The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 67: Hinoki Town

Seeing this, the giant tooth shark attacked the hull even more frantically with the group of sharp-toothed fish.

Nobunaga was not polite when he saw this, and let the bats attack the leading megalodon sharks with sharp air blades.

Although it didn't take long, Nobunaga and other trainers and sailors took care of the megalodon sharks, but the boat still leaked slightly.

Soon, the captain's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Passengers, please don't panic, we will drive back to the port of Onion City soon."

After listening to it, Nobunaga thought that he was so unlucky. This trip to the city really made Nobunaga wonder if this place was against him.

On the deck, Nobunaga watched as the ship turned around and headed back towards Onion City.

However, a whirlpool suddenly appeared on the sea, and a group of tyrannical carp dragons emerged from the whirlpool.

When Nobunaga saw this, he knew that the situation was not good, and let him fly to the north after releasing the cross-hatched bat.

I saw the group of tyrannical carp dragons constantly swimming around the hull, and the sailors and trainers on the boat directed the elves to attack the group of tyrannical carp dragons.

However, their attack made the Tyrannosaurus even more angry.

Nobunaga just flew away on a cross-hatched bat, and the Dragon Fury of the Tyrannosaurus was used. A giant tornado on the sea swept up the entire ship, and the passengers on the ship lost their lives one after another.

While the sailors and trainers were holding their spirits, the tornado was getting faster and faster, but they still couldn't escape. They were swept into the wind and finally sank into the sea.

Nobunaga didn't dare to let the bats stop, and flew all the way north, while Tyrannosaurus saw the whole ship sank to the bottom of the sea and then slowly returned to the sea.

Two hours later, Nobunaga, who saw the land, stopped the crosshaired bat.

Sitting on the ground, Nobunaga understood that he probably caused the bat to release the toxin into the sea, which attracted this group of tyrannical carp dragons living in that sea area.

After resting for a while, Nobunaga walked on the main road, looking for nearby towns.

At the fork of a road, Nobunaga saw the sign saying that the left side leads to Hinoki Town, and thinking that Mr. Steel lives in Hinoki Town, he walked to the road on the left.

Nobunaga saw a lot of dumb beasts lying on the ground before he walked far. Nobunaga knew the rules here, so he bypassed the dumb beasts and walked into the town.

After entering the town, Nobunaga still followed the old rules and set up a room in a hotel to rest for the night.

The next morning, Nobunaga followed the instructions of the innkeeper and came to Mr. Steel's door.


"Is anyone here?"

"Who is it?" A little girl's voice came from behind the door, and the door was quickly opened.

Nobunaga looked at the little girl in front of her and said to her, "Hello, my name is Nobunaga, I'm here to visit Mr. Steel."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the little girl said happily, "You are here to find grandpa!"

Then he introduced to Nobunaga, "My name is Chie." Then he brought Nobunaga to the main hall.

After Nobunaga sat down, Chie went to call Mr. Steel.

Before Nobunaga waited long, an old man with short ears and short hair was dragged by Qianhui from behind.

After sitting down, Mr. Steel said calmly, "Your name is Nobunaga, right? What is your business with me?"

Nobunaga stood up and said respectfully to Mr. Steel, "I want you to make a set of Poke Balls for my Pokemon."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Mr. Steel refused: "I already have more orders here, and I don't have time to build Poke Balls for you. Please go back."

"Qianhui, see off the guest!"

Hearing Mr. Steel's words, Nobunaga had no choice but to be sent out by Chie.

After Nobunaga left, Mr. Steel educated Qianhui: "Qianhui, don't let people come in casually in the future. That person is not a good person. I can smell the blood on his body from far away."

After hearing Mr. Steel's words, Qianhui nodded obediently, indicating that she understood.

Nobunaga thought for a while after walking out. He definitely wouldn't believe in the nonsense of steel. He could build a set of Poke Balls in one day, how could he not have time.

Since Mr. Steel is unwilling to build a Poké Ball for himself, he can only think of other ways.

Nobunaga didn't dare to arrest his granddaughter to threaten him. After all, this Mr. Steel is old friends with Dr. Ogi and mother-in-law Kikuko.

And if someone gives you some tricks in the Poké Ball, you won't be able to bear it.

Nobunaga stayed temporarily in Hinoki Town, and visited Mr. Steel's house every day, but after half a month, Mr. Steel was still indifferent.

On this day, Nobunaga came out of Mr. Steel's house again, but was stopped by a young man.

The smelly mud on Nobunaga's collar and Gengar in the shadow were ready to go, but Nobunaga stopped him.

The young man took Nobunaga to a side road, and Nobunaga asked him, "What exactly are you looking for from me?"

The young man asked Nobunaga, "Do you want to ask Mr. Steel to make a handmade Poké Ball?"

Hearing the young man's rhetorical question, Nobunaga answered him truthfully: "Yes, I'm here to ask Mr. Steel to build a Poké Ball for me. What does this have to do with you looking for me?"

The young man said quickly, "I can also make a Poké Ball for you. The Poké Ball I made is definitely no worse than a steel one!"

After hearing this, Nobunaga shook his head and said to the young man, "Don't talk too much, do you think the Poké Ball made by Mr. Steel is so easy to imitate?"

After speaking, Nobunaga turned around to leave, but was stopped by the youth again.

The young man said excitedly: "The Poké Ball I made is completely different from steel!"

"The Poke Balls he created are traditional level balls, moon balls, bait balls, friendly balls, sweet balls, speed balls, and heavy and the attribute **** I can create are based on the spirit balls. Attributes, I can tailor the most perfect Poke Ball for them!"

Hearing this, Nobunaga immediately became interested and said to the young man, "If you can really create a Poké Ball that satisfies me, I will give you a handsome reward."

After the young man heard Nobunaga's words, he brought Nobunaga to his Poké Ball workshop.

In the yard, the young man introduced to Nobunaga: "My name is Tielong Gengtai. My ancestors have made handmade pokeballs for generations. Now let me see your pixie."

After Nobunaga released the elves, the Abo was entrenched in the yard, the double-bomb gas was floating in the air, the bat was sitting on the ground, and King Nido was standing there upright.

Smelly Mud slipped down from the collar and turned back into a grown shape, and Gengar also emerged from the shadow.

Nobunaga took off the hat and put it on the ground again, and the hat also turned into a monster.

After seeing the Nobunaga Elf, Tielong Gengtai said excitedly, "I didn't read it wrong, you are really a powerful trainer!"

Nobunaga didn't answer this question, but asked Tielong Genta, "Can I create an attribute Pokeball suitable for my Pokemon?"

After hearing Nobunaga's question, Tielong Genta hurriedly said, "I can! Of course I can! Do you have any other requirements for the Poke Ball?"

After hearing Tielong Kota's question, Nobunaga said, "In addition to guaranteeing the attributes you mentioned, it would be better if my elf could live comfortably."

"Then you can rest assured, I will definitely create a Poké Ball that will satisfy you."

After all, Tielong Genta went to Nobunaga's elf and began to measure their body data.


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