The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 436 Troubles Of Vashara (2)


"Ehhh..." Shiro voices her thoughts out loud as she looked at those who were "worshiping" her before turning towards Alka.

Alka put a small awkward smile upon Shiro's reaction, interpreting it as her being annoyed at being worshiped.

"Many of us believe in the 3 primordial gods and the laws that they govern over life. In our perspective, you are our gods that our ancestors told us about."

"The beauty of life that surrounds us with the white color of the clouds in the sky. The white light of the sky embraces us with the warmth that let us continue our life. Our ancestor left us the name of the being responsible for all those events, as White Life."

"Although many are afraid... upon seeing your healing powers and your mercy. Put more importantly your long white hair..." Alka's words trailed off, unsure if she should say that her hair was what made most people believe that she was a primordial god and not actually her magic

'So you see my hair more important than everything else. Hmpf!' Shiro of course was able to see through what she wanted to say.

Though their conversation was shortly interrupted upon hearing several voices, louder than usual, and people walking towards the voices.

Turning her head toward the direction of the commotion, Shiro pointed her staff toward the voices.

"Alka, do you know what is happening over there?"

Alka frowned as she looked at the directions, before shaking her head.

"No, I don't know." She said before continue walking towards the mountain.

Shiro stayed silent as she stared in that direction, her eyes glowed in a dark color for a split moment, making her face frown.

"Alka, let's go take a look first. We can go later towards the mountain." She said before walking in that direction without waiting for Alka.

"W-White Life! Wait!" Alka said while flustered following behind Shiro.

Following the commotion, in only a few seconds, she arrived at the locations, where a crowd has already has gathered, surrounding two men.

"Bastard! Take it back!" One of the men yelled as he pointed his bone-sharp fingers with fur toward the other man.

"There is nothing to take back! I only told the truth!" The other replied with similar anger in his voice.

Their anger against those two men boiled up inside of them and it resulted in action.

Violent action.

The man with the sharp bone fingers lunged towards the other man, which resulted in the other man stepping back in surprise at the sudden attack, unconsciously raising his arm to protect his face.

Though that same action to protect his face resulted in being barely in range of the other man's sharp fingers.

Leaving large but not deep cuts on the other man's right hand.

The blood from the cut stained the fur of the fingers of the other man while the white snow on the ground was painted bright red from the blood.

"Kyagh~Look everyone! I told you that those outsiders were corrupted by Harsch Death! They are savages! Look at his claws! How do we share the same ancestors with that beast!?" The man who was hurt yelled while pointing at the man with bloodied arms.
Some of the crowned frowned at the man's words while others started mumbling to each other.

"Hey, isn't he part of the group that came with the primordial gods?"

"I heard that Harsch Death was willing to give others powers..."

"Is it because of this power that their bodies look different that ours?"

"Have they been corrupted, similar to the frozen artifacts??"

Most whisper's were from the villagers of the Vashara, and their gazes were becoming colder toward the people who were rescued by Danzel. No one knew who spread the news of Harsch Death giving powers to others or if it even corrupted others in the first place.

Hearing the whispers of those people and their look at him, the man with the bloodied finger, ground his teeth.

He turned around to yell at the crowd about how wrong they were, but once he turned his head, he received a punch in the face from the other man who was cut. Sending him flying to the ground.

"That's payback for before! Outsider!"


Yelling out loud, all thoughts to prove the crowd wrong disappeared as he dashed into a melee with the man.

Shiro who observed all this from the side frowned behind the mask.

Alka also arrived and looked at the whole event with a frown.

Pointing at their fight with her staff, Shiro asked.

"Alka, why are those two fightings? And why aren't the others stopping them?"

"..." Alka's frowns became worse upon the such question before sighting out helplessly.

"'s because the other party is different from another. Be it their bodies or where they came from."

