The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 455: Reaction to the Temple of Caiyou and the Sea

As Nobunaga smashed Kona's inner pillar, and led the elves to sit on the Little Orange Island for three days, he completely experienced this sea **** festival with the meaning of temptation.

The many islands of the Orange Islands were still calm, as if Lugia, whose mind was occupied by power, did not notice anything unusual, and was completely restrained by the prince of the sea, Manaphy.

It was found that Lugia had no response to this matter, and might even be in a stalemate with Manaphy, who was suddenly injected with a cardiotonic.

Nobunaga immediately had more confidence in his plan for the future.

He led the elves to have breakfast, bid farewell to Kona and Yongji, and then explained their next tasks to Menyan and Shitou.

Knowing that this trip to Hoenn was related to the success or failure of his plan, Nobunaga raised his hand to release double-bomb gas, jumped on his back, and commanded in a calm voice:

"Go to Caiyou City."

The body is extremely hard and straight, and the double-bomb gas is covered with purple streamers. Hearing the seriousness in Nobunaga's words, he floated smoothly above the clouds in the sky, and flew to the south of Little Orange Island at high speed.


The picture goes to the depths of the sea.

The archipelago that lost Nobunaga was still peaceful and not at all different, but in the temple of the sea of ​​Prince Manaphy, two tyrannical auras continued to erupt.

The superpower swept the entire temple, and Lugia, who managed to suppress Manaphy again, quickly inspected the Seagod's authority in her body.

"Bastard! Why did Manaphy wake up!"

"Could it be that group of water people again!"

In Lugia's words, the reason for the awakening of Prince Canghai has already been filled with a clear answer.

After all, apart from those water people who have been proud to worship Manaphy for generations, no one else would do such a thing as awakening Manaphy through rituals.

Thinking of his own power being completely involved in the power struggle, Lugia couldn't help shouting loudly while anger appeared on his face:

"Not enough! The belief of the people gathered by one Sea God Festival is simply not enough. At least another large Sea God Festival needs to be held before the authority can fully recognize me!"

"Hoo! But once I draw out my strength and use it to inform Nobunaga and Kona to hold the Sea God Festival, then the Sea God's authority that I managed to devour will definitely be snatched back by Manaphy. What should I do now..."

Different from Lugia's yelling in the side hall, in the central hall of the Temple of the Sea, the prince of the sea, Manaphy, who had just woken up a few days ago, was also seriously thinking about who woke him up.

"The people of water?"


"The messengers of other divine beasts?"

"Not right!"

Carefully comprehend the emotions conveyed in the faith, and reproduce the image of the Sea God Festival in my heart.

When I saw the front and back of the so-called portrait of the gods, they were printed with myself and Lugia, and the sacrificial words described the peace and happiness that the **** of the sea brought to the archipelago, and there was absolutely no directional name.

With this, Manaphy, who seemed to have guessed something inside, couldn't help showing a wry smile mixed with joy.

"It turned out that Lugia's favored person woke me up? It seems that this guy is really not suitable for the authority of the Sea God, and even his favored person chose to betray him."


"Obviously, Lugia knows that to take the power of the Sea God, it will always be on the bottom of the sea, trapped in the cage of the Temple of the Sea, why does it still deceive me to obtain this flawed power..."

Although he couldn't figure out Lugia's brain circuit, Manaphy was also unwilling. This companion who had known each other for hundreds of years, fell into the cage of the sea of ​​suppression instead of him.

Gu The Prince of Canghai, who always thinks of others, still did not have the courage to give up his power in the end. With the energy of Lugia's wind and rain, he once again competed for the power of the sea that belonged to him.


The reaction of the two divine beasts in the Temple of the Sea, as the initiator of the Sea God Festival, Nobunaga is unknown.

He, who had already arrived at Saiyou City in the Hoenn area, was sitting in a private room in a coffee shop, quietly waiting for the arrival of Daigo.

Looking at the shivering boss squatting behind the window, Nobunaga knew that he had accidentally caused the panic because he didn't cover his face, but he still went his own way, as if he didn't care about revealing his identity at all.

In fact, if he usually bears the title of a six-star wanted criminal in the Guandu Alliance, Nobunaga will usually avoid trouble and let the Variety Monster change his face.

But today is different from the past. Since Dago has agreed to cooperate with the Orange Islands, the Hoenn Alliance must show their sincerity.

This is a test and the basis for cooperation between the two parties.

Daigo, who also understood the truth after receiving the news, did not shy away from explaining his follow-up itinerary to the secretary.

Then he walked out of the alliance headquarters in a fair and bright manner, came to the coffee shop mentioned by Nobunaga on the phone, and walked quickly into the private room on the second floor in front of many police officers around the store.

Nobunaga, who was sitting in the center of the small leather sofa, saw Dawu enter the door with a calm expression, and sat opposite him, feeling inexplicably relieved, and said with a relaxed smile:

"What is the most important thing? You have to meet and talk with me."

Seeing Nobunaga's straightforward inquiries, he knew that this time he was announcing his statement of cooperation between the two parties, and that he had won the heart of the Orange Alliance and the future president.

Immediately, his face condensed, he took out a delicate wooden box from his backpack, and said in a serious tone:

"I will not change the terms negotiated on the phone. This is a master ball made by Devon."

After speaking, Nobunaga quickly pulled the wooden box in front of him, opened the lid, picked up the master ball in the center, and stroked it carefully. Daigo, who had already made a decision in his heart, continued to speak with a grim expression:

"The reason why you are so eager to ask for the master ball, I don't want to know or need to know, but you must give me a copy of the use of this master ball in the future."

After hearing Dawu's words suddenly, Nobunaga, who was playing the master ball in his hand, suddenly silently put the master ball into the box, and looked directly at the president of the Hoenn League in front of him, whispered:

"You are so sure that I will use it, can't I use it for collection, or use it as a hole card?"

"Furthermore, it seems that there is no such thing as what we agreed on before."

Hearing the refusal contained in Nobunaga's words, Daigo instantly locked in and confirmed a certain conjecture in his heart. After elegantly moistening his throat with the coffee on the table, he said very calmly:

"The Orange Islands owe a free condition to the Hoenn Alliance, and I will not use it for the time being."

"But don't forget, there is a promise you owe me."

Nobunaga, who received Daigo's reply, understood that he wanted to use this to test whether he would attack the divine beast. He also really wanted to capture the specific information of the divine beast's actions, regardless of success or failure.

Nobunaga, who was reluctant to tell Daigo's plans and goals in his heart, considering the cooperation that has not yet been implemented between the two parties and the need to build his own credibility.

In the end, he could only take action as a statement, put the master ball into his backpack, and replied faintly:

"If that day comes, I will organize the specific process of the action into documents and send it to you."



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