While netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned, the countdown also came to an end.

Tie Hammer, whose face was stained with tears, was dialing the cell phone with trembling hands when he felt his body sway slightly.

He raised his eyes and looked outside the door. The original azure planet had long disappeared, and the outside was full of strange grating lines.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a space jump!" Jiang Lin said softly.

Tie Hammer shed tears and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say...

The space jump scene was also seen clearly by netizens in the live broadcast room through Zhou Shuyi's lens.

The ship, which could be regarded as a spaceship, seemed to have collapsed inward and disappeared in an instant.

Then the live broadcast signal was cut off.

When encountering this kind of situation in the past, the audience in the live broadcast room would definitely leave one after another.

But this time everyone looked at the dark screen, but few people left.

I don’t know who was the first to output Ri Xingchen on Dancao.

"Sister Zhou, are you really dead?"

"I think it's fake. How is it possible? It must be for show effect."

"I think so too. It must be fake. What about aliens? It's too ridiculous.

"Boss Dog has so many tricks, and he wants to scare people with this trick. I won't believe it anyway..."

Netizens who were stuck in the black screen live broadcast room, although they kept saying they didn't believe it, they were also expressing various opinions of their own.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems like you are trying to find a reason for yourself to get rid of the impact of the pictures you just saw.

As everyone's discussions grew more and more, some people's sanity came back online.

"Does anyone know anyone from Sister Zhou's studio? Call and ask what's going on."

"Sister Zhou, doesn't she have a second channel? Come over and see what's going on there!"

"I'm in Jiangzhou, and I'm on my way to Qingshan Amusement Park. I want to see you there. Anyway, I don't believe there is such nonsense...

As netizens from all walks of life began to take action, various news gradually came back to Zhou Shuyi's black screen live broadcast room.

"I am Tie Zhui's classmate. Her phone is indeed unreachable now and she is always out of the service area..."

"Sister Zhou's studio is in chaos right now. Channel 2 has also stopped broadcasting. All staff are rushing to Jiangzhou..."

"The street near Qingshan Playground is now full of reporters and police. The entire block has been completely put under martial law. No one is allowed to enter or exit, and even taking pictures is not allowed.

The news that came back one after another made the netizens in the live broadcast room even more frightened.

In addition to these messages, some netizens discovered that relevant messages cannot be sent to other public platforms at all, and even the replay function of Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room has been banned.

In Zhou Shuyi's live broadcast room, you can review the previous live broadcast content at any time. On this platform, unless the anchor is banned, it is absolutely impossible to review the content.

Some netizens called the platform customer service and received feedback that it was due to technical reasons and adjustments were being made.

The netizens who can watch the live broadcast are not newbies. The more abnormal the reaction, the more it proves the authenticity of the matter.

But before they could start expressing their opinions, they discovered that Zhou Shuyi's comment function in the live broadcast room had been banned.

This made everyone more certain that something really happened.

But even so, not many people left the live broadcast room.

Because they have all witnessed history here, they are afraid that they will never be able to come in again after going out.

I don’t know which talented netizen discovered that the platform actually left a loophole when blocking comment barrages.

When sending a gift as a reward, you can add a message function.

So some people started sending gifts with real money and attached messages.

"It seems like this is probably true!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect to witness history after watching a live broadcast!"

"My scalp is still numb now, it's incredible!"

"Has that boss turned on the recording function? Can you send me the video?"

"Now all domestic platforms cannot send it, and even a screenshot cannot pass the review for the time being!"

"I recorded the screen and the video has been sent to YouTube. If you have the conditions, you can go and take a look..."

Gifts were popping up in the black screen live broadcast room like mushrooms after a spring rain. Even those usually stingy prostitutes couldn't help but top up and send gifts to speak.

Faced with this moment of witnessing human history, no one can remain calm.

The video that was sent to YouTube immediately attracted many netizens who had heard the news to watch.

In less than ten minutes, the number of views exceeded 100,000, and more than 100,000 people watched it online at the same time.

Looking back this time, many Leeuwenhoek netizens have uncovered more details.

For example, the position of the earth and the moon, the position and angle of the space station at that time, and the scene of the earth captured during the live broadcast.

But the deeper you dig, the more your scalp becomes numb.

Everything matches up, especially the view of the earth, which is almost exactly the same as the satellite cloud image at the same time.

Although large public platforms in China have banned sending relevant messages, YouTube can.

Although you can’t post screenshots, you can still leave messages and send links.

In just a short while, there were hundreds of thousands of comments under that video.

Because of the sudden increase in the number of likes and comments in a short period of time, this video was instantly promoted to the YouTube homepage.

Many foreign netizens were also attracted by this.

Although Jiang Lin and others all spoke Chinese, this did not prevent them from being shocked by the video footage.

After watching it, many people left messages under the video asking what kind of movie it was. The effect looked so realistic.

After being explained to these netizens by netizens who understand foreign languages, their first reaction was also nonsense, disbelief, what a joke, this kind of feedback.

But after the details discovered by domestic netizens were revealed, foreign netizens suddenly fell into madness.

"It's so crazy. It turns out that there are really aliens in this world, and they are still living around us!"

"I used to think there was something wrong with the old lady next door to me, but now I suspect she might also be an alien creature.

"This world is scarier than we imagined. Maybe the rich and famous people living in Beverly Hills are intelligent creatures from outside the world."

"I have to let my friend watch this video. I told him before that there must be aliens in this world, but he didn't believe me. Now the facts prove that I am right!"

"This matter must attract our great attention. Who knows if this alien named Jiang left the earth to go back and move troops to invade the planet we live in...

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