The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 428: Accumulation and perception

The many heavenly kings in the alliance saw Lugia's appearance, and although they could not help asking questions, the elves under them did not pause at all, and fluttered their wings and quickly withdrew to the center of Shuijing City.

At the same time, Daigo, who had read the secrets of the divine beast at the alliance headquarters and knew the implied relationship between Ho-wang and Lugia, retracted his gaze from the divine beast battlefield.

Seeing Xiaozhi, who had to stay on the beach to watch the battle with a stubborn expression, and Xiaogang and Xiaoyao who ran out from behind Qianli after the appearance of Sea God Lugia.

The expression on Dawu's face was suddenly occupied by helplessness, and he quickly turned his head to look at Qianli with a stiff face, hoping that he could fulfill his obligations as a parent and stand up to help persuade these three determined little guys.

But at this moment, I was lost for a thousand miles. After seeing my little padded jacket running away without any attachment, my whole person's consciousness suddenly became dazed, and I didn't notice Dawu's look for help at all.

When they found that Qianli was in silence, Adam and Michael looked at the battlefield of the beasts as if they were escaping. The foreign aid Shendai invited didn't even care about the fate of the three children.

Dawu, who felt that his face became a little stiff, finally could only helplessly look back at Xiaozhi's eyes, and with a very serious tone of control, he explained softly to the three of them:

"I can allow you to stay here to watch the battle, but you are not allowed to leave, the area protected by the wonderful frog flower vine umbrella."

"have you understood?"

After the three of Xiaozhi heard Dawu's solemn remarks, they all knew very well that the champion of the Hoenn League was actually taking the risks brought by their willfulness, and at the same time, they were worried about them. Anwei made this request, so he hurriedly responded:

"Yes, we're not leaving here."

"Mr. Dawu, please rest assured that we will not cause you any more trouble."

"I and the flaming chicken will stay where they are."


Just as Dago and the others were talking, Lugia, who rushed into the battlefield of the beasts from the depths of the sea, soon reached an agreement with Rigakuza, who was ready to teach the two beasts Groudon and Kyogre a lesson.

Leaning over and dashing towards the sea, he launched its exclusive skill, Cyclone Attack, towards Kyogre.


A series of explosions sounded in the ocean, and the mega Kyogre was suddenly attacked by Lugia, an uninvited guest.

Seeing that mega Groudon took the opportunity to sneak up on his abdomen with the sword of the cliff, he couldn't help but let out a roar from the anger in his heart, and slammed his tail towards Groudon.

Knowing that he must be unable to defeat Groudon and Kyogre, these two mega evolutionary beasts, Lugia, who is harassing by guerrilla tactics, and flying in the clouds that are constantly gathering in the sky, add the finishing touch to his ultimate move. A charged rift seat.

Seeing that Kyogre ignored Lugia, who was straying on both sides of the battlefield, instead, he voluntarily gave up his advantage and left the sea to crash into Groudon.

With clear and calm eyes, Kaikongza and Lugia couldn't help but become anxious in their hearts. Looking at Groudon, who used sharp claws to counterattack, they let out dragon roars and birdsongs resounding through the sky.

The damage caused by the sound waves emitted by the two divine beasts in a lawful formation caused Xiao Zhi and the three of them to cover their ears with a sullen expression outside the battlefield.

However, Groudon and Kyogre, who had returned to hand-to-hand combat, did not respond at all to their threatening roars, as if they were completely in a state of rage, and they only knew that they kept attacking the weak points of the opponent's body.

The extremely fast circle gradually formed a golden ring in the sky, and the tyrannical consciousness sealed in the orb was reflected in the spirit of the two divine beasts. Valley

Immediately discarded the idea of ​​continuing to wake them up, and after issuing a crisp dragon roar to Lugia, who came to support him, asking him to delay the time, Kaikongza calmly entered the final stage of finishing touches and accumulating power.

The land is constantly trembling and expanding, while the ocean is rising silently and rapidly. Groudon and Kyogre, who represent the two rules respectively, are still fighting fiercely.

Lugia, who knew what Rikongza wanted to do, waved his white wings slowly and focused, looking at the apocalyptic scene below, and Ash and the others who had firm eyes in the storm.

With a sharp bird chirping, it slammed into the two divine beasts whose strength far surpassed it, using divine bird strikes without hesitation.


Let the giant golden monster create a super-power barrier to protect the three of Xiaozhi, and look at the split empty seat that has not moved since the launch of the dragon's wave with calm eyes.

Silently turning the meteorite ring on his finger, he walked to the side of Shendai, Adam, Michael, and Qianli. He seemed to be pointing, and said softly:

"I'm afraid that the coast of Shuijing City will become the most prosperous port in the Hoenn Continent in the future."

After hearing Dawu's profound words, the four members of the Age of God, who also felt the terrifying power of the mega-cracks, also relaxed inexplicably, and replied with a relaxed expression:

"Yeah, in the future, Shuijing City will definitely become one of the most perfect venues for the gorgeous competition."

"Well, Liuli Gym can also set up two new training venues here."

"Xiaoyao should like this place full of memories, but Xiaosheng that kid..." (smile)

"I can't help but want to see the true strength of the split empty After listening to Adam and Michael's emotion, I looked at the little padded jacket a thousand miles to show off the warmth, and after the solemn answer of the gods.

Although a slight smile appeared on his face, his eyes seemed to be thinking, showing a little heavy reflection, and he thought to himself:

"If I had followed the plan made by the alliance from the very beginning, wouldn't this battle of the beasts be over long ago?"

"Is it superfluous? It seems that I still lack a clear understanding of my existing strength."

"But that guy Banmu, the timing of leaving the battlefield is also very clever. Did he take the initiative to choose to quit after discovering the horror of the cracking seat..."

Through the super power of the giant golden monster, Dawu sensed the powerful aura emanating from the sky in the sky, and his face showed an inexplicable expression of intoxication.

It was as if he had completely forgotten that Groudon, Kyogre, who were fighting together, and Lugia, who was blocking them, kept using the cyclone to attack the defense.

The clouds in the sky that were completely scattered, the rings shining with golden light, and the mega-kakuza that could not be caught with the naked eye.

At this time, the scenes on the battlefield of the gods and beasts, especially the shocking paintings written by Kaikongza in the sky, seemed to devour Dawu's mind completely, and his steel beliefs also burst out uncontrollably, entering a kind of fusion with nature. Strange state.

The generation of gods who carefully studied the strength of Risakuza, Adam and Michael who silently admired Kyogre's body, and Qianli who scattered their minds in the battlefield of the beasts, the king of asking for leave, and Xiaoyao.

Several people saw the abnormal state that suddenly appeared on Dawu, and they ordered the elves to protect him and the giant golden monster, and at the same time, they couldn't help showing a look of envy in their eyes.

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