The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 452: Kikuko Yo Oki

Falling in love with, the Rocket Team of the Spirits starts

As the atmosphere in the room gradually became depressed, the magic wall puppet, who was about to add coffee for the two of them, also hurriedly turned and left because of the silence as soon as they entered the door.

Whether it was Doctor Ogi with a calm face or Nobunaga with firm eyes, neither of the two sitting on the bamboo chair had any intention of backing down.

This negotiation, initiated by Nobunaga, seems to have fallen into an irreconcilable stalemate...

But at this critical juncture, an old voice suddenly came from outside the door of the glass room. Granny Kikuko, who was leaning on crutches, also walked slowly into the place where the two negotiated.

"Kid Nobunaga, I can agree on behalf of everyone with the conditions you gave."

"However, the old man also wants to see Manaphy, the magical beast that suppresses the boundless sea."

The arrival of mother-in-law Chrysanthemum couldn't help but make Dr. Damu's eyes show a hint of helplessness, just like a mouse meets a cat, and the whole person looks a little embarrassed.

"Long time no see, Kikuko."

"You... got thinner."

Hearing Dr. Omu's greetings, Granny Kikuko, who walked to the square table, took a deep look at his pretending to be calm, but she didn't give any response at all.

The old silence and stalemate were broken, but the atmosphere in the air fell into another kind of stagnation.

After entering the door, mother-in-law Kikuko, who directly stole the right to speak in the negotiation, saw Dr. Ogi's expression gathered, but Nobunaga did not respond for a long time.

With a look in his eyes, he turned his head to Nobunaga without changing his face, and said in a slightly tough, hoarse voice:

"How do you think about it?"

The six characters entered his ears, and looking at Granny Kikuko standing in front of the table with her waist hunched over, Nobunaga felt a sense of threat for some unknown reason.

As if he didn't agree quickly, the Four Heavenly Kings of the older generation would order the Gengar hidden in the shadow to do something.

After being silent for a few seconds, Nobunaga, who made a choice in an instant, stood up and pushed the planning book on the table in front of Granny Kikuko. With the corner of his eye, he swept over Dr. Oki, who was a little nervous, and smiled calmly. Responded:

"Since mother-in-law Kikuko has spoken, there is no reason for Nobunaga not to agree. I just hope that the seniors can abide by the contract and not participate in the affairs of the Kanto Alliance and the Islands."

She found that Nobunaga was very polite and respectful to herself, standing silently in front of the square table to divide and intimidate the two mother-in-law, the bottom of her heart was silently extinguished, instead of the idea of ​​many seniors in Guandu to teach the younger generation.

He turned to look down at Dr. Ogi, who was smiling but had a stiff neck, and snorted coldly:

"It's obvious that you want to study divine beasts, but you are still struggling with the resources to embarrass the younger generation. You are really going back the more you live."

Hearing that mother-in-law Kikuzi taught herself a lesson regardless of the presence of outsiders, Dr. Damu, who didn't care much about her own face, hurriedly put on a fervent smile, stood up and walked to her side, and defended the atmosphere in a soothing way:

"My small research institute can't afford so many resources, why don't you help me share a little bit?"

Seeing Dr. Damu's thick-skinned remarks, mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, who also pretended to be a vulture, did not go down the steps he had paved at all, but continued to speak viciously:

"The issue of resources is easy to say. As long as you are willing to let Gengar absorb some life energy, I will be responsible for all the resources of this cooperation between the two parties."

Seeing that Dr. Damu's expression was somber, and the mother-in-law Kikuzi refused to go down the steps, Nobunaga, who didn't want to be involved in the love and hatred between the two, hurriedly stood up with a smile when Dr. Damu was at a loss for words. , said softly to the two of them:

"The cooperation has been reached, and the specific agreement does not need to be implemented on paper. I believe in the people of the two seniors."

Having said that, Nobunaga turned his head to look at Dr. Ogi, whose face was gradually getting warmer. At the same time, there was a little sincerity in his eyes, and he said to him in a calm tone:

"In addition, I won't stay here to continue to disturb the two seniors. I will communicate with you on the phone tomorrow. I hope our cooperation can be carried out smoothly."

In the face of Nobunaga's words, mother-in-law Kikuko did not respond, but Dr. Ogi's face instantly became serious. She picked up the plan on the table and said very seriously:

"If Kona didn't use his reputation to guarantee you, no matter what conditions you gave, we would never agree to cooperate. You have to recognize this."

Nobunaga, who had already turned around and walked slowly to the glass door, heard Dr. Ogi say these remarks, and he finally had a clear answer in his heart as to the reason for his plan to leak it rashly.

"Kona is the soul condensed from the archipelago. I am only the helmsman in charge of the ship. I have made a conclusion in my heart long before I entered the archipelago. Seniors, don't worry too much."

Looking at the silhouette of Nobunaga's back as he walks farther and farther, the future of the Orange Islands and Kona, Dr. Oki, who inexplicably felt a vigor, quietly swept over the soothing Granny Kikuko with the corner of his eye.

He waited until the magic wall puppet, who had been standing outside the door, watching the situation in the room, brought in again, two new cups of hand-ground coffee.

The body gradually relaxed, and Dr. Damu, who sat back on the bamboo chair, regained his original personality, and said in a low and calm voice:

"It's been a long time since you came to my research institute. Why did you come over in person this time because of the negotiation."

Hearing Dr. Ogi's questioning to her father-in-law, Granny Kikuzi's eyes couldn't help but turn a little dim, she slowly sat down on crutches, and said with a serious expression on the bamboo chair Nobunaga sat on just now:

"Didn't you get the call? Little Corna has already formed an alliance for the Orange Islands, and she has asked everyone she can. If we old guys don't help her, who can help her? Woolen cloth."

"Besides, this negotiation is related to the vital interests of all the old guys in the alliance. I don't believe you can grasp the degree of it."

The voice fell Seeing that Dr. Omu directly acquiesced to the correctness of his words, he did not give any response or expression at all. The unknown emotion that mother-in-law Kikuzi buried in her heart was completely extinguished in silence.


"Anyway, don't worry about Damalangi's side, I will be responsible for handling the Alliance's routine inquiries properly."

"As for the acceptance of the conditions in the agreement..."

"I'm not going too, you can find someone again."

Sitting on the bamboo chair with coffee in hand, Dr. Damu continued to show a calm and steady expression on his face, and saw Mother-in-law Kikuzi finish her final explanation.

Leaning on crutches, he slowly left the glass room, as if he didn't care about the spatial distance he deliberately opened, and a burst of guilt broke out in his heart.

In fact, he does have feelings for Kikuko, but these feelings are limited to friendship.

Moreover, his rationality also understands that Kikuko is only struggling in his life. When he was young, he surpassed her to become the champion. This feeling of chasing and admiring the strong is not true love.

But... the accumulation of atmosphere and emotion still touched his heart at this moment.

Although this matter was decades ago, the two had their own conclusions in their hearts.

"I will bear this mistake."

After repeating this sentence in a low voice, she knew why Kikuko had never come to Zhenxinzhen Research Institute for so many years, and turned her head to look outside the door, which was empty but full of elves.

All kinds of words used to deceive him were all stuck in his throat, and finally he could only close his eyes and say something softly.

"Feel sorry."

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