The Royal Contract

Chapter 1209: Unexpected beautiful visitor

He had just finished one delicate transaction. So far, it looked like it went off without a hitch. The other party did not see any issues with the exchange. They took the money and gave him the product.

In his summation, it was a successful deal. However, the night was still not over until everyone at the meeting left with a satisfied smile. He still had to walk out of there with the product without a bullet in his back.

"It was nice doing business with you." He stood from his chair and asked his men to take care of the shipload of drugs.

His new boss had tasked him to deal with the shipment tonight. And he could not mess it up. Or it would blow his cover. He had to act cool and collected like it was just another one of the transactions he had done so many times in the last years or handling this portion of the business for Gerald.

"Yes, Sir Mike." One of his trusted gang leaders rose to his feet and signaled the rest of their men to move.

He nodded in his direction, confirming his order before facing the other man, who also ordered their money placed on the trunk of his car. With a last wave of his hand, the man in a leather jacket and denim jeans rode his car and drove off, leaving him and his team.

But instead of going with his men, he waved them off, instructing them to bring the product to the warehouse. With that secured, he had the rest of the night to himself.

"I will be at my office." He entered the door in the back alley after watching the van leave. He could hear the music blaring, but partying did not appeal to him. He did not want to stay a minute longer in the crowded and noisy building.

"On second thought, I think I am heading home." He told the bartender, who also served as his righthand man in the club.

He noticed the crowded floor. The business was doing well, but comparing the income of this place to the earlier transaction, this was nothing. This club was just a front to the fast-earning business undergoing outside in the dark.

Then, he headed to the exit, ready to leave. But something caught his eye. At first, he thought she was alone as she walked in the dimly lit hallway. "Who is..." He was about to ask the man behind the counter.

But when her eyes scanned the room and landed on a table, he knew she belonged to that group. "Nevermind." He suddenly changed his mind. He had no intention of joining a group tonight.

He was already exiting the establishment when he noticed she was not far behind him. And she was alone. Did she ditch her group? Anyway, that was no any interest to him.

Nevertheless, he did not mind having company for tonight. It had been a while since he had been with one. And this woman seemed interesting enough to invite into his home.

Besides, he noticed she looked like she was not from around here. Her face was unfamiliar. She would be a perfect one-night stand. She could help release the tension that built up in his body.

Damn! She was sleeping.

Did he take home an intoxicated woman to take care of? It was just his luck as he hissed under his breath. But he could not leave her in the middle of the street. Judging from her looks, clothes, and things, she was not a hooker or their regular customer.

Anyway, he continued to drive home, having no choice but to take her home to his house. He could let her sleep in one of his rooms and send her home in the morning.

"What are you doing?" He asked himself as he parked his car in the driveway and looked at the woman sleeping in his passenger seat.

What was wrong with him? He had never cared about women before. He would use them and dispose of them afterward. But he would not give a damn about their welfare if he had no use for them.

Had he changed significantly in these last months? Did Haley change him into this new person? Maybe or maybe not. He still did not believe in commitment. But maybe, he now learned a new respect for women.

"Hey, wake up." He tried to wake her up. But she seemed to be out of it. Of course, he could not leave her inside his car.

"Come on. I will carry you upstairs." He picked her up and lifted her into his arms.

She gently stirred in his arms. But she did not open her eyes. She mumbled some incoherent words, but he did not understand most of what she said. Then, she fell silent again, snuggling closer to his warmth.

Cautiously, he brought her to the second floor, depositing her into a comfortable bed in a room right next to his. He wanted her close so he could check on her if she suddenly needed his help. It was clear that she was drunk and might require close supervision.

"I hope you don't mind." He had no idea why he was even asking her consent when it was clear she was too drunk to answer.

He shook his head. He could not believe what he was doing as he knelt before her. Then, he carefully removed her shoes, thinking she would be more comfortable sleeping without them.

Then, he stood up from the bed and arranged her in the middle before tucking her tightly under the blanket. He knew the last thing a drunk needed was stiff and sore muscles when they woke up the next day.

"Sleep tight." He whispered to the stranger sleeping on one of his beds. But before leaving, he finally stared into her face. He was positive. It was the first time he had seen her.

He could not help but wonder who she was. But more importantly, why did she go home with him? What was her story? Then, she remembered her bag that he had dropped somewhere in the room.

He picked it up and started snooping in her things. He was not going to rob her. He only wanted to get to know his unexpected beautiful visitor more as he stared at her identification card.

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