The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 477: Reverse water and frequent accidents

Lance, whose eyes were full of madness and cruelty, but who was inexplicably full of confidence, put his hands on the battle belt, and sneered after saying these words.

Raising his hand, he released the six peak elves of the Crosshair Bat, King Nido, Queen Nido, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Electric Dragon, and Scorpio King, and jumped on the top of the double-bounce gas next to him.

Putting on a stance about to go all out, he shouted loudly towards Yulongdu in the sky:

"Just relying on you group of captive waste, dare to dream of killing the four generals of the Rockets!"

"Let's do it!!"

Lance's cold voice fell, and all alliance trainers, including Yulongdu, quickly turned their gazes towards his tall and straight body and the seven elves that exuded terrifying malice.

Only Tajima, who had retreated behind the many investigators, had an inexplicable look of decisiveness in his eyes, as if he was not attracted by the battlefield situation in front of him.

Extremely simply took out the pistol pinned to the back waist, took advantage of the cover gap created by Lance Liho, aimed at the undefended teammates in front of him, and decisively pulled the deadly trigger.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

As the magazine containing 20 bullets was emptied, the investigators who were shot in the back tried their best to look back at the murderer with disbelieving expressions on their faces.

Well, yes, it's not surprise or resentment, but a face that I can't believe and don't want to believe.

In fact, as the intelligence section of the Alliance Investigator Headquarters, the intermediate-level investigators screened out layer by layer, who have experienced countless life and death trials together, noticed something wrong as early as the night before the operation.

After all, according to the principle of normal actions, each investigator would at least be by his side, leaving a main elf for protection.

But... last night, no! It was the night before.

Tajima with a sincere smile:

"Everyone, this action is different than usual. None of the elves in the hands of the Rockets' fourth general, Lance, are lower than the Heavenly King level."

"So I hope that everyone will not release elves below the heavenly king in their actions tomorrow, so as to avoid Lance jumping over the wall and causing unnecessary sacrifices."

"As for the safety issue...let me leave the Aberdeen and the Rice Spoon Snake to guard the rear."

He hesitated at first, and then chose to trust his companion's Minato:

"Sacrifice... well, I agree."

Seeing that both the captain and the vice-captain made a statement, the investigators, who were a little uneasy, looked at Tajima, who showed a sincere smile, and eventually fell into the vague word of trust.

"Tajima-kun∽Then we'll leave our backs to you."

"Hahaha∽ Vice-Captain, you are really precious enough to treasure Abo and Snake, and you don't even want to let them both go to the battlefield."

"I must eat more today∽ I haven't been to a campfire party in the wild for a long time."

The memories full of warm smiles ended, and the investigators who fell to the ground were completely breathless.

Perhaps from the beginning to the end, even if they knew the direction of the bullet, they still had to hold their breath and look back for the murderer.

In my heart, I still don't want to believe that the vice-captain who is always drinking and bragging with them on weekdays is the one who took their lives...

"Sorry, I'm undercover."

Hearing Tajima say these words calmly, and hugging the Variegated Monster with five bullets embedded in its soft body, Minato, who gritted his teeth, scolded:

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Although he said so, Minato's body did not act immediately. Instead, he looked down at the corpses of the team members with bullets pierced through their chests on the ground.

At this moment, it was only a few seconds before Lance uttered the phrase 'do it'.

The champion Yulongdu, standing on Kuailong's back, heard the gunshots and then discovered that except for Minato and Tajima, the alliance investigators were all destroyed. On his heroic and extraordinary face, there was also a more obvious sad expression.

It was as if he had no time to direct the elves to rescue everyone because of the sudden incident, and felt a lot of guilt in his heart.

However, in the high-end battlefield at the edge of the light red forest, it was not the two of them who had the most emotional fluctuations in the face of Tajima's betrayal.

It was the twenty-three heavenly king elves that rushed towards Lance.

Almost at the same moment as the gunshots sounded, Watergate's ace elf, Hu Di, used teleportation to return to his side, and the other five super-type heavenly king elves hurriedly turned and rushed to the rear.

The other eighteen elves who lost their trainers first turned around and looked at the corpses everywhere, stunned for a few seconds as if their spiritual pillars had collapsed.

It was not until Minato scolded Tajima that they regained consciousness, as if the images in their minds were broken, they roared and attacked the murderer who killed their master.

within the enclosing circle.

Lance, who stood firmly on top of the double-bomb gas, watched Tajima, who continued to help him attract firepower after successfully completing the undercover rebel mission.

He took out a bottle from the space backpack, a compressed can with a skull mark, and stuffed it into the big mouth of the double-bomb gas master's head. There was a smile on his face, a conspiracy succeeded.

"It's finally about to enter the final climax, let go of that guy and cover me back to the frontal battlefield."

After saying these words aloud, Lance's eyes coldly left the cross-shaped bat, the king of Nido, the queen of Nido, the electric dragon, the super iron tyrannosaurus, the king of the Scorpion, UU reading www.uukanshu. As an abandoned child, com is responsible for delaying Yulongdu's pursuit.

At the same time, he commanded the double-bomb gas to release a black smoke screen, covering the woods and blocking the line of sight, and quickly floated to the position of the alliance base camp.

"Stop the double-bomb gas for me!"

Seeing the compressed bottle clearly, he guessed that this should be the Yulongdu behind Lance, and he reached out to the place where the smoke screen was most dense in the woods, and hurriedly issued an order to his elves.

Then he patted the head of Kuailong with a heavy body, made a gesture to Minato, who was looking at Wen Sheng, and carefully searched for Lance who disappeared in the black mist.

As for the Huck Dragon, the Fire-breathing Dragon, the Red Tyrannosaurus, the Blue Tyrannosaurus, the Fossil Pterosaur, the Bloodwing Wyvern, the Biting Land Shark, and the Qixi Blue Bird, who are steadily and steadily shrinking the encirclement, they are hearing Yulongdu's After ordering.

The eight champion elves, reluctant to release their skills to disperse the dense fog, moved towards the center of the original target, and accelerated the encirclement.


But at this moment, an unexpected terrorist explosion suddenly sounded in the blank area between Minato, Tajima, and the two.

Suddenly being baptized by the shock wave of this explosion, the eighteen heavenly king elves, who were covered in scars, even more frantically exposed their desire to eat people.

Looking at the Foretos who were glued together by some chemical agent, with a painful expression on their faces, Tajima, the black-haired man with death in his eyes, stood on the ground and looked up at Yulongdu, who was on the back of Kuailong, and said frankly:

"This is Dr. Nanbo's latest invention. Forretos, who can use the Big Bang indefinitely, must have felt its power."

- paused

"The Rockets created by Mr. Banmu will eventually lead the confused people in this world to travel through the white hole of the Milky Way to see a white tomorrow."

"So, I'm sorry, Watergate."

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