The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 498: The end of the Galaxy team (the crisis was successfully resolved)

The Celebration City of Shenao Continent, the base camp of the Galaxy team.

A **** battlefield composed of five champion trainers including Dr. Mustard Seed, as well as the leader of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri, senior cadres, Huoxing, Suixing, and Zhenxing.

The stumps and broken arms are all over the ground, and the elves are mixed with human blood, and the headquarters of the Galaxy team in the city's business district is dyed blood red.

No one would have imagined that Dr. Mustard Lan, who always used to be a teacher, would personally lead her clansmen and attack the trainers who were not powerful enough to be kings and elites.

If the description is more precise, the members of the Galaxy team who died in this commercial building had their souls before returning to the inversion world.

What they should be facing should be a **** massacre that is powerless to fight back, and even enough to be called inhumane.

——Dazzling white light lit up from Tianguan Mountain.

——Arceus stepped into the vast starry sky.

From the suddenly shining light, Dr. Mustard Seed, who seemed to see the broad figure of Arceus, couldn't help showing a look of relief in his eyes.

"Hirona and her two children did not disappoint me."

"But since God has come to the world, the Galaxy team should also be swept into the garbage heap of history."

He turned his head to look at the three members of the Galaxy Team, Xingxing, Suixing, and Zhenxing, who were surrounded and suppressed by his own clan, and now they are dying.

Looking at him again, he also noticed that Arceus showed his attitude towards life, and he knew that Saqi, the three beasts of the undercover Rocket Team, was in charge of the guidance.

And the 'New Spirit World' plan that buried the destruction factor has now been completely declared a failure.

Dr. Mustard Lan's eyes revealed a dignified meaning of iron and blood, raised his finger to the man who was trying to rebuild the rules of the world, and said in a calm and serious voice:

"Chiri, your evil plan has failed."

"Bite the land shark, the two-axe dragon, the violent flying dragon, the wrath of the triple dragon, let's end this battle."


Hearing the final order from Dr. Mustard, Chiri, whose face was still extremely calm, couldn't help but slowly let go of his right hand, which was clenched into a fist under his silver uniform.

Let the five Marulas, two Heluga, two tyrannosaurs, three cross-shaped bats, and a gentleman crow who were active on the field resist the attack of the dragon legion in front of him.

Then, he looked sideways at Huxing, Suixing, and Zhenxing, who were still unwilling to escape during the encirclement and suppression of the four champions.

"From today, the Galaxy team is officially disbanded. You who are no longer part of the organization, while I still have the ability to stop the enemy, hurry up and leave."

"This is my thoughtful decision. Don't say silly things about living and dying together. For those of you who are not strong enough to change the situation, don't drag me down!"

After hearing what he said, he looked at Huoxing, Suixing, and Zhenxing who were stunned in the same place, and Chi Ri, whose heart was determined to resolve, became stronger and stronger.

He waved his hand to release the nightmare **** Darkrai that he had always wanted to hide. At the same time, he also completely abandoned his previous fantasy of procrastinating, waiting for Saatchi to successfully control the creator **** Arceus, and Ying Tianshun's idea of ​​cleaning the world.

Staring closely at Dr. Mustard's thin body, holding the dark gem that controls Darkrai, he said in a deep voice with a strong body and sharp eyes:

"Darklay, open the passage to the dream space and take us to Tianguan Mountain and the Pillar of Spears."


The pitch-dark sky, where the five fingers could not be reached, shrouded the entire commercial building in an instant, and the high-rise building that had just been fighting constantly fell into a dead silence in an instant.

And the experienced Dr. Kale, after carefully discerning the physical nightmare spreading under her feet, did not perceive any sense of fatal crisis.

Immediately reacted, Chiri wanted to use himself and Darkrai as bait to force everyone in the temple to choose between him, who could turn around and escape at any time, and the three cadres of the Galaxy team, and took the initiative to break the back for the three men.

He also wanted to use his sinful blood life to help the Alliance Temple complete the final restoration of its honor, so that the divine land could regain the protection of Arceus, the creator god, before burying it in a tomb chosen by him.

