"Alexander Gascoigne, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Roy held the Sword of Judgment tightly in his right hand, turned slightly, and stared at the Black Prince with his double pupils, which were different from those of ordinary people. The coldness and regret in his eyes made the English godslayer feel cold for no reason.

However, Gascoigne was a man who had accomplished the great feat of killing gods. He quickly calmed down and just went over the cause and effect in his mind once, and he completely understood.

"Humph, so you have been watching me all along. I should be grateful that you value me so much!"

Gascoigne hated himself secretly and immediately knew why he was exposed.

Roy's magic eye has the ability to see through the past, but because the past is too vast, Roy must have an accurate observation target if he wants to use this ability. The

Black Prince knew with just a thought that Roy had been watching everything he did, so when he secretly followed, wanted to snatch the Holy Grail, and explored the secrets of the Last King, these secrets were actually exposed under Roy's nose.

‘The power of this authority is a bit exaggerated! '

The magic eye that can see through the past is tricky enough to make anyone helpless, because even if only one second has passed, that time has already passed.

It is not impossible to crack this power and perform a sneak attack and assassination.

First, the assassin must not be someone Roy knows, and the people related to the assassination must not be known to him.

Because he does not know them, he will not be exposed.

There are seven billion people in the world, and Roy cannot really use the magic eye to observe the past of seven billion people.

The second is to make assassinations and sneak attacks a whim, without any plan before, otherwise there will be a big exposure.

But these two conditions are almost impossible to succeed in the face of a powerful god killer like Roy.

"Among the current God Slayers, the only one who bothers me is you, Alexander Gascoigne... The leader is aloof and untouched by the mundane world. Lady Aisha always brings disasters but she is kind-hearted. John Smith is very responsible and principled. Salvatore is obsessed with swords and fighting and has no interest in external things."

"……Gascoigne is the only one who has a similar personality to me. You are also a vindictive person who likes to cause trouble for others. If I were to say who is most likely to ruin my plan, it would be you, Gascoigne."

"If you had just done your own thing honestly and not gotten involved in this mess, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you. After all, you are also a godslayer and you are not so easy to deal with. But you just had to show up here to snatch the Holy Grail. Even now you have heard the news about the Last King. I think Gascoigne is still planning to go find the Last King."

Roy looked half-smiled, looking at the ugly face of the Black Prince, he knew that he had guessed his idea correctly.

This man is also a typical godslayer, doing whatever he wants and not considering the consequences. In the past, Roy admired the Black Prince very much, because he, like himself, was a man who planned before acting, but at this moment when he was facing a powerful enemy, it would be better to eliminate unstable factors like the Black Prince.

"Pursuing the Holy Grail is my lifelong wish and my father's last wish. Now that I know that the Holy Grail is with you, I am afraid I will keep bothering you until I get the Holy Grail in your hand."

Alexander Gascoigne said this in a threatening tone. If a God Slayer stares at someone like a fly, then that person will probably have troubles and feel annoyed.

Although the Black Prince is not the most powerful among the God Slayers, his powers are more inclined to auxiliary, but because of this, being stared at by such a person will definitely make people annoyed.

"I'm not interested in having a fly flying around me all the time, so I have no choice but to swat this annoying fly to death."

Roy said with regret:"……I have an immature idea. I don't want to fight against the Covenant by killing other godslayers. Although the godslayer is called the devil, compared to the gods of disobedience, the godslayer is more humane and can communicate. It is precisely because of the existence of the godslayer that the gods of disobedience cannot destroy human civilization with disasters."

"……I am a person who cares about the people when I have the energy to spare. If there were no godslayers in this world, the God of Disobedience would probably destroy modern human civilization before a new Godkiller was born."

The particularity of this world made Roy realize that a big reason why modern civilization was born was because the Last King was lazy, allowing ancient godslayers like Marquis Woban and Master Luo Hao to continue to survive, so that in the past three hundred years, the God of Disobedience could not do anything to destroy civilization and was killed by them, allowing human civilization to develop.

It can be said that this world absolutely cannot lack godslayers, otherwise when the God of Disobedience descends and begins to wander, it will be a regression of human civilization and a devastating disaster.

Why are godslayers the devil, but all magicians respect them so much? In addition to the fact that the power of the godslayers themselves is terrifying, there is another reason that the godslayers are the umbrellas of protection for humans in this world.

"It's a joke that a guy who could commit a near-massacre in Tokyo and displace hundreds of thousands of people would actually say he cares about the people."

Alexander Gascoigne said with a sneer.

"I said, I will only protect the people when I have the strength to spare. When fighting against a strong man like the Marquis, how can I have the leisure to care about the life and death of others... I am not a saint who can be threatened with the lives of ordinary people. I don’t care about the life and death of others; but I am not a tyrant who is keen on killing and blood. I also have sympathy and compassion for ordinary people!"

"……This is the love of mankind, and also the evil of mankind!!"

Roy answered the Black Prince's ridicule very seriously, without getting angry at all.

He is a selfish person who will choose to abandon others to protect himself when his life is threatened; he is a person who has enough sympathy and empathy for the weak, will pity their weakness, and will help and love them when he has the spare power; he is a person who will burst out with the greatest brilliance of humanity when it really comes to the most critical moment, and know what sacrifice and heroic feats are.

Human beings are complex creatures where love and evil coexist, and human love is also human evil.

Because love will produce evil, and evil will also show love. In the complex group of humans, they are inseparable.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

The Black Prince was furious because Roy's overly serious expression seemed to tell him that he had no way to escape.

God Slayers are all proud, so how could Gascoigne stand Roy's provocation?

"This is natural, Gascoigne, your existence has affected me. I am sure that if you don't die here, you will cause me countless troubles in the future. Now that you have seen the Holy Grail, it is time to end your inheritance from your father."

Roy clenched the sword in his hand, murderous aura overflowing

"How shameless, Roy Crowley!"

Alexander Gascoigne's expression was almost distorted, as if he had completely lost his mind. He roared and took out a pen from his suit pocket, as if he wanted to use this pen as a medium to activate a certain power, and then...

Then Gascoigne threw the pen away, and turned around and turned into thunder to escape into the distance!

Flying in the air, Gascoigne's expression became calm. He was not a person who easily lost his mind. His previous appearance was just acting. He was not the kind of God Slayer who was good at facing the enemy head-on, and he was not sure of defeating Roy who defeated the Marquis of Vauban. In addition, he had great doubts about the power named"Guardian of Athena" by Roy. In this foggy situation, if he didn't run, would he have to fight to the death!

Roy was not surprised at the Black Prince's escape. He had long guessed the choice of this God Slayer based on his personality. When Gascoigne turned into thunder and disappeared, he also turned into a flame and followed him, leaving only one sentence on the spot:

"I'll stop him. Follow me, Athena!"

The goddess of wisdom didn't think much and just followed Roy's orders.


Guinevere and Lancelot looked at each other, both seeing the shock in each other's eyes. They had inexplicably changed from the protagonists of the stage to supporting roles.

""Uncle, what should we do now?"

Guinevere asked in confusion.

After a moment of hesitation, Lancelot said:"……Let’s get out of here first, let’s go to Japan!"


The God Ancestor and her guardian disappeared on the spot.

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