The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 80: Seriously injured retreat

Nobunaga spent the night underground, feeling that the ground was no longer shaking, and the soil was no longer squeezing him.

Let the stinky mud dig up the nearby dirt, and then release King Nido to flee outside the town.

Miyata Junichi didn't know that the overnight earthquake did not kill the murderer who attacked their clan.

At this time, he was reporting the loss of the family to his father Katsumi Miyata by phone.

After knowing that more than 60% of the family's young and old were killed or injured, Miyata Katsuya roared, "What are you all doing to eat! How could I have given birth to you two wastes!!"

Listening to their father's rebuke, Miyata Junichi and Miyata Lin didn't dare to refute, they just bowed their heads obediently and stood there.

After a while of verbal abuse, Katsuya Miyata gradually calmed down and asked again, "Has anyone been caught?"

Hearing his father's question, Miyata Junichi quickly said, "I have already killed you!"

At the other end of the video, Katsumi Miyata nodded after hearing what his eldest son said, and then said to Miyata Lin, "Learn more from your eldest brother!"

Miyata Lin just kept nodding, while Miyata Junichi said, "Father, the one who attacked the clan must be Team Rocket. How should we deal with this?"

After hearing the eldest son's words, Miyata Katsuya said confidently, "Don't worry, he won't live long!"

Nobunaga's side climbed out of the ground with difficulty under the leadership of King Nido. Before he could clear the dirt on his body, he hurried to the pre-arranged meeting place.

In the forest, the members of Team Rocket are waiting for Nobunaga's return.

A mustache saw that it was dawn, and before Nobunaga came over, he asked the person next to him, "Has Captain Nobunaga been killed?"

Before the person next to him could reply, he saw Nobunaga flying over on the back of the bat.

Seeing this, Moustache hurried up and asked, "Captain, are you alright?"

Nobunaga glanced at everyone, and then said to a bald head, "Now you will lead the team back to Rainbow Base."

Before the bald head could react, Nobunaga passed out.

When the bald head saw this, he hurried forward to support Nobunaga. At this moment, Geng Ghost ran out of the shadow and stared at the bald young man.

Seeing that Gengar didn't attack, the bald head said to him, "I'm going to bring the captain back to the base now, you can supervise me by the side."

Gengar nodded after hearing what the bald head said, indicating that he would stare at them.

When the bald youth saw that Gengar agreed, he hurriedly released a strange force from the Poke Ball.

Let the strange force carry Nobunaga on his back, and he led the crowd towards the direction of Rainbow City.

Nobunaga woke up halfway through, and after spitting out the blood, let everyone rest temporarily.

After releasing the Aberdeen from the side, he quickly gave him some medicine.

After careful inspection, it was found that Aboguai was not seriously injured this time, and a professional elf doctor was required to deal with his injury.

After resting for a while, Nobunaga released the cross-shaped bat, and the other members quickly released the flying spirit.

The group, led by Nobunaga, returned to the Rainbow Base early the next morning.

After entering the base, Nobunaga first went to the treatment room of the logistics office, handed over the Aboriginal to the elf doctor here, and then walked to another room next to him.

After the examination, the doctor told Nobunaga, "Your rib is now broken, and it was almost pierced into your lungs, but it's not serious, just rest for a while."

After hearing the doctor's words, Nobunaga took out a handful of money and put it in his hand, then stood up with difficulty.

After dealing with his injury, Nobunaga walked to the treatment room next to him and waited for Abo.

An hour later, the elf doctor came out.

After seeing Nobunaga, he said to him: "Above is now everywhere with blood infiltrating. We have already treated him. He can't fight for at least a month, otherwise it will be more serious."

After hearing Doctor Elf's words, Nobunaga walked into the treatment room and looked at the sleeping Aberdeen lying on the platform. Nobunaga gently stroked him twice, and then took him back to the Elf Ball.

After treating himself and the elf's injuries, Nobunaga came to Athena's office and reported the task to her.

Athena sat on the sofa and listened to Nobunaga's description of the task process and the final result.

After Nobunaga finished his report, he said, "I know everything you said. The Miyata family informed the Alliance at noon yesterday that the Rockets attacked their clan and left the murderer behind despite heavy losses."

"Originally, I said that you were stupid enough. This situation can be eliminated. As a result, you came back this morning. It seems that the Miyata family will be completely disgraced in Kanto this time."

Looking at the bandages on Nobunaga's body, he said again: "This time, the headquarters has given an important task, but you will not be allowed to go there because of the way you are now. Go back and take care of your injuries."

After hearing Athena's words, Nobunaga hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lord Athena, my subordinates will retire."

After returning to his room, Nobunaga was lying on the bed ready to rest when he heard a knock on the door.

After getting up and opening the door, he saw that it was Saburo who was knocking on the door.

After seeing Nobunaga, Saburo also said hello: "Brother Nobunaga, I heard that you have returned to Rainbow Base, so I came to see you, didn't I disturb you?"

Nobunaga let Saburo in, and after the two sat down, Nobunaga asked, "Didn't you say that the people from Rainbow Base are all assigned to other bases, why are you still here, Saburo?"

Saburo rubbed his head after hearing Nobunaga's words, and then said with a blushing face, "I asked for a bit, and now I'm still in charge of guarding."

After the two chatted for a while, Saburo suddenly said, "Brother Nobunaga, the Viking City headquarters was led by King Kikuko, did you know that?"

Seeing that Nobunaga shook his, he continued: "I heard that the boss of Banmu has been unhappy recently, the elf that Dr. Fuji researched has defected, and the headquarters has also been led by King Kikuko. "

"Now the headquarters has issued an order requiring all field personnel to find the whereabouts of the elf. Have you received a mission?"

After listening to Saburo's words, Nobunaga coughed twice and said, "I just came back from a mission, and Lord Athena saw that I was seriously injured, so he let me cultivate for a while."

After speaking, Nobunaga thought about the follow-up of the Mewtwo incident in his mind, and how Itaki would counterattack the Alliance next.

Saburo saw that Nobunaga was a little distracted, and told him to take a good rest, then left Nobunaga's room.

Nobunaga was lying on the bed, and his tired body finally couldn't hold on, so he fell asleep.

After waking up the next day, Nobunaga came to the training ground and released all the elves.

A few elves were active in the training ground, and Aberdeen lay on the ground to rest.

Nobunaga watched for a while, and the elves were all right, so he thought about what Saburo said to him yesterday.

I don't know if Mewtwo has arrived at Niijima Nobunaga, but he doesn't want to go to this muddy water.

Following Kikuko's attack on Team Rocket's headquarters, the position of trainer at the Itaki Joban City Gym was also won by the Alliance.

In the league's view, although the arrest of Banmu was unsuccessful, the destruction of Team Rocket's headquarters was already a remarkable achievement.

But in Miyata Katsuya's view, if he didn't kill Banmu, then the Alliance was roasting him on the fire. Isn't this killing him!

Nobunaga, who was sitting in a chair on the training ground, felt that the real battle between the Rockets and the league was just beginning.

What should I do for myself?


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