The man said: Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for you have wrestled with God and men, and have prevailed.

In the Book of Genesis, there is a story about Jacob wrestling with an angel at the Jabbok ford when he returned to Canaan.

In the Book of Zerubbabel, Michael once answered Zerubbabel: I am the one who wrestled with Jacob at the Jabbok ford. One of the seven powers that Roy got from Michael,"Jacob's Hands and Feet", comes from this story.

Jacob is the ancestor of the Israelites, meaning the messenger who defeated God, and"Jacob's Hands and Feet" is an unparalleled fighting skill that can even defeat the archangel, containing the power of the myths and legends of the Bible!

Roy was originally a low-ranking magician, and had never practiced martial arts, but now he has become a martial artist who has reached the extreme of"martial arts" with this power, close to"Tao".

Because this unparalleled martial art used to compete with the archangel should not be possessed by mortals.

The God Slayer is such an exaggerated existence that all the things that mortals have gained through hard work throughout their lives, experiencing all the ups and downs, and shedding blood and sweat, are simply not worth the attention of the God Slayer.

The feat of killing a god is a miracle in itself, and there have been only a dozen or so people who have received this honor over the past thousands of years. The spell power that Roy injected into his feet gradually dissipated, and the shaking that shook the earth gradually stopped. Mount Murray, the heart of ancient Jerusalem, collapsed and turned into a pile of broken ruins.

The archaeologists of Mount Murray groaned as they climbed up from the ground covered with fine sand and gravel, and began to search everywhere in a panic. Looking at their expressions, it seemed as if they were afraid that this inexplicable"earthquake" would completely destroy the possible ruins here.

"This... this is……"

An archaeologist suddenly exclaimed, and he picked up a piece of pottery from a pile of sand dunes with trembling tweezers, and observed it carefully.

"This is a relic from the early days of the Jewish Kingdom. This is probably where the remains of Solomon's Temple are located!"

The archaeologist's shout caused a commotion among the others. Many people came over. Even the doctoral student who"entered" Roy greeted Roy and ran over excitedly.

"Aiwass, can you detect any items related to God here?"

Roy looked at the archaeologists gathered together and discussed happily. He asked Aiwass who was invisible to mortals behind him.

God Slayers are not omnipotent, especially in terms of perception. God Slayers are really average. Except for being able to recognize the disobedient gods at a glance, if two God Slayers do not show their strength, they may even sit together for afternoon tea without knowing that the other is their own kind.

"I am not an angel who is good at searching, and I have no speciality in perception and searching.

Although Aiwass said this, she paused for a moment and pointed out the direction for Roy."……There is a mysterious atmosphere underground 70 meters away in this direction. If we dig it out, it will probably take a long time."

"You are really a capable angel."

Roy smiled approvingly at Aiwass, and then said:"……There is no need to dig. I am a godslayer, a demon king who has no taboos. To me, mortal historical relics have no value. Digging is the job of ordinary people or magic societies, and all I have to do is to dig.——"

Roy followed Aiwas' instructions and walked 70 meters away. He raised his fist and activated his power again, punching the already broken ruins of Murray Mountain again.


Fine sand turned into mist and splashed a hundred meters high. Cracks appeared on the ground under Roy's feet, and then the ground collapsed again with a loud bang, forming a deep pit like a meteorite impact.

The cheering archaeologists around him stopped talking abruptly. Everyone swallowed their saliva and stared at Roy's inhuman and terrifying power in amazement.

As ordinary people, they were probably amazed by the magician's ability. Now seeing the god-killer known as the"Earth Demon King", the power that was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people completely shocked their nerves. It was not until then that they realized that the"earthquake" just now was not a natural phenomenon at all, and it was very likely caused by this terrifying young boy.

Roy ignored the horrified eyes of the people around him. He squatted down and reached into the sea of sand under his feet with his left hand. As the sand slipped through his fingers, a simple ring appeared in Roy's palm.

"Bronze artifact? Divine tool? Could it be the ring of wisdom that Solomon used to summon demons to serve him? The mysterious demonology book"Lemon Gayton" records that King Solomon was an excellent demon summoner. Maybe it's true?"

Roy weighed the ring with his left hand. It was indeed an immortal divine tool, a divine tool related to God.

However, not everyone can use a divine tool, especially this divine tool that points directly to Solomon. Roy is not Solomon, so he can't use it at all. However, this divine tool has a great origin with Solomon, and it can be used as a tool material for some magic rituals.

Roy put the ring away. Some of the archaeologists around him opened their mouths, wanting to say that this was a valuable artifact and hoped that he would put it down, but thinking of the great power that Roy had shown before, which was far beyond that of ordinary people, they all closed their mouths from the bottom of their hearts.

Only one of these people showed a look of shock and awe. He felt the exaggerated and heavy curse power that Roy exuded when he used his power before, like the abyss of the sea, and boldly guessed his identity.

"I...Is there anything I can do for you?』!"

The man who recognized Roy hesitated for a long time before he stepped forward tremblingly, bowed his head and said respectfully.

Although it is dangerous to walk into the sight of a God Slayer, it also represents an opportunity.

The other archaeologists were surprised to see their investor suddenly become so humble, and for a moment they secretly wondered if this young man was some big shot?

No, how could someone with such a monster-like power not be a big shot!


Although Roy was a low-ranking magician, he could recognize the other party at a glance when he dared not hide his identity and actively exuded his magic power.

"Yes, King, I am England……"

"Stop, I am not interested in which country or association you are from. I only have one request now, prepare a clean new set of clothes for me, and prepare a ticket to Rome, Italy. As for the identity certificate, you can do it yourself.

Although he had never seen the magician in front of him, Roy gave the order as if he was facing his loyal servant.

The magician also thought it was a matter of course. Seeing that the"king" did not want to know his identity, he did not dare to say more and quickly agreed.


Not long after, a special plane took off from Jerusalem, Israel, carrying the only guest to Rome, Italy.

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