So he hurriedly blocked the dragon legion that was about to break the dream passage, and then walked to the east side of the space, where he joined the four clansmen who were also included in the darkness by Darkrai.


Soon, the nightmare energy that was not attacked rushed towards Darkrai like a tide.

A large number of elves wrapped in the dream channel, along with the leader of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri, Dr. mustard with a calm expression, and the four champion trainers of the temple survivors, disappeared silently on the top floor of the building.

"You guys give me a good life."

"All sins will be borne by me alone."

Hearing Chi Ri's last words before the darkness receded, the star who was pale due to excessive blood loss, the star who was completely burned on the left half of the body, the only male star in the three cadres of the Galaxy team.

After Qi Qi covered the injured body with his hands, the blood was still oozing from different parts of his body. With difficulty, he picked up the elf ball from his waist to retrieve the unconscious elf, and then silently gathered up the incomplete elf corpse on the ground.

Zhenxing: "Shenao Continent no longer has a foothold for the Galaxy team, but I can't help repaying the kindness of Chiri, the boss of Chiri."

"So I want to go to the Hezhong area to find an opportunity to improve my strength and take revenge. Are you two willing to come with me?"

Huoxing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Hezhong... Well, anyway, I can't work with that guy Pluto, so let's accompany you to the Hezhong Continent first."

Suixing, who was wrapping his left arm with a bandage, saw the two of them looking at him and shook his head: "I don't care, although I have doubts about Pluto's loyalty, but the foundation of the Galaxy team can't be given away in vain, I still stay. Let's integrate the remaining members of the organization in Shenao."

"Besides, you know the relationship between me and Huoxing. If the water and fire are not together, there will be problems. I will stay in Zhuqing City and wait for the return of Lord Chiri. He is a man with a destiny, and I will never believe it. He would die so easily."

As the three leaders of the Galaxy team made their words clear, and after simply dealing with their own strengths, they left this celebration city full of sadness according to their own thoughts.


Tianguan Mountain, the pillar of the spear.

The divine beast Darkrai, who holds the power of nightmares, was looking for an opportunity to pass through a wild elf's dream, and it seemed as if he led the crowd in a short moment to reach the cylindrical platform on the side of the ruins of the divine capital.

Taking advantage of the red sun's shuttle between the two worlds, the chaotic body did not return to normal, Darkrai's eyes burst out with a wave of evil in the shape of a line.

Destroy the obscure gem that can control Take the initiative to leave a sentence, 'The deal is done! ’, and the illusory figure quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Waiting for Chiri with an unusually calm look in his eyes, Dr. Mustard Zilan, who kept adjusting his physical condition, the champion elders of the four temple survivors.

It is worthy to accept the chaos and sense of loss of control brought about by the space distortion and transformation through the dream channel, but the overall state has not recovered for a moment.

Paluccia, Dialga, and Giratina broke through space, froze time, reversed the parade, and surrounded everyone in the middle in a triangular position.

A majestic roar that almost pierced the mountain range emanated from the mouths of three ancient mythical beasts born with the world.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Hand over that silver-haired human!"

Hearing the goal of Shenao Sanlong, Dr. Mustard Zilan and the temple elders kept their faces unchanged, and immediately took two steps back from their hearts, indicating that the Red Sun of the Galaxy Team had nothing to do with them.

But without waiting for Paluccia and Dialga to forgive Dr. kale and others with the majesty of God, they stepped forward to crush the evil human who controlled them.

Giratina, whose pupils flashed inexplicably in his eyes, took advantage of the two of them to be unprepared and incorporated Chiri into his reversal world, and then said loudly full of hatred:

"It's not difficult to take this human's life away, but just wiping out his body is not enough to punish him for offending God. I'm going to imprison him and turn the world around and torture him every day. Don't get in my way."

Having said that, a black hole appeared in front of Giratina, and the brutal and tyrannical face stepped into it at a high speed, returning to the inversion world dominated by it.

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