『The"Corridor of the Fairyland" is the main reason why Lady Aisha is called the most troublesome God Slayer, because it is beyond Lady Aisha's control. When this power goes out of control, a door to the past will appear.

If an ordinary person is sucked into this door and goes back to the past, he will either die in the past or spend his life in mediocrity and never come back. But for the God Slayer, it doesn't matter even if he goes back to the past. He can find the door to return to reality again with his own power, but the length of this time is unclear, and the most troublesome thing is the ratio of time.

For example, Lady Aisha is known to the outside world as a God Slayer over 150 years old, but Roy and Aisha learned from their casual chat that she has only lived for more than 50 years.

Because Lady Aisha spends most of her time traveling in ancient times, maybe she spent a year in ancient times, but when she returns to modern times, she finds that three years have passed in modern times, which is why people miscalculate her age.

Roy didn't mind going to the past for an adventure. On the contrary, he was eager to try this novel experience. However, he was wary of the speed of time. If he returned from ancient times to the present and found that several years had passed and the Last King had awakened, then his efforts would be in vain and his life would be in danger.

Thinking of this, Roy quickly looked at Anne Charlton and said:"……Miss Anne, I remember you have a good relationship with the fairies in the underworld, right? Is there any way to stop Lady Aisha's power?"

Roy did not ask Athena. Although Athena is the goddess of wisdom, she has nothing to do with abilities like"travel" and"time".

『The"Corridor of the Fairyland" was usurped by Lady Aisha from the Queen 'Nyafu' of the Kingdom of Changruo in Celtic mythology. In fact, this power seems powerful, and can even go back to ancient times, but in essence it is just a 'fairy prank'.

Because no matter whether it is the God of Disobedience or the God Slayer, they cannot change the past with their own divine power and spell power, and cannot fight against the power of historical correction. The huge amount of magic power required to really modify the past is not something that ordinary Gods of Disobedience and God Slayers can do, not even the Last King.

The uniqueness of the past is difficult to break.

In other words, whether it is the God of Disobedience or the God Slayer who was pulled into this cave, they actually couldn't do anything. They could only treat it as a novel journey, and this journey was life-threatening. For mortals, this was a desperate life-and-death struggle. Since nothing can be done, what is the difference between going back to ancient times and a prank.

"I have a good relationship with the fairies in the netherworld, but fairies are a group of children who never grow up and like to play pranks. Do you think people who like to play pranks will have a change of heart? Unless it is extremely dangerous and involves the safety of the world, don't count on the fairies. When they know you might be tricked, they will probably just clap their hands and sing and dance!"

Anne Charlton spread her hands and smiled helplessly.

At this time, an almost irresistible attraction came from Lady Aisha's body. This was the power of"The Corridor of the Fairy Realm" that was using all of Lady Aisha's cursed power to activate it when it was rampaging. Because it was not an offensive power and could not cause substantial harm to people, this power made people even more irresistible and irresistible!

Roy's total cursed power was twice that of an ordinary God Slayer, but even so he found it difficult to resist this suction. Fairy pranks were the highest secret method of fairies, and even a kind of existence that was close to the concept of the world.

Even the kings of the gods in mythology would be tricked by fairies.

"Since you know your power is out of control, don't come looking for me! Wouldn't it be better to just find a deserted place and wait for the next trip?"

When the suction was not strong, the godslayers and gods of disobedience present could still resist, but Princess Alice had disappeared at this time. She appeared here as a ghost body and not her real body, so she would not be captured by this power.

Athena's expression was very calm. As the goddess of wisdom, she was very familiar with the pranks of fairies, so she knew that this power was not that scary. With her power, there was no danger. She just had to wait quietly for the opportunity to return to her own era.

Facing Roy's questioning, Mrs. Aisha was stunned for a moment before she cried out:"……Master, didn’t you say you have the power to stop the runaway power? That’s why I came to find you!"

"But the power I'm talking about is"Queen's Curse" instead of"Fairyland Corridor"』……But why did your power get out of control so quickly?"

Roy was a little helpless now. Although he had no fear of the goblins' pranks, this was definitely a troublesome matter.

No wonder Lady Aisha made so many people avoid her. She was a collection of troubles.

"Oh... I must have misunderstood... But it is indeed a bit strange. In the past, after this power went out of control, it would not go out of control again for a long time, but this time, it took only a few days for me to travel again."

"……"I'm not prepared at all this time. I don't even have enough money for the trip!"

Aisha cried sadly.

Roy ignored Mrs. Aisha's complaints. He had calmed down at this time and just asked Mrs. Aisha about his time ratio. Although Roy didn't expect to find a solution from her,

Mrs. Aisha actually had a solution.

"In the past, I was troubled by the time ratio problem, but there was no solution. Until I usurped the power of"Lucky Saint's Grace" from"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" in the Celestial Empire, I was surprised to find that the time ratio of the ancient and modern times in the"Fairyland Corridor" was reversed. Even if a long time passed in the ancient times, it would only be a few days after returning to the modern times."

Mrs. Aisha was still explaining to Roy at this time. It seemed that she was very accustomed to sudden unexpected situations.

"Now that you know how to do it, use this power quickly! I don't want to find that several years have passed when I come back from ancient times!"

Roy shouted angrily.

"Hmm... Master, you are a little too fierce... Okay, don't glare at me, I know what to do! When the fruits of good deeds are not ripe, even good people will suffer bad consequences. When the fruits of good deeds are ripe, good consequences will come. Good people should be rewarded with good things, and bad people should be punished with bad things. Please grant me your blessing until the end of this trip!"

Lady Aisha chanted the lucky words of the famous Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva loudly, so that she could have good luck in her trip.

Seeing that Lady Aisha had activated the power, Roy was relieved. Alice was not affected by this power. With her intelligence, she would notify Erica and Liliana so that they don't have to worry. At the same time, she would also notify other magicians to be careful of the cave formed by this power.

Roy glanced at Athena, who was extremely calm beside him. He grabbed the goddess's small and tender white hand with his hand and whispered:"……Let's not get separated, Athena."

The wise goddess just nodded slightly, and used her eyes to signal Roy not to be nervous, it was just a prank of the goblin.

But at this moment, Roy's face suddenly changed.

He found that the mysterious space in his right hand, the mysterious thing named"ship" by Aiwass, was throbbing again. It actually controlled the direction of the waterway, causing Roy and everyone else's destination to deviate.

After discovering this, Roy quickly passed the Gorgon Stone in his body to Athena. He was afraid that under the influence of his right hand, he and Athena would not appear in the same era and place. With Athena's lolita state, she would be in danger alone, but as long as she had the Gorgon Stone to restore her trinity goddess posture, she would have nothing to fear.

Under Athena's puzzled eyes, Roy had not yet explained, and his body was sucked into the gravity of the cave that suddenly appeared behind him, and fell into a bizarre scene.


This is a world of death where shadows are everywhere and sunlight never penetrates. It is a magical land from another world!

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