The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 73: investigation

At noon the next day, the ship docked at the port of Citrus Island.

After Nobunaga got off the ship, he stayed at a hotel here.

At this time, it was March, and the trainers had just set off from their homes. As the final island of the Orange Alliance, Citrus Island did not have many trainers who came to challenge at this time.

On the contrary, the local trainers from the Orange Islands all came to the Tangerine Island one after another to report the situation of each island last year to Yuji, the chief trainer of the Orange Alliance.

After arriving at Citrus Island, Nobunaga did not rush to find the unnamed island, but stayed temporarily on Citrus Island.

Soon, a trainer named Kairen and his partner Gengar defeated many local trainers.

The entire Citrus Island is rumored whether this trainer will challenge the alliance.

But what is surprising is that Yuji, the chief trainer of the Orange Islands, wanted to meet the trainer named Kairen, but was rejected.

Of course, this person from the trainer world is Nobunaga's new identity here.

After Nobunaga changed his name to Kairen, although he was active on Citrus Island every day, he did not dare to appear in front of Yuji.

After all, Yuji is also an expert in using Variegated Monsters, and if he is not careful, he will be recognized.

After getting acquainted here, Nobunaga would go to an uninhabited island south of Citrus Island every night to train elves.

However, only one elf, Gengar, will be released on Citrus Island to prevent anyone who sees his elf from doubting his identity.

At the same time, Nobunaga also met a sunny boy here.

The boy's name is Koji, he is a native of Citrus Island, and he met Nobunaga during the elf battle.

After being defeated by Nobunaga, Kouji came to him every day, hoping that Nobunaga could teach him some knowledge of elves.

Nobunaga knew what Kouji wanted to get, but he kept hanging on him, waiting for an appropriate moment.

On a sunny day, Nobunaga was on the beach fighting a trainer from Ponkan Island.

Akatsugu, who was **** and wearing blue beach pants, ran over all the way.

Seeing that Nobunaga was fighting with other trainers, Kouji stood aside to watch the battle on the field.

Although the Ponkan Island trainer's Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is full of explosive power, it is still a little clumsy in front of Gengar, and is constantly being played by Gengar.

Finally, under Nobunaga's order, Gengar condensed a shadow ball in his chest and blasted it out, ending the battle.

Seeing that the battle was over, Kouji immediately ran to Nobunaga and said, "Big Brother Kairen, I have already got the loan card for the Archipelago Library!"

Kouji took out the borrowing card from his pocket, then smiled and handed the card to Nobunaga.

After Nobunaga took the loan card, he said to Akatsugu expressionlessly, "Come with me!"

The two went all the way to the small courtyard that Nobunaga rented on Citrus Island.

Nobunaga took out a training manual called "Water Spirit Cultivation (First and gave it to Koji.

Akatsugu's eyes lit up when he saw the book, and after taking it, Nobunaga flipped through the book in front of his eyes.

The first time Kouji saw the cultivation secret book, he was very fascinated. It was not until Nobunaga coughed that Koji came back to his senses.

Seeing Nobunaga staring at him all the time, Akatsuki said with a red face: "Brother Kairen, I'm sorry, but the things recorded in this book are really interesting, I've never seen them before."

Nobunaga didn't blame him, but just said, "It's yours now, you can go back and read it slowly. I'm going to the Archipelago Library now, you can go back."

Kouji was used to Nobunaga's indifferent tone, and said to Nobunaga, "Then I'll go back, see you tomorrow, Big Brother Jiren."

After he finished speaking, Kouji quickly walked out of the courtyard. He couldn't wait to read the cultivation manual.

After Akatsugu left, Nobunaga slowly walked towards the Archipelago Library after having lunch.

The Orange Islands Library was founded by Yuji, the chief trainer here, and Kona, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto.

Only locals in the Orange Islands can get a loan card and enter the library to learn knowledge when they reach the age of fifteen.

As an outsider, Nobunaga couldn't enter the archipelago library, so he came up with Kojitsu's idea.

The first floor of the Archipelago Library is just some common elf knowledge and the history of the archipelago, and the second floor is the knowledge cultivated by the elves.

But if you want to climb to the second floor, you must become the official trainer of the archipelago. This is still a long way off for Koji. It is far better to exchange a loan card from Nobunaga to cultivate knowledge.

What Nobunaga wants is not the common sense of the elves on the first floor of the Archipelago Library, but the history of the archipelago is what Nobunaga needs.

After entering the Archipelago Library, Nobunaga took a book from the quaint bookshelf on the right, sat on the ground and began to read.

Nobunaga turned the pages very quickly. He didn't have the idea of ​​studying the history of the Orange Islands, but was just looking for records or clues about the unnamed islands.

From noon until evening, Nobunaga discovered information about the nameless island in a book.

The book records that a navigator was shipwrecked during a voyage and accidentally reached this unnamed island.

On the island, he lived for five years with the locals who eat poisonous weeds.

Until one day, he fell in love with a beautiful girl, he wanted to marry this girl, but after the chief found out, he kicked him out of the island.

Sitting on the canoe given to him by the chief, the navigator returned to his hometown with his knowledge and his own spirit.

Although he wanted to go back to find his lover, he didn't have the courage to go back to that island, because there was a big terror on that island.

The navigator just recorded this incident in the book, hoping that someone in the future can take another look at this unnamed island in his place.

After Nobunaga read this memoir written by the navigator, more doubts appeared in his mind.

Why do you get kicked out of the island if you fall in love with a **** the island?

What was the great terror on the island that the navigators spoke of?

In order to clear up more doubts, Nobunaga began to search again on the bookshelf.

But it was getting late, and the administrator of the library walked up to Nobunaga and said, "Young man, we are closing the library. Come back tomorrow."

After hearing the manager's words, Nobunaga had to suppress his doubts and walked out of the library.

Nobunaga spent the next week in this library, but never found any records about the nameless island.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything in the library, Nobunaga decided to go to Xagan Island, the westernmost part of the Orange Islands.

After saying goodbye to the trainers he knew on Citrus Island, Nobunaga got on a boat to Xagan Island.

The speed of the ship was very fast, and it reached Xagan Island in the afternoon.

After Nobunaga got off the ship, he set up a room at a hotel on the west side of the island, and then went to find the sailors to investigate the situation on the unnamed island.

Although Nobunaga didn't get any clues after asking around, he bought a route map to the west of the Orange Islands from an old sailor.

The route map is different from the nautical chart. The nautical chart only shows the location of the islands, but the route map points out a safe route to Nobunaga.

After living in Xagana Island for a few days, Nobunaga was ready to set off to find the unnamed island.


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