"As I mentioned before, Shiro Life, many people hold fear within them. And one of those fears is aimed at outsiders. But unlike the eldest primordial, they-"

"They can go against them." Shiro cut off Alka in the middle of the sentence.

Making Alva smile bitterly at Shiro's words.

As her words were the truth of the current situation.

Unlike Danzel, who was seen as the personification of death and the harsh cold spread through the lands. An entity that as far as they knew, couldn't be killed or be bested.

Alka remembered how shocked she was when she heard from Shin'Yen that he once succeeded in destroying Harsch Death's skull, only for it to be restored and toy with him.

Facing an immensely strong being was taunting on it's, but knowing that the same opponent was also an immortal being brought a certain despair and helplessness.

Many of the Vashara came to the realization of this, but unlike Danzel, the new people were similar to them. Resulting in their fears and hatred towards Danzel being aimed toward the outsiders, who were associated with the primordial god as far as the Vashara people knew.

Realizing the situation, Shiro couldn't help but frown at Alka.

"What about the words of you a priestess? Isn't she the leader of the village? She accepted these people in your village and yet look at this!" Shiro pointed at the gazes of the villagers of Vashara towards the outsiders and the two men fighting.

Alka didn't know what to say, or at least she couldn't say what she wanted to.

After all, she couldn't say that their priestess had no other choice but to accept the people that Harsch Death brought over. Or how many were dissatisfied with the priestess's decisions?

Seeing no answer coming from Alka, she glanced at her staff harder.

"Tch, so stupid." Shiro mumbled as she run towards the crowd.

"Everyone! Stop this fight immediately!" She yelled, but the encouragement of others towards the fight covered her own voice. Shiro wasn't used to yelling on such occasions.

She tried to make her voice be heard, but no one was able to listen to her.

Once she was behind the crowd, Shiro found herself being a mere dwarf among the people there. As she had the body of someone who just became a teenager and the people of the frozen lands had naturally tall bodies.

With no one noticing her coming, she couldn't help but yell to gain the attention of everyone.

"Stop Fighting!!!"

Her voice made the others in the crowd flinch in surprise, but before they could turn around to see the owner of the voice, a chill ran through their legs.

Someone thought that a cold wind passed through their legs, but the few who looked at their feet shrieked in dread.

Those few were the ones who were able to see with their own eyes how the shadows under their feet moved like flowing water below them.

The shadows swiftly charged toward the duo fighting it out and cursing at each other.

But it was only when they felt the same chill that fears struck them as the shadows surfaced and took physical form.

"This is- Kyagghh!

"What the- Aghhh"

Before they could finish their sentence, the shadows finished taking their form, revealing a robed shadow in the middle of them. His hands made out of shadows grabbed the neck of the man with the bone fingers while the other hand grabbed the head of the man of Vashara with enormous force.

"You of the living have broken thee's creator and the mistress will. Your insolence shall no longer be required." Talon said with a chilling voice as he raised the two men in the air, spreading a dark mist through their bodies.

If Danzel saw it, he would recognize the mist as nothing but a curse.

"Talon! Wait, don't kill them!" Shiro yelled at Talon as she pushed through the crowd.

Talon slightly moved his head to the side. His ethereal eyes headed in a hood-covered fill in shadows.

"L-Lording shadow! H-He insulted the primordial! I-I..." The man with the bone fingers said with difficulty as he was being choked to death.

Hearing those words, the other man panicked.

"I-I didn't! He is lying! He attacked me and I defended myself!"

"Talon, that's enough, you can let them go." Shiro sighed in relief at Talon's presence stopping the whole fight.

Upon her words, Talon stared ahead and let go of the man with the bone fingers.

'Good thing that Talon was here to stop all this, if he wasn't here, I wouldn't know how to stop th-'

Before she could finish her through them, a sudden *cracking* sound appeared.

And in the next moment, a splash of blood happend, as Talon crashed the other man, leaving the body to fall to the ground.

Shiro fell in shock and froze at what just happend.

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