Jiang Lin took Chen Yeyun to make a big pendulum first. They installed action cameras on Chen Yeyun and himself, and set up shooting equipment from all angles. The two of them started the big pendulum journey. Chen Yeyun was very courageous. Watching tourists play every day, he knows every ride very well, but he has never experienced it. This time he played with Jiang Lin, and he was very happy. When Jiang Lin and Chen Yeyun came down from the big pendulum, Chen Yeyun was still in a state of excitement and asked Jiang Lin if the shooting was good. If it was not good, he would take another shot.

Jiang Lin said to Chen Yeyun, "I'll go back and see how much I can edit. If it doesn't work, I'll do it again."

Jiang Lin returned to the office and started editing the video. This was really a laborious task. Jiang Lin looked at Chen Yeyun in the video and remembered that when he first started shooting videos with Reba, Reba at that time always behaved in a way that he wanted to do. Riding every ride with Jiang Lin with a heroic sacrifice attitude. Even though I was scared to death, I still stayed with him to experience it.

Thinking of Reba's various frightened expressions, Jiang Lin found it funny. It is estimated that Reba would have scolded herself a thousand times in her heart after each experience. Every new project in the amusement park was tested personally by Reba with him. Thinking about it, Reba has always been by his side along the way.

As he was thinking about it, he forgot to watch the video. Jiang Lin needed to watch it again to extract the necessary parts. When he saw Chen Yeyun sitting on the big pendulum and said with a smile that he was about to start, Jiang Lin thought of Reba again. That was an expression of forced composure.

Jiang Lin lit a cigarette and had to concentrate, otherwise, there would be endless editing for the day. But when he saw the big pendulum standing upside down in mid-air, he thought of Reba again. At that time, Reba screamed, and she must have been extremely scared.

Jiang Lin sighed, "Alas, this video has not been edited."

So Jiang Lin left his desk and came to the window, looking out the window and smoking his cigarette. There was still work to be done. After smoking, Jiang Lin calmed down and continued editing.

Compared with Reba, Chen Yeyun's performance was very excited. You can hear his blood boiling through his screams, waiting for the next mechanism to come.

After Jiang Lin finished editing the video, he posted it online. Because the previous anchor was Reba, and there was a sudden change, everyone clicked in to take a look.

"Hello everyone, I am an employee of Qingshan Amusement Park. Today I am here to accompany you to play with the big pendulum and share my experiences. I hope you all like it..."

After the video was posted, Jiang Lin waited for two hours before going up to check the number of followers and comments.

"Let me go, are all the employees at this amusement park beautiful?"

"Even if I don't want to play, I still want to see it and let the beauty take her out for a tour."

"That's right" 237 Some of the following echoed

"This beauty is quite good-looking, but I feel like she's a bit inferior compared to the last one."

"Upstairs, you have bad taste. This is so beautiful, so sweet."

"I agree"

Just like that, the comment area exploded, with people discussing whether Chen Yeyun or Reba is more beautiful.

The amusement park's work account posted a new update, so of course Reba wanted to check it out, but she was dumbfounded when she saw the comments. They are all discussing who is more beautiful, Reba or Chen Yeyun. This is really something that everyone never expected. Reba could only smile helplessly. This was all such a mess. It seemed that Jiang Lin was going to be in trouble. She didn't know how he would deal with it. .

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