At four o'clock in the morning, the Rockets' temporary base in Hualan City

I saw that all the Rockets members in the square were wearing equipment and waiting for the instruction of the elite.

Yingcai stepped onto the high platform, and after everyone was quiet, he shouted:

"Everyone, today we will let the whole world know our Rockets again!"

"Long live! Long live!!"

"The 1st squadron went to capture the Hualan City Gym, the 2nd squadron quickly occupied the Spirit Center, and the 3rd squadron attacked the police station with all their strength, now all members are going!"

As Yingcai's voice fell, many members of Team Rocket walked out of the base in an orderly manner under the leadership of their respective captains.

Yingcai led Nobunaga's team and a team he brought from Team Rocket's headquarters, and walked to the prepared car from another exit without haste.

The car drove to the bottom of a high mountain outside Hualan City, Yingcai led Nobunaga and the others to the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Hualan City.

As the sun gradually rose, each squadron also launched an attack according to the assigned targets.

The third squadron was the first to attack. Squadron Leader Shinquan and his team released elves and bombed the gate of the police station.

A police officer at the gate was killed on the spot, and many police officers inside hurriedly picked up their equipment when they heard the news, released the elves to the gate, and the two sides immediately started a melee.

After hearing the explosion in the direction of the police station, a squadron on the other side, led by squadron leader Yoshioka, also launched an attack on the Hualan City Gym.

The Second Squadron had just arrived at the center of the elf, and before they could encircle the center of the elf, they were interrupted by the sound of battles from the Third Squadron and the First Squadron.

The trainers at the Elf Center got up quickly when they heard the explosion, and rushed out with the Elf.

The captain of the second squadron, Hang Ping, had to order his team to fight directly with many trainers.

At the top of the mountain, Nobunaga looked at the three battle sites in Hualan City and asked Yingcai, "When are we going to support them?"

The corners of Yingcai's mouth were slightly raised, and he looked at Nobunaga with deep eyes and said, "Who said we are going to support them?"

Seeing Yingcai saying this, Nobunaga seemed to have understood something, and then said suspiciously, "Then let's watch it here?"

Yingcai overlooked the entire Hualan City and said slowly, "Yes, we'll be watching here, waiting for the Alliance to send someone over."

Today, the 24 cities of the two alliances in Guandu Continent were all attacked by the Rockets at five in the morning.

After receiving the news, the Alliance Headquarters hurriedly asked the trainers around the cities to rush to support.

The four heavenly kings also went to various cities respectively. The dragon king, Yulongdu, went to Jihua Market, the capital city, and the ghost king, Juzi, went to the golden city.

The fighting king Shiba led the special action team to Hualan City for support, and the ice king Kona sat in the Orange Islands.

At the same time, the alliance dispatched all search officers and headquarters police officers, as well as its subordinate units to support various places.

In a city with strong gym trainers, the Rockets' attacks were pushed back one after another.

However, there are still many cities with iconic buildings occupied by the Rockets.

In some places, the Rockets members also wantonly grabbed shops and shopping malls.

The huge gears of the alliance turned rapidly, and in just half a day, the support trainers arrived in various cities.

At the same time, due to the intrusion of some members of Team Rocket, some big families also moved.

Originally, they didn't want to worry about the battle between the Alliance and the Rockets, but shopping malls and shops were robbed one after another, and their families were also hurt, which touched their bottom line.

For a time, the riots in many cities were quickly suppressed by the alliance.

After the special action team led by Shiba, the Four Heavenly King, arrived in Hualan City, Yingcai was ready to retreat with Nobunaga and others.

If the alliance sent a quasi-celestial king, he would still go to support, but it would be different if the four heavenly kings came.

When Nobunaga saw Yingcai said to retreat, he felt a little reluctant in his heart.

If it is his position in the elite, retreating is indeed the best choice.

But the stone is still in Hualan City, so he can't leave him alone.

Then he said to Yingcai, "Brother Yingcai, retreat first, I'm going to support the first squadron."

After Yingcai heard Nobunaga's words, he seemed to understand something, and said with hatred: "If people die, you can still avenge them in the future. If you go now, you will die in vain!"

After speaking, looking at Nobunaga's firm eyes, he said helplessly: "Forget it, if you want to die, then you can go, I won't stop you!" After that, he led his men down the mountain.

Nobunaga looked at Takato Odaira and said, "I know that going with me to save people is a near-death experience, I will give you a chance to choose, whether to go with me or go with Yingcai, don't worry, I won't blame you. "

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Daping immediately said: "Of course I'm following you, captain, after all, you're the boss!"

However, Chongren showed hesitation, and finally said firmly: "I'm sorry! I still want to live!" After speaking, he chased down the mountain.

Nobunaga didn't stop him when he saw this. After he and Daping released the elves, the two took their elves and flew from the top of the mountain to Hualan City.

When Chongren ran all the way to the mountainside, he suddenly felt a colicky pain in his abdomen, and he vomited blood as soon as he stopped.

From the moment he betrayed, the stinky mud planted a toxin on him.

A person who is usually so smart, why is he so stupid at this time. UU reading www.

Since he had participated in the operation of Rainbow Department Store, how could Nobunaga let him go easily.

Seeing that Chongren was completely dead, the ghost Stone who was hiding in the woods floated out and took off the space backpack on Chongren's body.

Then he floated in the direction of Nobunaga with his space backpack.

On the other side, Nobunaga and Taiping have also arrived at the Hualan City Gym.

Sheba divided the members of the special operations team into three groups and asked them to support three locations, while he was clearing the members of Team Rocket in the spirit center.

Nobunaga saw that the Stone team was fighting with several alliance trainers, so he prepared to step forward to help.

However, he was stopped by Yoshioka and asked him, "Where are the elite cadres? Did you give up on us!"

Nobunaga didn't want to tell Yoshioka the truth when he saw this. When he retreated with Shishi and others, he hoped that someone behind him could help resist the pursuit of the Alliance.

So he said to Yoshioka, "Brother Yingcai and General Lance, who just came to support, went to the Spirit Center, and sent my team to support you."

After Yoshioka heard it, he still believed him, because in his opinion, if it hadn't been for Yoshicai to send Nobunaga to come to support, who would have come to court death for nothing.

Seeing that Yoshioka was no longer entangled, Nobunaga hurried forward to help the Stone team solve the opponent.

Abo was unstoppable among a bunch of elite-level elves, easily killing all the elves in front of him.

After meeting with the stone group, he prepared to lead them to evacuate quickly.

However, the gods are not beautiful, and after seeing the huge Abo monster in the center of the spirit, Sheba hurriedly eliminated the enemy here.

Then he led his subordinates to support the Hualan City Gym.

Nobunaga and his party were about to retreat when Shiba led them and blocked them in the gym.

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