The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 474: New format and 7 islands 7 islands

"The hero of the sea?"

"Yes, that's right!"

In fact, a room with only three people is very prone to conflicts and estrangements. After all, calm emotions cannot always be stable in the heart.

However, Yuji, who knows his own position very well, can't help but cooperate with him at the right time.

Kona, who was waiting for Nobunaga to reveal the answer, glanced at Yuji, who was exclaiming like a worm with a calm peripheral vision, and silently straightened his slanted legs, and said with a little hesitation:

"You want to abolish the Southern Cross in the archipelago and re-establish a gymnasium assessment system?"

Hearing Kona almost instantly, he understood the core of his plan, stretched his body and spread his arms, like Nobunaga who was in control of all situations.

With a faint smile on his face, he explained to the two of them in a hurry:

"Let the trainers challenge the Southern Cross Gym first, and after successfully obtaining various badges, Yongji will personally take action to crush and defeat them."

"This kind of boring competition system can be said to be nothing new, and it won't attract trainers from other continents at all, and even I believe that even the natives of the archipelago will not actively respond to participate."

The voice fell, and Nobunaga, who was in deep thought, looked at Kona and Yuji, who were experiencing the smelly mud in the shoulders and collars, expressing hunger with slight wriggling, and did not continue to sell.

Quickly walked around the two of them from the edge of the wall, sat back on his seat behind the desk, and said softly with a serious face:

"So, I want to apply the island tour in the Alola region to the new official league event."

"It's just that the challenges of the Orange Islands are more arduous. I hope to build gyms with different challenges on the twelve large islands with the small orange islands as the main body."

"Let the trainers from various regions not only understand the customs of the Orange Islands, but also reap the obvious improvement in strength."

"The Brave of the Sea is the final champion trainer of the event, an official certification title that can be won."

After listening to Nobunaga's thoughts on the new competition system, he considered more Kona in his mind and remained silent.

But Yuji, who knew how attractive the title 'Brave of the Sea' was to the people of the archipelago, immediately got up excitedly and said:

"I agree!"

After Yuji finished speaking, he supported the table with one hand and looked straight into Nobunaga's eyes, fully revealing his desire to be responsible for this plan.

Nobunaga, with a calm and relaxed face, was about to agree to the sincere request from the former chief trainer of the Orange Islands and the current vice president of the Orange Alliance with his fiery eyes.

Kona didn't make a sound with a calm expression for a long time, but at this moment, he spoke first:

"Money, or resources."

"Don't forget to abolish the alliance personnel organization, but you proposed to implement it two months ago."

When talking about this issue, Kona's eyes became obviously serious, he stretched out Yuji's tall and straight body, looked at Nobunaga with a peaceful mind, and asked sharply:

"Abandon the existing Southern Cross gymnasium in the alliance, and build eight more responsible gymnasiums, as well as the corresponding final competition venue. Do you know how much manpower and material resources the alliance will spend?"

After saying so many words in one breath, Ke Na, who looked serious and serious, stood up and pressed Yuji back to the seat, and gave her answer in a calm tone.

"I made a rough estimate just now. Just for the resources provided to the gym each year, 40% of the alliance's fiscal tax is needed."

"If you add all the investment in the early stage, I think we will soon become the first league in history to go bankrupt because of excessive spending."

Hearing that Kona was justified and said to have given reasons for his objection, Yuji, who had just raised his fiery heart and was ready to fight, suddenly turned ugly.

Quietly looking at the disappointed Yongji in front of him, and looking forward to what he can give, this plan to gather people's hearts has injected real hope into Kona.

Gu </span> Nobunaga, whose body was soothed but his brows furrowed, couldn't help holding his chin and pondering for a moment, he tapped heavily on the mahogany table with his fingers a few times, his eyes showed a stern look, and he solemnly greeted the two of them. matter said:

"You don't have to worry about resources, I will let Menyan handle it completely."

"The Seven Islands of Fruit that were occupied by the five major families, it's time to return to the Orange Alliance."

Kona and Yuji heard that Nobunaga actually wanted to use the fruit seven islands purchased by the five major families to fill the resource gap of the Hero of the Sea plan. The expressions on their faces instantly turned solemn, and they quickly responded:

"Do you really want to attack the Guandu family?"

"No! This will start a war!"

Yuji's completely different conscious thinking from Kona did not affect Nobunaga in the slightest.

Seeing that he calmly looked at the map of the archipelago hanging on the wall, his eyes revealed a touch of firm determination, and he sighed softly and explained:

"Hey, I originally wanted to wait until next year to start the Seven Islands of Fruit."

"It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes after all..."

"In the next two days, Menyan will buy a few Kirby beasts, and replace the staff of the fruit seven islands, and send masons to send the tree fruit back to the headquarters one after another, disguising the illusion of the gluttonous beast."

"Remember, the five major families used this method to take away the Seven Islands of Fruit, so the cycle of cause and effect must be clearly spit out."

Nobunaga's remarks could not help but evoke the painful memories of Kona and Yuji. UU reading

That's right, when the boy who was partnered with Pikachu traveled around the Orange Islands to challenge the Southern Cross Alliance.

The five major families of Guandu used the powerful wild Kabi beasts to greedily eat and destroy the fruit trees and saplings, and forcibly took away the operation rights of the seven fruit islands.

At that time, due to lack of strength, the humiliation of being dominated by those **** over the archipelago resurfaced in my heart...

"The Seven Islands of Fruit must be brought back!"

After Yuji gritted his teeth and whispered these words, Kona, whose eyes gradually became cold, also looked at Nobunaga who was playing with the relationship between the two, and said in a condensed voice:

"No matter what plans you have in the future, I don't want you to hide from us."

Seeing that the two quickly unanimously reached a consensus and chose to support, and at the same time understood what Kera said, he was reminding himself that they were also senior officials of the Orange Alliance and their own Nobunaga.

Immediately, he clenched his palms slightly into fists, turned his head to look directly at the two of them whose anger was almost overflowing outside the body, and said calmly in a low voice:

"This time Guandu Continent, the internal battle between the alliance, the family, and the Rockets, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

"So in my opinion, it's not enough to just take back the fruit seven islands purchased by the five major families."

"Occupied by the Guandu Alliance in the early years, the geographical position is the Seven Islands in the northernmost part of the Orange Islands. I also want to get them all back."

"However, we have to wait for a suitable time. Let the masons and the elites of the Archipelago Guard sneak in and infiltrate."

Aware of Nobunaga's terrifying ambition, the picture in his mind trembled, and Kona and Yuji regained their composure.

Turning to look at the Seven Islands that still exists on the archipelago map, the two of them breathed inexplicably.

"President, please let me take charge of this operation!"

"I will also cooperate with Yuji to complete the task..."

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