The amusement park has been closed for the past two days. Various announcements were issued as early as three days ago, as well as announcements on the Internet. It was closed for two days due to annual circuit maintenance.

Because all the equipment in the amusement park requires electricity, the circuit is very important. Jiang Lin is very serious about circuit maintenance and specially invited two circuit maintenance masters to come to the amusement park to check.

There were only six employees who did not participate in team building. Jiang Lin asked them all to go to work normally and cooperate with the maintenance master. If there are any special circumstances, please contact Jiang Lin in time.

There were two 610 buses to go to the playground for group building, and each bus had a tour guide. Aunt Zhao organized everyone to get on the two buses in an orderly manner. Chen Yeyun got on the bus first and sat in the first row. When he saw When Jiang Lin got in the car, he patted the seat next to him and asked Jiang Lin to sit next to him.

Jiang Lin said, "We don't have that many people, and there will be a lot of empty seats. You can just put your backpack on the seat, and I will sit in the back?"

When Jiang Lin said this, Chen Yeyun felt a little lost in face, lowered his head and said nothing [Jiang Lin walked directly to the seat behind and sat down. The seat of Tropicana is exactly across the aisle from Jiang Lin (aidb).

When Jiang Lin first sat down, he didn't find Reba eating. Jiang Lin smelled the fragrance and looked over, then realized Reba was eating.

"Didn't you eat in the morning?"

Reba nodded, maybe because her mouth was full and she couldn't open her mouth to speak.

"I didn't have breakfast either." Jiang Lin continued.

Reba swallowed what was in her mouth and took out a cup of soy milk from her backpack, "I also have a cup of soy milk, you drink it. w

Jiang Lin was very rude and ended up with soy milk. Reba looked through her backpack again and found that there was another piece of bread in it and handed it to Jiang Lin. The two of them have become accustomed to such a common thing. Reba used to always bring breakfast to Jiang Lin. Probably after the playground improved, there were many places to have breakfast at the door. It should be that from then on Reba no longer Jiang Lin brought breakfast.

After Sister Zhang, who was sitting behind them, saw what they were doing, she communicated with her colleagues in the aisle with her eyes. The meaning of her expression seemed to be saying, look, I said that their relationship is not simple, and you don't believe it. .

Jiang Lin and Reba sitting in front had no idea what Sister Zhang behind them was thinking.

Because the journey took about two hours, he probably left early, starting at 6:00 in the morning, so Reba felt a little sleepy after eating. He took out his earphones and connected them to his mobile phone, listening to music and getting ready to sleep again. Sleep.

Jiang Lin suddenly sat next to him, took away the headphones from his ears and put them on his own ears. This move made Reba jump, and when he saw it was Jiang Lin, he closed his eyes again and prepared to continue sleeping. Jiang Lin put on the headphones and closed his eyes.

Chen Yeyun turned around and saw Jiang Lin and Reba sitting together. He felt extremely embarrassed for a moment. When he asked Jiang Lin to sit next to him just now, half of the people were already in the car. Jiang Lin said there were many seats and went to sit in the back. , and after a while, he and Reba were sitting together. Didn’t this make him very embarrassed?

Chen Yeyun was afraid that others would see his embarrassment, so he turned his head to the side with the window, closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep. Chen Yeyun touched his backpack, which contained breakfast for Jiang Lin, but it looked like it was no longer needed. .

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