The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 332: Darkness Chen Cang

Chapter 332

Huo Tingshen said with deep eyes: "Ye Wanluo and I were classmates in elementary school. In elementary school, Ye Wanluo was still a daughter of a medium-sized enterprise. It's just that when we were still in school, we didn't have much contact with each other. Not much, I just know from the impression that there is such a girl in our class called Ye Wanluo.

I don't even know that she fell into the family in the fourth grade and left China with her parents and went to France. Before she was twenty, there was only this intersection between us, but there was no communication.

Later, when I was 20 years old, I went to France to talk about projects for the first time. When I came out of the hotel, I saw a Chinese girl who was being molested by several men. The girl righteously refused the couple in French. A man, but those men are reluctant.

I heard the girl say that she is from China. If they dare to mess with themselves, her motherland will definitely help herself to the end. Because of the girl's trust in her motherland, I helped her out.

After the men left, the girl stared at me for a long time before asking if I was called'Huo Tingshen'. In a foreign country, it was actually quite unexpected that someone could call her name. After all, in that era, Not many people even in Beicheng knew me.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, she patted her heart, and said eagerly, “I’m Ye Wanluo and we are elementary school classmates. When I was in the fourth grade, I left school and came to France. Do you remember me? ? ’

When I heard this name, I was only familiar, because I did not have any impression of her. Because I helped her, she insisted on inviting me to dinner. I happened to have something to do, so she refused. But in order to repay her kindness, she asked for a business card of mine. It was in that situation that we started contacting. "

Wenqing Nuzui: "Then, you will slowly darken it?"

"Are you sure that the term "Dark Chen Cang" is used in this way?" Huo Ting squinted at her.

Warmth is not very cool: "I just want to use it like this, can't it?"

Huo Ting nodded deeply: "Well, what my wife said is right. It's my fault. I shouldn't pick words randomly."

Snorted warmly: "Continue to explain, what happened later?"

"Later, when I returned to China, I gradually forgot about it. Two or three months later, one day, I suddenly received a call from a stranger. This call happened to be from Ye Wanluo. Said she had returned home and wanted to treat me to dinner.

That day, I went for an appointment. During dinner, she told me that I had applied for a Chinese company and would work in China in the future. She also said that she hadn’t returned to China for too long and she had no friends or relatives here. Although this is the motherland, it is equivalent to a foreign country. She asked me to help her find a place to live.

I think that if a girl is in a strange place, she may feel a little uneasy. In addition, we are old classmates, and we can meet each other in France from thousands of miles away. It is also a fate, so I asked the housekeeper Tong to arrange for her. An apartment.

To be grateful to me, she invited me to dinner together. In this way, we came and went, and slowly approached. At that time, she was the only opposite **** beside me in a non-working relationship, and we got along for a long time. The relationship between them has become ambiguous. "

Warmly, "Speaking of which, you and her really met first, but why did she marry your second brother in the end?"

"At that time, it was not me who played the leading role in the company. It was the elder brother and the second elder brother. The eldest brother had seen Ye Wanluo, but his impression of Ye Wanluo was not good. After Wan Luo had the meaning in that respect, she disliked her even more, and reminded me to treat my feelings carefully.

Since the second brother is mainly responsible for foreign business, he is not in Beicheng all the year round, so I never found the right time to introduce Ye Wanluo to him.

Until that day, I took Ye Wanluo to dinner with a few buddies in the restaurant, and met my second brother who had not returned to China for a long time. After seeing me, my second brother came over to say hello. It was also that day that he fell in love with Ye Wanluo at first sight.

After returning, he sent someone to investigate Ye Wanluo's information. At that time, although Ye Wanluo and I were already a bit ambiguous, we had not pierced the layer of window paper. After the investigation, my second brother took it for granted that Ye Wanluo was just my primary school classmate. He quickly pursued Ye Wanluo.

Ye Wanluo felt that this embarrassed her, so he came to me and told me about it. After that, I went home to talk to my second brother, and my second brother realized that there was still this relationship between me and Ye Wanluo.

My second brother is serious about feelings. Besides, it is really difficult to take back a relationship. So for a long time, even though the second brother stopped pestering Ye Wanluo, he was unwilling to talk to me. "

Wenqing wondered, "According to this trend, your second brother should have let go, but why did they come together again?"

"At that time, in order to take into account the face of my second brother, I never broke the relationship with Ye Wanluo. I originally intended to confess my confession to Ye Wanluo after the second brother was completely put down. But then... my elder brother was surprised. After his death, the Dihui Group experienced unprecedented turbulence.

Many major shareholders took the opportunity to gang up and make trouble, and the company's stock plummeted. That should be the biggest obstacle that Dihui Group has encountered since its establishment for decades. In order to keep the company, my second brother and I worked together, and we agreed to let the second brother formally sit in the company, while I went abroad and became the main force to stabilize the ‘world’ abroad.

After that, for nearly a year, I had hardly returned to China, and all contact with Ye Wanluo was through telephone. At that time, she probably understood that I was very busy and tired, so when we called, most of what she said was good news.

I also found out after a long time that, at that time, some people who were interested knew that Ye Wanluo was a little bit ambiguous with me, so through the Dihui Group, I went through the gap and stepped on the leaves. Want to take the opportunity to hit me. During my absence, the people who have been with her to take care of and comfort her are my second brother.

Then one day in the middle of the night, I was resting but suddenly received a call from Ye Wanluo. She told me that she was planning to marry my second brother. At that time, I was really shocked and asked her why, but she refused to say, she just told me not to contact her again. I always felt that I was betrayed, so I bought a plane ticket and returned to my country overnight. When I got home, I knew that something happened. "

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