That night, the Empress fell ill. Perhaps it was the heat of the day, or perhaps it was the heat of the night that caused her to feel cold. When the Empress Mother was waiting for Yu'er to accompany her for a meal the next morning, only the people around her said that the Queen had fallen ill.

The empress dowager naturally came to see her son's wife in person, but the emperor was even more attentive than she was. When the empress dowager saw her son take the initiative to care for the empress, she wanted to give them a chance to get along together and send people to ask from time to time.

"What kind of sickness is this? She was perfectly alright when she went out with me." The empress dowager was worried. When she came to Qinzhou this time, she felt that everything would change for the better.

Looking at the sky and the direction of the sun's shadow, it looked like it was in the morning.

Her clothes had already been changed. She vaguely remembered that when she was unconscious, her hair was still wet from the bath and she was wearing thin silk. Although she was also wearing a bed coat, it was neat, with a very tight belt and even her hair was dry and smooth.

Barefooted, she walked out of the southern-facing door. There was no wood flooring outside, and the cold floor tiles stopped her in her tracks. She looked around carefully, but she couldn't help feeling scared when she couldn't see anyone around, but thinking that it was probably the Emperor who was deliberately bullying her, she couldn't lose in terms of momentum no matter what.

"My wife is awake." When he finally heard the voice, an unfamiliar woman appeared in front of him with food in her hands. When she saw Bao`er standing there, she said with a smile, "My wife, please wait. Your servant will dress you right away. Your excellency will be here shortly."

"My wife? "Lord?" Where is she?

Her heart trembled, thinking about that day in front of the spirit of the Queen Shouan, when the emperor had told her "It won't be for long".

But who was the lord? Could it be … Father?

'My son's heart is pounding. If he was really sent back to the Qiu Family after being crippled, that would be the worst outcome. What does the Emperor want to do? Why does he want to ruin his life for no reason?]

Very soon, maids arrived to help Yu'er dress. They seemed to be well-trained and did not say much. Yu'er was also unwilling to lose her composure, so she did not ask any questions either. When the food was placed in front of her, and the maidservants respectfully invited her to have a meal, someone finally came to the door. She heard the maidservant outside shouting "my lord", and she put down her chopsticks and stood up with her head held high.

What was unexpected was that the person who appeared in front of him wasn't his father, but was the elegant Shen Zhe. Back then, at the Longevity Palace, he had recognized his when he was by his side.

"General Shen, long time no see. In the blink of an eye, three years have passed." She knew that it was better to see someone than to see his father. Naturally, Shen Zhe made her feel more at ease, but the doubt in his heart did not go away. Why was she here, and how long had it been since she fainted?

"I didn't expect that the girl from that time was you." Shen Zhe's opening remark was so awkward that even he could not bear to listen to it. He even did not know how to address Xiao Mei as, so he continued in an awkward manner, "Your majesty said that you recognized me from the Longevity Palace."

At this time, the emperor was involved. The Longevity Palace? When she saw Shen Zhe that day, she was pleasantly surprised. She might have unknowingly smiled at him, could it be that she was seen by the Emperor? But so what if she saw it? Didn't she even have the right to laugh?

"General Shen, why am I here, and why are you here?" The feeling of reuniting after a long period of separation soon disappeared, and Yu'er had to find out where he was and what had happened.

In the palace of Qinzhou, the empress was getting more and more sick every day. The empress dowager had ordered the emperor to send over an imperial physician from the capital, but Xiang Ye agreed on the surface that no one had come to treat the empress.

That afternoon, the empress dowager, who was supposed to be taking a nap, couldn't sleep. She angrily stood up and called over the Maid Lin, determined to see the empress with her own eyes no matter what.

Xiang Ye had to rush over again to stop his mother. Empress Dowager said angrily, "If it really is contagious, then why don't you lock him up? Don't try to deceive me. What's going on? " Her Majesty thought of something bad and approached her son, asking in a low voice, "Ye'er, did you hurt the Empress and didn't dare let me see it? What did you do to her?"

"Esteemed Empress!"

Just as the empress dowager was interrogating the emperor, a palace maid by the side cried out in alarm. Even the Maid Lin followed up, "Esteemed Empress, why are you here?"

The empress dowager was surprised for a moment as she followed everyone's gaze. A beauty dressed in a blue and green muslin dress gracefully walked over to the empress dowager, her face rosy and radiant. She calmly smiled and bowed to the empress dowager.

"What the hell is going on?" The empress dowager was astonished. "Little Jun, what's wrong with you?"

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