The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 60: Return to the Continent and Evolution

Nobunaga, who returned to the mainland, did not stay overnight in Deadleaf City, but rode directly on the Aboriginal and galloped towards Ziyuan Town.

After arriving at Shiyuan Town, Nobunaga stayed at the hotel first, preparing to let Ghost Stone adjust for two days before going to the magnetic field to evolve.

Taking advantage of this time, Nobunaga also studied the data obtained from the Uchiki Research Institute.

After careful research, Nobunaga found that these data were all elves' body data, as well as some research data on the local water source, ecological environment and tree fruit of Daikan Island.

The most important elf difference research in the Uchiki Research Institute is not mentioned here at all.

Nobunaga angrily smashed the laptop, and stepped on it a few times in frustration.

He had read too much about common elf knowledge in Team Rocket Academy. To sum up, his attack on the Neimu Research Institute this time was considered nothing but supplies, and he had nothing else to gain.

After feeding the elves in the afternoon, Nobunaga handed a dark stone to Ghost, and let him stay in the hotel to absorb the energy inside, and try to adjust himself to the best the day after tomorrow.

Afterwards, Nobunaga brought other elves with him, ready to explore the ghost tower east of Ziyuan Town.

This seven-story ghost tower is a very famous elf cemetery in Kanto, and there are a large number of ghost elf and Kola Kola inhabiting it.

Because the wild ghost-type elves will absorb life energy, this place is also notoriously forbidden, and only powerful trainers will come here.

Nobunaga brought the elves to the outside of the ghost tower, and let the Abo monster release coercion.

The quasi-king-level aura made all the elves make way for Nobunaga.

After entering the ghost tower, there are only ordinary-level elves on the first floor, and elite-level ones are rare.

Nobunaga went through the stairs again and came to the second floor. There are very few ordinary-level elves here, and they are basically elite-level.

Let the cross-shaped bat feel the ghost energy here, the cross-shaped bat shook his head, and Nobunaga walked to the third floor again.

The elves on this floor have become much less, but they are all elite, and there are a few elves at the peak of the elite.

Nobunaga ignored them and simply brought the elves to the fifth floor.

There are only five elves here, one quasi-king-level dream demon, two dream demons at the peak of the elite, and two Gengars at the peak of the elite.

After seeing Nobunaga bringing the elves up, the dream demon brought four elves from the altar in the middle to the stairs.

Seeing this, Nobunaga didn't dare to go up any further, but just looked at the five elves on the opposite side from a distance.

The dream demon also looked at the three quasi-king spirits beside Nobunaga, and did not dare to shoot at will.

Nobunaga saw that the dream demon did not attack them, so he said to the dream demon:

"The day after tomorrow, I will bring my ghost Stone to evolve here. I can pay you some elf food as compensation."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the dream demon just gave a slight response, and returned to the altar in the middle with the other four elves.

When Nobunaga saw the dream demon, he also walked out of the stairs with the elves.

After walking out of the Ghost Tower, the penetrating coldness slowly melted from Nobunaga's heart.

Back at the hotel, Nobunaga thought to himself, "There are quasi-king spirits on the fifth floor, and there should be no heavenly king-level spirits on the sixth floor!"

"As soon as Ghost Stone evolves, he has to leave here quickly!"

At night, the moon in the sky exudes bright white moonlight, Nobunaga and the other elves all fell asleep, and Ghost Stone was still holding the dark stone and trying to absorb it.

Time soon came to the agreed third day, the moon tonight was extraordinarily round, and Ghost Stone had absorbed half of the dark stone.

Nobunaga brought the elves to the fifth floor of the Ghost Tower again. The Dream Demon and the other four elves didn't react after seeing Nobunaga and the others.

Seeing this, Nobunaga released Ghost Stone, and Ghost Stone absorbed the ghost-type energy to his heart's content under the magnetic field here.

As time passed bit by bit, the light of evolution also lit up on Ghost Stone.

The light illuminated the entire tower, and when the light of evolution dissipated, Ghost Stone successfully evolved into Gengar.

Gengar took small steps to Nobunaga's face, licking Nobunaga's cheek with his tongue as before.

Nobunaga rubbed Gengar's head and put down twenty boxes of energy cubes on the spot.

Said to the dream demon: "Now we are leaving, I will put the agreed food here."

After speaking, the dream demon still didn't respond, and Nobunaga walked down the ghost tower with all the elves.

Back at the Ziyuan Town Hotel, Nobunaga gave Gengar a simple physical examination.

The current Gengar has a height of 1.5 meters. While losing the floating feature, he has acquired the new feature, the body of curse.

After staying in Ziyuan Town for another night, Nobunaga set off for Barefoot Town.

Barefoot Town is located in the middle of Rainbow City and Light Red City. It is a town with strong folk customs.

After Nobunaga came here, after walking around the town, he found his destination, the Chongquan Martial Arts Academy.

After Nobunaga walked in, he asked the young man who was sweeping the floor in the yard, "Is Master Ahong at home?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, the sweeper put down the broom and asked Nobunaga, "What's the matter with Master Ahong?"

Nobunaga replied, "I came to learn martial arts from Master Ahong."

After hearing this, the young man said to Nobunaga, "The master took the juniors and brothers out to warm It is estimated that it will take two hours to come back."

Having said that, the young man took out a bench from the main room and placed it in front of Nobunaga, "You can sit here for a while and wait for the master and the others to come back."

Nobunaga thanked the youth, then sat on the stool and waited for Master Ahong's return.

It was almost noon when Nobunaga heard the sound of running outside.

After walking out of the yard, he saw a strong old man in his fifties and a dozen teenagers running towards the martial arts hall.

When everyone returned to the martial arts hall, the strong old man in his fifties asked Nobunaga, "Are you sitting in the martial arts hall waiting for me?"

Nobunaga hurriedly said to the old man, "Master Ahong, I came here to learn how to fight."

After the old man heard it, he brought Nobunaga to the backyard and asked Nobunaga to sit down before saying, "Do you want to exercise, or do you want to become a fighter through practice?"

Nobunaga replied quickly, "To tell the truth from Master Ahong, I came to Barefoot Town only because I hoped to become a fighter."

After hearing this, Ahong bluntly said to Nobunaga:

"You are no longer suitable for martial arts at this age, but it is still possible to learn two-handed moves. As for becoming a fighter, it is absolutely impossible."

After listening to Nobunaga, he quickly asked, "Is there no chance at all?"

Master Ahong shook his head and said to Nobunaga, "If you want to keep fit, I can also teach you. If you want to become a fighter, go back to where you come from."

After Nobunaga heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. He bowed to Master Ahong and walked out of the Chongquan Martial Arts Academy.

After eating in the town, he was ready to go to the Golden City to find a way to gain special power.

He's had enough of this insecure life.


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