sofa and said:

"Ikuto Ozawa, 22 years old, a nurturer, has a strong ability in teaching elf skills, I'm not mistaken."

Seeing that Nobunaga seemed to know his situation very well, Ozawa Yuto said:

"I'm very expensive, and if you say anything to let me join the organization, or cultivate a lot of elves, please leave!"

Nobunaga said seriously: "Six elves, help me teach all the skills on the list. I will pay you 100 million elves, enough for the rest of your life."

After hearing this, Ozawa Yuren hurriedly said: "One hundred million! Are you sure you didn't bluff me, is it really one hundred million elves?"

After listening, Nobunaga took out 20 million neat yards from his backpack and put it on the table, and said, "This is the deposit, and the balance will be settled for you later."

Ozawa Yuren saw the 20 million neatly placed on the table, "I promise! I promise! I promise to teach them all, and you will definitely be satisfied!"

Nobunaga saw that Ozawa Yuto readily agreed, and said, "Then pack up your things and prepare to go to Yulin Town with me. Our training location is there."

Ikuto Ozawa was a little surprised when he heard Nobunaga's words, why did he go all the way to Yulin Town when the training facilities in Rainbow City were so complete?

Then he told Nobunaga his doubts, and said suspiciously, "Don't you want to trick me there and kidnap me!"

Nobunaga said, "I have my own considerations to go to Yulin Town for training. Since you have accepted the money, you must follow my arrangements."

"Besides, I tied you up? If I were to tie you up, do you think you can still stand here now!"

Seeing Nobunaga's tough tone, Ozawa Yuren had no choice but to agree. After all, the 20 million dollars on the table was so touching.

Besides, Yuto Ozawa believes that his elves are already at the peak of the elite, and their strength is not weak. Even if Nobunaga wants to catch him, he can run away.

Before leaving, Ozawa Ikuto secretly called a friend behind Nobunaga's back, and told his friend Nobunaga's information.

And told him that if he didn't talk to him for a month, let him quickly call the police to save him.

Of course Nobunaga knew what Ozawa Yuren thought, but what Ozawa Yuren did not know was that the identity certificate Nobunaga showed him was not his real but bought it in Hualan City The fake identity of Madou, with a real identity certificate and a strange disguise, made Ozawa Yuren convinced of Nobunaga's fake identity.

After packing up, Ozawa Yuto followed Nobunaga and set off.

After coming to Yulin Town, Nobunaga rented a yard near the forest here, and brought Ozawa Ikuto to live here.

The next day, he came to a clearing in the forest and released all his spirits according to Ozawa Yuto's request.

After the double-bomb gas came out, he grinned naively, and the air holes on his body exhaled black smoke powerfully.

After the monster Abo came out, he squatted in the open space. Compared with him, the big trees around him became small saplings.

The cross-shaped bat flew around in the air, and also sat on the ground, waiting for Nobunaga's orders.

Smelly Mud got out of Nobunaga's collar and turned back into his huge body.

King Nido stood on the ground expressionlessly, like an iron armored pupa.

Ghost Stone floated beside Nobunaga, constantly licking Nobunaga's cheek with his tongue.

Except for the Variety Monster who still kept a disguised face on Nobunaga's face, all the other spirits were displayed in front of Ozawa Yuto.

When Ozawa Yuren saw Nobunaga's elf, he was shocked. He specialized in poison, and there were two poison quasi-king elves.

Looking at Nobunaga, he doubted in his heart: "No way he is the real murderer of the Rainbow Department Store incident!!!"

Although Ozawa Yu thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on his face, and obediently measured his body data for Nobunaga's elves.

After the measurement, he wrote a list of the facilities and various resources needed for the training and handed it to Nobunaga.

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