The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 439: Perceive and meet Poseidon

With the help of the superpower shield of Sister Fascinating Lips, no one on the street found her whereabouts, and quietly left Little Orange Island.

Nobunaga knew that this meeting with the sea **** Lugia would have a huge impact on the future development of himself and the Orange Alliance, as well as the situation in the Elf world.

After soothing his body and watching the sea for a while, and sorting out the heavy emotions in his heart, he was just about to hand over all the Pokeballs on the battle belt to Gengar.

The calm and waveless sea below the double-bombing gas suddenly revealed a bottomless, dark channel in the volley of the whale king group.

Seeing this, Sister Milip, who wrapped Kona's mind with her thoughts, let out a soft cry to keep up, and rushed into the undersea tunnel without hesitation.

Nobunaga, who had no time to respond to this, hurriedly inspired Poison Weave to use his poisonous frenzy, crouching down and firmly grasping the air hole of the double-bomb gas.

He took out a large oxygen bottle and stuffed it into his mouth to deal with the unknown environment. At the same time, he thought inexplicably uneasy:

"Go to the bottom of the sea to meet Lugia, if the conditions are not negotiated and it attacks me, wouldn't I be sure to die..."

"Also, judging from this ability to manipulate the ocean's whirlpool at will, could it be that Lugia's divine beast authority is also the ocean?"

Nobunaga's serious thinking did not affect Sister Milip and Shuangtan Gas, led by the smooth ribbon-like ocean currents on both sides, smoothly passing through this deep-sea tunnel without a trace of light.

Two short minutes passed, and when the two elves arrived at their destination, they stopped in front of a shield that covered an area of ​​nearly 10,000 meters and was like transparent glass.

Immediately recognized that the ancient palace complex inside was Nobunaga belonging to the Prince of the Sea, Manaphy, and the tense expression on his face suddenly relaxed.

At this moment, he already understood in his heart that if he didn't want to die in the deep sea, then he had to take over any difficult task Lugia released today with a very respectful attitude.

After all, the anger of a divine beast in power, he, who has just broken through to the championship, can't handle it, not to mention that this is the home court of others.

As for Nobunaga, why did he know that this is the residence of Manaphy, the Prince of the Sea?

In fact, the reason for removing the memory of his past life.

That small blue figure wandering in the ancient palace complex, smiling and playing, is the real source of his determination...

When Miss Lips, who is familiar with her family and well-known, shows the water elves who are in charge of guarding the gate, the blue mind power that the sea **** Lugia has bestowed upon her.

Numerous water elves at the peak level of the Heavenly King stepped aside to clear the way, and Kona also looked back at himself.

Nobunaga, who was covered in black poison marks, instantly retracted, then bent his legs and jumped back to the ground in a very smart manner, patting the body of the double-bounce gas giant.

He got into the inside of the transparent shield, removed the useless oxygen cylinder, and said to Kona calmly:

"Lugia usually lives in the Temple of the Sea, won't Fiona mind?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Kona, who was pulling Sister Lips' arm, first glanced outside the shield and felt that the group of water elves were not angry, and then replied softly:

"You should know the relationship between Fiona and Manaphy. Lugia was entrusted to stay here to protect Manaphy."

Discovering that Kona's remarks lacked the honorable title of Nobunaga, Seagod. After observing the guarding power of the Temple of the Sea again, an astonishing conjecture suddenly popped up in his mind, and he couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

He grabbed Kona's free left hand at random, and walked towards the side hall with a serious look. Among the many palace complexes, there was no plaque or any sign, and the voice was extremely weak and seriously said to her:

"Don't say anything after seeing Lugia, and leave everything to me."

Kona heard Nobunaga's instructions and understood that he must have sensed something wrong just now, otherwise his tone would never have suddenly become so serious, and his expression would not have changed so quickly.

"Is this something that can make people feel at ease..."

Thinking of this, Kona, who secretly had a different kind of emotion in his heart, also scratched Nobunaga's palm calmly, expressing that he would cooperate, and secretly winked at Sister Milip beside him.

A quaint rock palace.

Valley Disappearing mythical beast murals.

The same ocean atmosphere.

The first time he walked into this side hall, Nobunaga's eyes couldn't help looking at the high platform where the statue should have been erected, and Lugia lying lazily on it.

"Nobunaga has seen the Sea God!"

"Kona sees Sea God!"

Lugia, who was shaped like a big white bird, heard Nobunaga and Kona meet one after another, and the lazy temperament revealed by her huge body suddenly disappeared.

Slowly getting up and standing out of the small orange island conference room, after hanging the portrait on the dome, Lugia used her lifeless blue pupils to carefully glance at Kona, who still had a trace of shock in her eyes, A very majestic sermon:

"As the two of you have seen, in the Hoenn battle, I thoroughly explored the mystery of the origin of Kyogre, and now it is eroding the authority of the ocean."

When Lugia's voice sounded, the entire side hall was enveloped by its superpower film, and the inside and outside of the palace were completely divided into two worlds.

Seeing this scene, I actually knew in my heart that it was Nobunaga and Kona who were taking Fiona's power, and their faces couldn't help showing a helpless solemnity.

Now that they have heard that Lugia took the initiative to tell her secrets, the multiple-choice questions that the two of them need to face next will be very simple.

Promise to live, refuse to die.

There is no third option.

I didn't expect Kona, who would change so much in Lugia after the Hoenn God War, before this life-and-death decision.

He opened his mouth slightly like aphasia, thinking back to Nobunaga's explanation before entering the door, but in the end he didn't speak.

At this moment, the heavy heart disappeared for no reason, and Nobunaga instantly entered a calm state at the tense juncture of life and death crisis.

Then, after seeing Kona choosing to wait from the corner of his eye, he immediately raised his head high, and said calmly to Lugia, who was getting tougher all over his body:

"You don't have to lie to us. As the two most powerful and powerful trainers in the Orange Islands, it's not difficult for us to tell who this aura of authority belongs to."

"It can be said that I hope that the Orange Islands can be comparable to the Kanto region, and we are naturally your best ally."

"So no matter what kind of task, no matter how harsh the conditions are, we who are willing to advance and retreat with you will definitely handle it properly."

After listening to Nobunaga's remarks about changing the relationship, Kona also hurriedly showed a serious face, looked at Lugia, whose coercion increased again, and nodded his head in agreement.

However, Lugia, who had completely changed and reorganized her heart in order to obtain the law of weight, did not give a friendly answer after listening to Nobunaga's seemingly reasonable words.

Instead, they floated into the air, spread their pure white wings without a trace of emotion, and looked at the two people who looked down on the high platform with sincerity, and said in a deep voice:

"I have the power to destroy the Orange Islands."

"Trust has a price."

As early as when the two of them entered the door, Lugia found that Nobunaga and Kona noticed the change, so they would cut the mess with a quick knife, and directly threatened them with imposing words, forcing the two to make a choice.

But it was competing with the Fiona ocean weight, but its body still didn't dare to relax.

Unleashing the unique coercion of the divine beast to shock the two of them is almost the only thing it can do now.



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