After Nobunaga left Athena's office, he went directly to a training ground and found Keiji, the captain of the first squadron.

Then he took out his warrant and said to him coldly, "Now the 1st squadron is under my direct command! You call me all the people now."

After Keisi heard Nobunaga's words, he grabbed Athena's warrant from Nobunaga's hand.

After taking two glances, he said arrogantly, "Since Lord Athena asked you to command the first squadron, then you are responsible for attacking me!"

After Keith finished speaking, Nobunaga didn't say a word, just looked at him coldly.

So he said arrogantly: "My uncle is a cadre of Bishas, ​​you better get to know me a little bit, don't put on this expression, give me a smile!"

After hearing Keiji's words, Nobunaga showed a strange smile on his face, and then said softly, "Stinky mud, add a meal."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Stinky Mud jumped up from his shoulders, returned to his normal shape in mid-air, and used Taishan to push the top toward Keisi and pounced.

Keisi saw Nobunaga directing Stinky Mud to attack him, he quickly opened the Poké Ball, and released his Pokémon quickly.

Nobunaga didn't expect Keisi to release the elf so quickly, and it doesn't look like a piece of shit.

Afterwards, Nobunaga also released all his spirits.

The Abo monster squatted on the ground, released its intimidating characteristics, changed its attack snake pattern, and went straight to the big rock snake to use it to bite.

After the double-bomb gas came out, the No. 2 toxin mixed with smoke and venom was released on the field, and the entire training field was immediately shrouded in black mist.

The forked bat chased Keisi's Toucan in the air, and under the pressure of the sharp blades in the air, the Toucan could only flee in a hurry.

King Nido stood beside Nobunaga and played a game of whack-a-mole. The three hamsters kept dodging his various attacks on the ground.

Smelly Mud fought against Keisi's only quasi-celestial elf, Dun Armor. Facing Dun Armor's rolling attack, Smelly Mud stretched out his arms and took it directly.

On the other side of the arena, the poisonous algae dragon and the fire-breathing camel confronted each other, and neither side gave in an inch.

After the double-bomb gas released the No. 2 poison, he attacked King Nido of Keisi, and a stinky mud bomb smeared his face.

The two elves, Gengar and Chuanshan Wang, were constantly fighting, and Gengar had the upper hand in the situation.

The elves of the two sides were fighting together, and Keisi knew that he might be in trouble this time after seeing that Nobunaga had four quasi-king-level elves.

Seeing that Nobunaga had no elf protection by his side, he rushed to prepare to kill Nobunaga.

Standing in the same place, Nobunaga saw Kei rushing towards him, and the idea of ​​trying the Poison Mark ability also arose in his heart.

Afterwards, the poison streak was stimulated, and the poisonous frenzy was used, and the whole body instantly became hot.

Keisi leaped into the air and flew towards Nobunaga with a flying kick.

Nobunaga grabbed with his bare hands and firmly grasped Keisi's calf.

Afterwards, they exerted force to the left, and the two of them spun frantically like a top.

Keishi in mid-air was dizzy, Nobunaga let go, and he flew towards the railing.

After Keisi was thrown onto the railing, he fell heavily to the ground and vomited blood. He stretched out his right hand with difficulty, wanting to beg Nobunaga for mercy.

On the other hand, Keith's elves have also been dealt with.

The Arbo monster, entrenched in the center, had already swallowed the sparrow, and at the same time, he was drooling at Dunjia's corpse.

Seeing this, Nobunaga stretched out his right hand and sent a venom shock to end Kei's life, and then let the elves clean the battlefield.

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Aberdeen couldn't wait to swallow the armor, and then collapsed on the ground with a contented face.

The double-bomb gas looked at the Abo monster with disgust, and then landed on the ground to absorb the smokescreen toxin he spit out.

Smelly Mud and Gengar have returned to Nobunaga, while the cross-hatched bat can't get down in the sky.

Poisonous algae dragon pretended that I couldn't live without water, and Nobunaga took back the pokeball.

There was only one elf left on the field, King Nido, who was diligently cleaning the battlefield.

After resting with the elves for a while, Nobunaga looked at the clean training ground and nodded, and then found the bald elite who had done a mission with him in the mission hall.

Looking at the bald head with no eyebrows in front of him, Nobunaga said to him seriously:

"City Guard, I need you to help me with one thing. After this is done, I will tell Lady Athena to transfer you to my staff."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, the bald-headed city guard immediately patted his chest and said, "Lord Nobunaga, please rest assured and leave the task to me!"

Nobunaga stared closely at the excited city guard. After seeing him quiet down, he said softly, "I want you to pretend to be the captain of the 1st squadron, Keisi, and then come on a mission with me."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the bald-headed city guard said hurriedly: "You asked me to pretend to be Keiji. If he finds out, it will be troublesome! Behind him is Cadre Bishas!"

Seeing the nervous look of the city guard, Nobunaga shook his head at him, and then said softly, "Don't worry, no one will find out. Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with you."

After Nobunaga finished speaking, he looked at the city guard closely, waiting for him to make a choice.

Shiwei looked at Nobunaga's indifferent expression, then touched his bald head, then gritted his teeth and said, "I understand! After this is done, you must transfer me into your subordinate!!"

Seeing the City Guard agree, Nobunaga let the Variety Monster crawl onto the City Guard's face and turned into the appearance of Keiji.

Afterwards, Nobunaga notified the captains of the First Squadron one by one with a warrant, asking them to gather in the hall with their members.

The time came to the afternoon, after all ten squads of the First Squadron had arrived.

Nobunaga appeared in the lobby with Keiji, who was disguised as a bald city guard.

Nobunaga didn't ask them to introduce themselves, nor did he give these squad leaders a chance to speak.

Directly instructed the crowd: "I am in charge of commanding the first squadron now, the time is urgent, set off with me immediately!"

After speaking, Nobunaga took the lead and walked to the exit of the base.

And the captains of the 1st squadron saw that the squadron leader Keisi had followed Nobunaga, so they quickly followed with the team members.

Walking out of the gate of the Nobunaga saw that everyone had followed, so he released the cross-shaped bat.

The city guard beside him also quickly released his big-billed sparrow.

When the team leaders saw that the two bosses were ready to fly, they quickly released their flying elf.

Some team members had no choice but to ask acquaintances for help because they didn't have flying spirits.

Several team leaders who were familiar with Keith gathered together and asked each other doubtfully, "Has Captain Keith's sparrow become thinner? Why doesn't it look right?"

But Nobunaga didn't give them time to communicate, so he rode on the cross bat and flew to the southeast.

When everyone saw this, they quickly ordered the elves to follow, chasing the figure of the cross-shaped bat and flew to the south.

Flying all the way, the sky gradually dimmed, and a team leader rode a eagle to Nobunaga's side.

"Sir, we have been flying for six hours, can we stay here for a while and let the elves recover their strength."

After hearing the captain's words, Nobunaga not only didn't answer, but instead made the bat speed up.

Seeing this, everyone quickly ordered the elves to chase after them.

In the whistling wind, there were also the whispers of several squad leaders.

After continuing the flight for another three hours, Nobunaga directed the bat to the ground when he saw the light red forest.

After seeing Nobunaga landing, the people behind them quickly let their spirits land.

The big-billed sparrows, bats, eagles, and other little elves hurriedly landed on the ground panting heavily, and then collapsed to the ground.

Nobunaga glanced at the exhausted crowd, and said indifferently, "Let's rest first, and then perform the task at noon tomorrow."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


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