The Runaway Bride's Love Story!

Chapter 9 - Two Years Ago...

Sera was woken up by the bright light entering the room through the open windows.

She scrunched her brows and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. Her head was hurting bad, like hammer being struck hard.

Sera tries to sit up straight whilst rubbing her closed eyes, after successfully sitting up straight she holds her head which was aching badly.

She slowly opens her eyes only to find herself in an unfamiliar place.

The room looked just like hers but it definitely was not her room. For starters her room was never so tidy and clean.

After trying hard to remember what happened yesterday, Sera decides to first wash up and then unravel the mystery behind her being in a foreign room.

Sera isn't such a strong girl who can party hard, get drunk and do one night stands. She's a very conservative person, because of her family's "modern family traditional values" motto.

For Sera to find herself in such a situation was quite a scare but seeing that her clothes are intact and there was no sign of a man or another person inside the room Sera sighed in relief.

Slowly Sera gets down from the bed and walks stealthily towards the bathroom door. She knocks twice to see if anyone's inside. After confirming that she's alone Sera happily gets inside.

She was smelling like alcohol and puke, the stench wasn't too strong but enough to be repulsive. She hurriedly undresses herself, and lazily soaks inside the bathtub.

"Aah.. So refreshing", Sera walks out in a robe and starts looking for spare clothes. As her room is on the same floor she can sneak out after wearing some proper clothes.

While searching for clothes Sera's gaze lands on the small bedside table, her phone and wallet were placed carefully on the table.

There was a small piece of white paper with something scribbled on it. Sera ignored it as her first priority was to find clothes and sneak out of this room.

After rummaging through the wardrobe Sera found a thin white silk shirt and black jeans. The clothes were too big for her but anyway tried to fit in them and rushed out.

Last night, Lucifer was lost in his thoughts when his ringtone went off. Glancing at the caller id Lucifer sighed, He knew what was going to happen. He decided to pick the call.

"Boss, we've found Carlos. County S, he's still on the way. If we leave now we'll be able to catch him.", an excited Adrian sounded through the phone.

Lucifer glanced briefly at the sleeping face of Sera and lazily replied to Adrian.

"Got it, get everything ready. Pick me in 30 mins"

"Yes boss, Everything's really. I'll pick you up in 30 mins", Adrian chimed excitedly. Adrian knew the danger Carlos was for Lucifer's life. And being the loyal friend he was more than happy to eradicate Carlos for his friend.

After thinking through things Lucifer went to wash up, changed into a new set of clothes, black shirt with worn out jeans and a big black jacket. He looked at Sera for a while, then took a piece of paper from the table drawer.

Lucifer was contemplating what to write for about 5 minutes, his name? number? After sometime Lucifer scribbled something on the piece of paper and left without looking back.

"we'll meet again - L"

After rushing back to her room, Sera changed into a new set of clothes, packed her belongings and left for the airport. Her flight was at 10:45 am and it was roughly 9:30 am, thanking her luck Sera hailed a cab and left.

While in the flight Sera was catching up on her sleep, and dreaming.

In the dream Sera was pulled by a hand. The hand was big, slender finger, fair and beautiful. The hand gripped her tightly like it's life depended on it. There was a beautiful fallen angel tattoo on the wrist of the hand holding Sera.

Startled Sera woke up from her dream as what happened last night surfaced through her eyes.

Fallen angel tattoo, was the last thing she saw before knocking off. Instantly Sera's thoughts went to the day she first saw the man.

"Two years ago, the tattoo, that man..", Sera was mumbling to herself when the air hostess interrupted her train of thoughts by announcing that their flight will be landing soon.

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